- Julia Kutuzova, 21 years old, student
- Irina Verbitskaya, 25 years old, neurologist
- Elizaveta Nemenova, 25 years old, journalist
- Oksana Teslya, 20 years old, student
- Anastasia Prokofieva, 21 years old, student
- Ksenia Rudenko, 28 years old, cosmetologist
- Natalia Migre, 28 years old, PR specialist
- Natalia Ivaschenko, 21 years old, student
- Liana Mirzoyan, 22, student
The members are self-sufficient and beautiful. Decide which of them will be the winner!
Do you want to compete for the title of the most adorable girl in December? Then take part in the monthly Miss Wday & Enjoyllery contest. Send your application – photo, contact details and a story about yourself – to until November 25. You will have a chance to get a cool photo shoot and make-up from professional stylists, as well as become the heroine of our December contest and win the grand final at the end of 2016.
The rules of the competition are here.
Julia Kutuzova, 21 years old, student
How to stay bright in cold autumn? You should always smile, carry positive emotions and joy. And wear things that match your inner state. I always have spring in my heart and I wear bright, beautiful things.
Your breakfast… My day starts with a cup of natural coffee, as I am a fan of this drink. I also like green tea with lemon. Every morning I start with oatmeal boiled in milk. You can add banana or berries to it.
Where and how do you like to relax? I prefer active leisure. I travel a lot. I was greatly impressed by Rome with its rich history, beautiful nature and magnificent architecture. My immediate plans are to visit France.
The main achievement in life? I always set myself different, albeit small, but goals and gradually achieve them. I am still a student, and my main victories and achievements are yet to come. In the meantime, I have studied English and Spanish, and in the future I want to know French and Chinese.
Irina Verbitskaya, 25 years old, neurologist
How to stay bright in cold autumn? When the leaves crumble, drops fall from the sky, and behind them the mood, the main thing is not to succumb to the blues! You need to add color to your life! For example, get a new bright umbrella, a cozy, warm hat and gloves.
Your breakfast. An ideal breakfast should contain slow carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals to energize the whole day. Porridge is best suited for this. I prefer oatmeal. I cook it in milk without added sugar in a 1: 2 ratio. Cooking time 15-20 minutes. To simplify the process of cooking porridge, you can pour boiling water over the cereal in the evening, and just warm it up in the morning. In addition to oatmeal, I love buckwheat, and recently I discovered a new cereal – whole grain spelled. A very interesting version of porridge with a nutty flavor.
Where and how do you like to relax? I am an addicted person, so I am constantly in search of new emotions and hobbies. I knit, sew Tilda dolls, attend watercolor lessons, ride a bicycle and snowboard, do fitness, jump with a parachute, love active holidays with new adventures and changes, a big company, where you can meet interesting people and have a lot of fun. And in the near future I plan to conquer Elbrus.
The main achievement in life? The title of candidate for master of sports in acrobatic rock and roll, school silver medal, diploma of an interpreter in the field of professional communication. But my most important achievement is a doctor’s degree with honors. I am glad that my profession gives me the opportunity to help people. After all, nothing paints a person like the good deeds that he does.
Elizaveta Nemenova, 25 years old, journalist
How to stay bright in cold autumn? Smile often and don’t get hung up on the weather. And if you want to stand out from the crowd, make bright accents in your outfit.
Your breakfast. My ideal breakfast is quick. I prefer to spend the extra 15 minutes sleeping. Therefore, I choose cottage cheese with sour cream, nuts and honey.
Where and how do you like to relax? I just love to relax! And where and how it doesn’t matter. It’s trite, but the main thing is the company. With loved ones, it will be ideal both to relax on the beach and to be active in the mountains. A change of scenery is always energizing, even if it is a trip to a neighboring village. I love to have new emotions and a lot of photos every time.
The main achievement in life? There is still something to strive for. But now I can say that I graduated from the university, got a driver’s license and found my favorite job!
Oksana Teslya, 20 years old, student
How to stay bright in cold autumn? You need to do what you love, spend more time with family and friends, choose clothes in brighter colors and, if possible, travel.
Your breakfast. Oatmeal cooked in milk, a loaf of cottage cheese and delicious coffee. When there is absolutely no time to make breakfast, yoghurts are my salvation.
Where and how do you like to relax? For me, it doesn’t matter where to rest. The most important thing is with whom. I like it when only people close and dear to me are nearby, and there are a lot of places where you can relax. I like to relax outside the city.
The main achievement in life? Until I have great achievements, I am just learning. I plan to get two higher educations. But my main goal is family and children. They are much more important than work.
How to stay bright in cold autumn? Focus on the lips. The face is the girl’s passport, so I think it won’t hurt to put on bright lipstick once again.
Your breakfast. I don’t have breakfast often, because I wake up early and in a hurry I run to school. When I’m not in a hurry, I start the day with oatmeal porridge. I cook it in milk, add honey instead of sugar, and at the end I add pieces of strawberry, banana or apple. After porridge I drink Chinese puer tea. The breakfast is tasty, healthy and satisfying.
Where and how do you like to relax? In the family. For me, family is the most important thing in life. Once a week we all go out to the movies or have dinner together. I would like, of course, more often, but employment does not allow yet.
The main achievement in life? She lost 15 kilograms. In April, I set myself the goal that I want to develop in the modeling business. I began to engage in regular sports, eat right, and literally 2 months later I changed. The people around me noticed and began to say without exception that I had to go to work in the modeling field. I actively posted photos on my social media profile, and photographers found me. After a while, I realized that my appearance is in demand. Now I am trying to develop in this area.
Anastasia Prokofieva, 21 years old, student
How to stay bright in cold autumn? In order to stay bright even in cold autumn, you need a good mood.
Your breakfast. Previously, I could eat anything for breakfast, but now I try to wake up earlier and cook oatmeal. I add jam to it and brew green tea.
Where and how do you like to relax? I believe that a real vacation is a vacation with a family circle or an interesting journey, after which you feel refreshed and spiritually enriched.
The main achievement in life? Admission to a university, study is only excellent.
Ksenia Rudenko, 28 years old, cosmetologist
How to stay bright in cold autumn? Suffice it to complement a gray everyday outfit with a bright accessory. This can be a scarf, gloves, hat, handbag or umbrella. The main thing is that it is compatible! Don’t forget about manicure and makeup!
Your breakfast. My morning begins with a cup of coffee and the melody of my favorite music. I like to have breakfast with oatmeal. The recipe is very simple: I pour oatmeal with kefir at night, and add fruit in the morning. It turns out healthy, easy and tasty!
Where and how do you like to relax? It is important for me to spend time with loved ones outside the city, in the mountains, by the sea! A vigorous charge of energy and strength – this is a real rest!
The main achievement in life? A job that is enjoyable and rewarding for me and my clients. But this is not the limit!
Natalia Migre, 28 years old, PR specialist
How to stay bright in cold autumn? Use bright accents in clothes: a raincoat or coat in bright colors. Or accessories: gloves, hat, handbag.
Your breakfast. My breakfast starts with a glass of water. And after that – porridge and dairy products. Here is one of my favorite recipes: use a blender to mix a pack of cottage cheese, two egg whites (without them), a sweetener (sugar, honey, etc.) with 50 ml of milk or water until the consistency of kefir. Pour 60 g of muesli with this and add dried fruits and nuts.
Where and how do you like to relax? I have two loves in my life – the mountains and the ocean. Therefore, in the warm season, my element is water, and in the autumn time I give my heart to the mountains. I love the place Lago-Naki very much, especially in October and November. This is a riot of colors, clean air and the power of the mountains. A great place to seek inspiration and meditation.
The main achievement in life? Birth of a child. Nothing beautifies a woman like motherhood. My child is my stimulus, my inspiration in everything. I wish all women to feel the joy of being a mother.
Natalia Ivaschenko, 21 years old, student
How to stay bright in cold autumn? Use bright accents in makeup or clothing.
Your breakfast. For breakfast, I prefer tea or freshly brewed coffee and always rolls or cakes.
Where and how do you like to relax? Away from the noisy city with your family.
The main achievement in life? The birth of a daughter is exactly what women were created for. Everything else is not so important.
Liana Mirzoyan, 22, student
How to stay bright in cold autumn? I advise you not to say goodbye to summer, but to add summer flowers to your autumn wardrobe. For example, a bright coat or a colored scarf.
Your breakfast. Muesli with milk alternate with porridge or omelet with tomatoes. If porridge, then corn-wheat, for an interesting taste I add nuts and fruits, it turns out perfectly.
Where and how do you like to relax? It depends on the mood. I love mountains, fresh air, I like hiking with friends, lying on the grass, taking a break from civilization.
The main achievement in life? Personal happiness! I am working on myself, and I have many important endeavors that will grow into great results. I am a purposeful person.
Choose “Miss Wday & Enjoyllery” November!
Julia Kutuzova
Irina Verbitskaya
Elizaveta Nemenova
Oksana Tesla
Regina Kim
Anastasia Prokofieva
Ksenia Rudenko
Natalia Migre
Natalia Ivaschenko
Liana Mirzoyan
Voting is over! Liana Mirzoyan, Ksenia Rudenko and Elizaveta Nemenova receive diplomas from the Woman’s Day website and prizes from partners. Congratulations!
Julia Dmitrieva, Oksana Usacheva