10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia

Russia is a huge and interesting country. Its nature never ceases to amaze with richness, diversity and beauty, it is filled with soul and mystery. That is why not only artists or photographers should visit natural attractions, but also every inhabitant of our country.

Nature will help to comprehend the culture and soul of Russia no less than visits to museums and concerts.

10 Lake Elton, Volgograd Region

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia This is the largest salt lake in Europe, named after the village in which it is located. Elton is one of the best places for rejuvenation and health improvement. Rare mineral waters work miracles with the human body, in terms of properties they are comparable only to the Dead Sea.

The pinkish water surface of this lake of the correct oval shape, saturated with rare mineral water, shines brightly in the sun and is surrounded by snow-white salt. In addition, the depth of Elton is only 10 centimeters, you can even walk along it. In another country, they would take money to visit this lake, but in Russia it is free.

9. Lake Kezenoy-am, Republic of Chechnya

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia It is surprising how unknown this lake is among tourists. It is located on the territory between the Chechen Republic and Dagestan in the mountains of the North Caucasus at an altitude of more than 1800 meters. It is filled with rivers and streams, but not a single river comes out of it.

This is a very beautiful place suitable for tourism. Kezenoi-am is filled with cold water, but it is comfortable to rest next to it. The Caucasus Mountains protect this place from the cold wind, rains are rare here, it is sunny almost all year round. In addition, Kezenoy-am is surrounded by alpine meadows, which during flowering create an incredible sight.

8. Kungur cave, Perm region

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia This ice cave is one of the most visited places in Siberia and the Urals, dating back more than 10 thousand years. From the landscapes inside the cave, you can be speechless: over seventy deep and clean underground lakes, many stalactites and stalagmites, frozen waterfalls, ice patterns.

Excursions are constantly held in the cave, both group and individual, so you should not miss the opportunity to visit there.

7. Avacha Bay, Kamchatka Territory

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia Kamchatka is a little-known and mysterious place with vibrant nature. Avacha Bay is located on the Pacific coast and is the second largest on the planet. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the capital of the Kamchatka Territory, is located on the shore of the bay. Three rocks emerge from the water.

According to legend, one day three young men came out to the entrance to the bay and saved the people who lived there from the tsunami. In honor of them, the locals named the rocks “Three Brothers”, thus fixing this event in history.

6. Geyzerov Valley, Kamchatka

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia This landmark of Kamchatka is recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia. It is for the sake of the only valley of geysers in Eurasia that tourists go to such a distant and dangerous place.

It is located in the Kronovsky Biosphere Reserve and occupies only 6 square meters. There are 20 geysers in this territory, the water temperature in which is 95 degrees Celsius.

5. Lake Baikal, Eastern Siberia

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia Surprisingly, this lake-sea contains about one-fifth of the world’s fresh water. There is also taiga, and sandy beaches, and steppe. If you are a wildlife lover, your path lies on the Holy Nose Peninsula and the nearby Ushkany Islands. There are seals on these islands.

On Baikal, be sure to visit the picturesque island of Olkhon. Once on the island, you will instantly immerse yourself in its magical atmosphere. Its reason is that there are many sacral, religious places and sacred capes with their own legends on the island.

4. Ordinskaya cave, Perm region

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia Attention was paid to the Orda cave only relatively recently, in the 90s of the last century. At this time, researchers began to actively study it. Now this place attracts tourists and divers from all over the country and even from abroad.

Orda Cave is the longest in Russia and the entire Union of Independent States (CIS). Most of it is filled with cold water. The dungeon impresses with the depth and transparency of the waters of the “pool” located in it, which is very fond of divers.

3. Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia The two-headed extinct volcano Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe. Included in the seven highest peaks of the seven parts of the world. The volcano is located on the border between the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Elbrus is a prestigious place for climbers and a paradise for lovers of ski resorts. Here the best and cheapest time for skiing is November. If you prefer to relax in the summer, then the suitable period is June. This is a rainy month, but at this time you can see the flowering of rare flowers – rhododendrons.

2. Lena Pillars, Yakutia

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia The territory belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. High elongated cliffs are located along the large and beautiful Lena River. A trip to the Lena Pillars will be unforgettable at any time of the year. In addition, this place has long been sacred to the Yakuts and Evenks.

Here, shamans and elders communicated with the spirits of the rocks, and ordinary people were forbidden to enter the Lena Pillars. This worship of nature is not surprising: the Pillars really resemble the figures of people.

Today, these remarkable places are included in the natural park of the same name. In addition to rocky labyrinths, guests of the park can visit the cold northern sandy deserts, cave sites of ancient man, sites with unique ecosystems that have developed under permafrost conditions for thousands of years.

1. Putorana Plateau, Krasnoyarsk Territory

10 most beautiful natural attractions in Russia The plateau is located in Siberia beyond the Arctic Circle, between the Yenisei and the Lena. 252 million years ago, a supervolcano erupted on the territory of Putorana, killing all living creatures in the area. The episode is called the Great Permian Extinction.

Now the area is covered with a thick frozen lava layer. Every Russian should visit the Putorana Plateau, because it is the land of a thousand waterfalls and ten thousand lakes. These fantastic landscapes will amaze every visiting tourist. They are difficult to describe.

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