10 most dangerous bridges in the world

If you like feeling adrenaline in your veins, this article is for you. Who among us is not afraid of heights? However, it is one thing to look down while standing on the balcony of a skyscraper standing on the ground, and another to admire the beauties while on an unstable bridge. Wooden, steel, hanging, living… They are different, but they all have one thing in common – it is very scary to walk on them even for the most sophisticated travelers. Here are the 10 most dangerous bridges in the world.

10 Hussaini Suspension Bridge, Pakistan

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

This bridge is located in the city of Hussaini, which is located at an altitude of 2600 meters, in the Pakistani region of Gilgit-Baltistan. Villagers on both sides of the Hunza River built a suspension bridge with local materials that proved to be of dubious strength, and this bridge is the only means of transportation. We don’t know how long it will last, but the worst thing is that when you cross it, you can see the remains of the previous bridge. Viewing the Himalayan mountain ranges and Karkorams right from the center of the river is a rather dangerous adventure that only the most daring travelers can do.

In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was completed and the region was connected, but inter-regional communication remains as difficult as it was 100 years ago.

Regular travel through this region includes rickety rope and board bridges that cross the mountain streams and rivers of Northern Pakistan. Among them is the suspension bridge of Husseini, crossing Lake Borit in the upper reaches of the Hunza. Many planks are missing and strong winds shake the bridge as you cross it. The fact that the previous, older, broken bridge hangs in tatters next to the “new” does little to calm the nerves.

However, despite its dangerous appearance, Husseini is a relatively safe bridge and is something of a tourist attraction.

9. Suspension bridge on Trift glacier, Switzerland

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

The Trift Bridge spans Lake Triftsee near Gadmen, Switzerland. About 20 visitors a year pass through it to see the Trift Glacier. To get to the bridge, you need to take the cable car in Meiringen and then the gondola. A difficult 000 hour uphill climb leads to the bridge.

This bridge allows you to see the Trift Glacier in all its glory (although you can die from dizziness as a result). It was built in 2004, when it was no longer possible to move from one side of the glacier to the other after losing the height of the ice. However, in 2009 it was replaced by a more secure one. It is currently one of the longest cable suspension bridges in the world with a length of 170 meters and a height of 100 meters over a glacial lake.

8. Puente de Quesavachaca, Peru

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

The Incas came up with a system of handmade roads and bridges with stems and plants intertwined along the Andes that managed to stay alive over time. Although the arrival of the Spanish caused many bridges to be abandoned, the Quexuachaka Bridge, about 100 kilometers south of Cusco, can be seen the same as it was 500 years ago. If you dare, you can now walk 36 meters in length, and look at the river of fierce waters from a height of about 70 meters, as its creators did several centuries ago.

7. Captain’s Bridge William Moore, Alaska, USA

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

The Captain William Moore Bridge is a 110-foot (34 m) suspension bridge on the Klondike Highway in Skagway, Alaska, United States, 17 miles (27 km) from the city of Skagway. The bridge allows traffic to pass through Moore Creek Gorge, which flows through the fault line.

Built in 1976, the bridge is already worn to the point of needing replacement. A similarly designed replacement will also have a limited lifespan, so it will not effectively be a bridge.

At first glance, this bridge in Alaska seems pretty safe, however, if you take a closer look at it, you might start to get scared. The engineers who designed its construction realized the danger associated with the position of the bridge over an active fault, and decided to give all support to the structure at only one end to counter the effect of a possible earthquake.

6. Skybridge, Russia

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

In the city of Sochi, in Russia, you can find one of the most impressive suspension bridges in the world called the Skybridge. The bridge stretches for a kilometer across the beautiful valley of Krasnaya Polyana and has facilities prepared for such “calm” activities as bungee jumping from a height of 69 and 207 meters or a zipline that reaches 70 kilometers per hour.

5. Upper Nimbus Bridge, Canada

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

Would you like to feel like you are walking in the sky? On Mount Nimbus, Canada, you have a dangerous chance to do so. First, take a helicopter to get there, go up a bit and cross this bridge that moves like custard at a height of 60 meters. Don’t worry, there are security measures in place, but bravery is not included.

4. Taman Negara suspension bridges, Malaysia

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

Compared to other bridges on this list, their height is not that great, but the group of suspension bridges of the world’s oldest rainforest, Taman Negara, will make even the most daring dizzy. Stretching 510 meters and almost reaching the tops of thousand-year-old trees, this series of bridges stagger unsteadily under the feet of desperate tourists. The fear, the panning and the feeling of being so high in the middle of the jungle is incredible, but it’s very scary…

3. Carrick-a-Rede Bridge, Northern Ireland

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

A rope bridge leading to Carrick Island in Ireland swings 30 meters above sea level. The 20 meters separating one rock from another were connected via this tiny bridge, which fishermen on the rocky coast of North Antrim have been using for 250 years to better access the spots salmon have chosen on their migratory route. Many tourists are now flocking to the area to get their adrenaline rush as they walk almost through the air and take in the landscape of Ireland’s northern coastline.

2. El Caminito del Rey, Malaga, Spain

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

The Gaitanes Gorge in Malaga is home to one of the most dangerous and impressive passes in Spain. Several tourists who made the free route died in it before it was repaired in 2015. While nothing like this should ever happen now if safety rules are followed, only the bravest can watch from the bridges and platforms of this dizzying route across the Guadalhorce River.

The walkway was built to provide workers at the hydroelectric power plants at Chorro and Gaitanejo Falls with the means to move, transport materials, and facilitate inspection and maintenance of the canal. Construction began in 1901 and was completed in 1905. King Alfonso XIII crossed the bridge in 1921 for the inauguration of the Conde del Guadalorce dam and it became known by its current name. The bridge is 1 meter (3 ft) wide and rises over 100 meters (330 ft) above the river.

1. Living bridges of Meghalaya, India

10 most dangerous bridges in the world

If you don’t trust what man has built, you may have even less trust in nature itself. Then you will not be able to cross the bridges that were created in the wettest place on the planet, the state of Meghalaya in India. Hundreds of designs of the tree, known as the rubber fig tree, unite the peoples of the Khasi tribe, who have developed the technique over more than five centuries. They proudly demonstrate the stability of their bridges, but who dares to cross a rubber bridge over 30 meters high?

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