10 most beautiful English actors

England … A country of subtle refined humor, prolonged rains and elegant tuxedos. What kind of men could such a country produce? Of course, only real courageous handsome men.

The cold and strict appearance of English actors breaks hundreds of women’s hearts. A successful combination of masculinity, aloofness and intellectual charisma makes them favorites when it comes to the roles of womanizers and Kazans.

In fact, English men do not strive to get into the top ratings, and many do not consider themselves attractive at all. If they already get into the cinema, they want to demonstrate their talent to the world and fully convey the character of the character, which, we note, they do very well.

And yet, women’s magazines cannot do without publishing ratings of the “sexiest, most romantic, attractive, etc.”

Well, today we also made our rating of 10 handsome actors from England. Let’s get to know them.

10 Orlando Bloom

10 most beautiful English actors The actor has an aristocratic appearance with such an interesting “eagle” profile. Not surprising, because the man grew up in an intelligent family, and his favorite novel, which he tries to carry with him, is The Brothers Karamazov.

Nevertheless, the actor lives a completely “earthly” life: he married Miranda Kerr, and then divorced, had an affair with the outrageous Katy Perry, along the way sleeps with different waitresses, and even shows the bodies of the paparazzi.

This is it, a restrained English upbringing that breeds real demons in the back streets of the soul.

9. Kit Harrington

10 most beautiful English actors Now this name is on hearing, because Jon Snow is one of the most attractive characters in the cult TV series Game of Thrones. The right features and masculinity of Keith allow him to look great in various images, whether it is an aristocrat on the red carpet or a warrior on a horse among the dead.

Harington dreams of being realized not so much as a film actor, but as a theatrical one. He is aware of his strengths and is even ready to be naked in the frame for the sake of art and, of course, lovers in love.

Did you know that Keith married the very wild Ygritte, who became his partner in the series? That’s it, an enviable bachelor is acquiring a family, which will soon “break the hearts” of newly made fans.

8. Tom Hiddleston

10 most beautiful English actors The imposing man became popular after the real men’s films “The Avengers” and “Thor”. A prominent appearance and a real acting talent helped Tom get the coveted roles and favorable reviews from film critics.

This Englishman understands that acting is acting, and a good education does not hurt anyone. Therefore, he graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, demonstrating good success in the theatrical field.

If the fame and attention of the fans do not satiate the promising actor, then he will be able to achieve incredible heights in the field of big cinema.

7. Jason Statham

10 most beautiful English actors And again the star of all the latest ratings, TOPs and reviews. To be honest, we got tired of this little name, while fans around the world do not get tired of sighing over the brutal and such simple beauty of Jason.

Probably, if it weren’t for the powerful roles in The Carrier and Big Snatch, Stethem, with his dry English appearance, would have remained an inconspicuous man who didn’t really stand out from the crowd.

But not when you play a “real man” in adrenaline action movies. Stethem, by the way, is an exemplary husband and father, despite the image of a bully from Guy Ritchie’s group.

6. Jamie Dornan

10 most beautiful English actors And another regular in fashion ratings and reviews, who is endowed with special sexuality and beauty. And all because of the sensational role of a voluptuous millionaire in the Shades of Gray trilogy.

In life, Jamie is an ordinary nice guy, moderately modest and quite courageous. But in the series, of course, the make-up artists and costume designers did their best, creating a “delicious” image.

Jamie himself is not happy that he was labeled as an ambitious and self-confident guy. He strives to show how versatile and interesting an actor can be.

Thanks to the correct facial features and natural charisma, Dornan is also in demand as a fashion model.

5. Jude Law

10 most beautiful English actors Lowe seems to never age. Over the years, a smiling, charming gray-eyed Englishman becomes even more imposing and interesting.

Jude always looks like a cat drunk on sour cream, which is why he is always suspected of fleeting affairs and novels.

The actor himself says that for some period he was embarrassed by his such “correct” appearance. Still, because for the “beautiful eyes” the actor was even allowed to live in the women’s wing of the theater hostel.

Aristocratic facial features help Lowe in his career, because he is invited to the main roles in cult films. Although the actor himself is tired of playing such a womanizer and ladies’ man.

4. Hugh grant

10 most beautiful English actors But Hugh, it seems, does not care at all that he gets the role of conqueror of ladies’ hearts. In this image, he feels like a fish in water. The actor used his charming and intelligent appearance not only in a working environment, but also in everyday life, turning novels right and left.

Grant received a good education and made a successful career in Hollywood, but was known as a scandalous actor.

The man transferred the image of a heartthrob to his personal life, so he constantly throws up new stories for the paparazzi. Either another romance, then illegitimate children …

3. Charlie Hunnam

10 most beautiful English actors The man grew up in the family of an artist and a handyman father, but by nature he had a promising appearance and a flexible mind. Hunnam never planned an acting career and was accidentally spotted by a head hunter in a store when he came to pick up a pair of shoes.

First, the guy got a role in the television series Biker Grove, then followed by Close Friends, which tells in detail about the life of homosexuals. And yet, the specific role did not scare away the fans, because such an interesting English appearance cannot but fall in love.

2. Nicholas Holt

10 most beautiful English actors Remember the humble and sweet guy from the drama-comedy “My Boy”? Since then, Holt has “grown up” and became a real man, a star of English and Hollywood cinema.

A cult role in X-Men, work side by side with Tom Ford, an affair with Jennifer Lawrence – and Holt at the height of his fame.

An interesting English appearance will not be lost, and Nicholas will definitely be invited to many more interesting films.

1. Henry Cavill

10 most beautiful English actors Despite the obvious natural data, Cavill did not immediately conquer the harsh Hollywood. Before the actor got cult roles, he suffered a series of failures.

The actor had heard enough that he did not correspond in age and type, and even a pretty English appearance was completely embarrassing for employers at castings.

But the creators of the historical television series “The Tudors” appreciated the pure aristocratic appearance of the British, and made Henry a tempting offer, which gave an impetus to his career.


Here they are, our English actors – someone actively uses natural data, others are embarrassed by them all their lives, and still others do not at all consider themselves worthy of the “most beautiful” rating. And what do you say, sophisticated viewer?

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