10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

The most brutal criminals are kept in maximum security prisons: robbers, rapists, murderers, etc.

Many sit for life (or even several), so they have nothing to lose. They are ready to do anything to escape to freedom or gain respect behind bars.

An ordinary prison is too mild a punishment for them, so conditions of increased severity are created for them. It is impossible to escape from such colonies, and only a few can survive in them.

Today let’s talk about the most brutal prisons in the world, severe correctional institutions, to get into which is tantamount to death.

10 Alcatraz (California, San Francisco)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

An island in the San Francisco Bay in the second half of the XNUMXth century was used first as a military fort, and later as a prisoner of war prison.

At that time, the rules in Alcatraz were not strict: prisoners were allowed to build a baseball field and sew their own uniforms, and in addition, boxing tournaments were held.

Alcatraz became a federal prison for criminals during the years of the Great Depression, starting to accept “guests” in 1934. This was a kind of response from the government of organized crime and the mafia, which was gaining strength.

It was practically impossible to get into this prison by a court decision: criminals were transferred there from other correctional institutions, who were especially “distinguished”.

Those inclined to escape and violate discipline were punished by transfer to the island, from where there was nowhere to go and the conditions were as strict as possible.

Speaking of escapes: for 29 years, they tried to escape from it 14 times (34 people in total), but according to official data, no one succeeded. Two drowned, seven were shot, and the bodies of five more were never found. Because of this, there is a possibility that one of the prisoners of Alcatraz still ended up free and managed not to get caught again.

Many famous personalities visited the walls of the “Rock” at different times, but Al Capone was the starwho got there in 1934. Also, this place is often mentioned in the movies: in 1996, Michael Bay filmed the action movie The Rock with Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery.

9. Le Sante (Paris)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

The French prison, which is the only one in the capital, was built in 1867.

For many years, suicide bombers were kept within its walls, who were also executed there: a guillotine stood on the ground in front of the building. This continued until 1939, when public execution was abolished, but the Second World War made its own adjustments: the German invaders executed members of the French Resistance in Le Sante.

Interesting fact: The prison is divided into 4 blocks in such a way that prisoners of different nationalities and religions intersect as little as possible. Block A is for Eastern Europeans, Block B is for Blacks, Block C is for Arabs, and Block D is for everyone else.

8. San Quentin Prison (California)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

San Quentin is the oldest prison in California and was built in 1852. It is noteworthy that it was built by prisoners who were kept on a prison ship for the duration of the work.

Until 1934, women and men served their sentences together, and then the first were transferred to a new complex in Tehachapi.

San Quentin has been carrying out executions for many years: suicide bombers from Alcatraz were brought here.

Now more than 700 prisoners are awaiting capital punishment, some of them were sentenced to death in the 70s, but the sentence has not yet been carried out.

7. Rikers Island Prison (New York)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

Rikers is not one prison, but as many as 10, combined into a single complex.

In addition to the buildings for the detention of prisoners, there are own chapels, schools, shops, sports fields, bakeries and even a power plant. In total, over 10 people live on the island, most of whom are convicts.

Curious fact: in the 70s of the last century, separate blocks for gays were built, but in 2005 they were closed, and convicts with non-traditional sexual orientation were transferred to the bulk of inmates.

6. Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

This prison outside of Thailand is jokingly called “Bangkok Hilton”, although another version common in the country – “Big Tiger” is more suitable. This place is really as dangerous as a ferocious tiger.

At least 6 people live in cell 4 by 25 meters, who spend 4 hours a day in 14 walls. They are fed only once a day, and additional rations need to be bought.

If there is no one to send money to, then the prisoners have to work for “rich” cellmates for an extra piece of bread. Arriving in Bang Kwang many no longer go free, dying within its walls.

5. Attica Correctional Institution (New York)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

The prison, built in 1931, contains the most notorious criminals, as there is a super maximum security regime. This means that prisoners spend 22-23 hours a day in solitary confinement. Such measures were not introduced in vain: in 1971 there was a riot, during which 43 people died.

Curious fact: in 1972, John Lennon wrote the song Attica State, dedicated to the suppression of the riot, and in 1981, Mark David Chapman, Lennon’s killer, was placed in Attica.

4. San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima, Peru)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

The scariest place in all of South America, a real hell. The prison was built with the expectation of holding 2 people in it, but more than 500 are being held there.

In it, you can buy a smartphone or drugs, and if you want and have money, you can even order a prostitute (“convicts” call them nurses). There is a very high mortality rate: prisoners die from diseases, unsanitary conditions and at the hands of cellmates.

3. Gitarama Central Jail (Rwanda)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

Gitarama is a place from which they do not return. So, anyway, they say in Rwanda. If you look at the conditions of detention, then you can easily believe in it.

Designed for 500 people, it serves as a habitat for 6-8 thousand “convicts”. Beds, sinks, sewers, even the ceiling – all this is not here. Prisoners have to sleep standing up, and some – under the open sky. Needs, small and large, people celebrate right on the ground, continuing to stand in their own and other people’s feces.

Under such conditions, one should not even talk about normal nutrition, therefore, cases of cannibalism periodically occur within the walls of Gitarama.

2. Kamiti Maximum Security Prison (Nairobi, Kenya)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

Kamiti is the only place on earth that can match the miserable conditions of Gitarama Prison. Ulcers, cholera, violence, death from starvation – that’s what awaits those who are “lucky” to get there.

Of course, there are not enough places: instead of 800 people, it contains thousands. A violent fight can break out for a place in line for a bunk, as people take turns sleeping. Those who do not want to wait lie down on the floor or fall asleep while sitting.

Если вспомнить, какой в Кении климат (пустыня Найроби не так далеко), то узников можно только пожалеть, даже несмотря на то, что они – преступники.

1. Stanley Prison (Hong Kong)

10 most brutal prisons in the world, getting into which is tantamount to death

The prison was built before World War II and is often compared to Alcatraz in terms of security. This is not surprising: the designers were guided by American colleagues and even placed Stanley on the island.

Run away from her almost impossible, and the few attempts that have been made have not been successful. Those who got there can only wait for the end of the term and try to live to this day.


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