- 10 Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk
- 9. Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton
- 8. Adam Driver and Joan Tucker
- 7. Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet
- 6. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez
- 5. Alexannro Gonzalez Inarritu and Maria Eladia Hagerman de Gonzalez
- 4. Krysten Ritter and Adam Granduciel
- 3. Christian Bale and Sibi Blazik
- 2. Amy Adams and Daren Le Galo
- 1. Pharrell Williams and Helen Lasichan
The Oscars are always an exciting event. It is there that miracles happen when a director or actress sits in the front row and waits with trepidation and hopes when his or her name will be heard throughout the hall. Emotions at such an event simply cannot go off scale.
But how great it is when there is a close and beloved person nearby, who will not only be able to share the emotions of happiness and delight, but also provide moral support.
The celebrity couples on the list, whether they are long-term married people or just recently formed a romantic union – they all came to the award ceremony hand in hand to taste the joy of winning for themselves or other nominees together, shoulder to shoulder.
10 Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk
Luxurious couple. Star couple, in the truest sense of the phrase. People whose fates are written in the sky are perfect for each other. Their combined energy, harmonious compatibility at the stage of setting goals and in the process of achieving them.
The feeling that the inhalation of one person flows into the exhalation of another. If the essence of a man is revealed by music, then his companion has the presence of harmony, grace of forms, professional flair.
Their names do not leave the lips of the paparazzi. These are two magnets that live in front of the whole world and enchant the whole world. And no matter what evil tongues talk about the amazing chemistry between Cooper and Lady Gaga, the charming Irina should not even pay attention to it, because Bradley looks only at her wife with trembling and tenderness.
9. Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton
Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton and Bohemian Rhapsody. Collaboration fascinated, turned the head, united. Work is just fun. Her well-deserved recognition by colleagues in the shop, the audience, delight to the point of madness and trembling in the knees.
And the girl who now will never leave his life, no matter how it develops. Such meetings do not happen by chance. Meetings like this are heartbreaking. Make him sing and rejoice.
8. Adam Driver and Joan Tucker
A wonderful couple appeared in front of a huge number of spectators at the Oscars. Joan looks at her husband with adoration. Open, calm.
He is restrained. She is his constant. Let all around be vanity of vanities. Let the world be cruel. Let there be competition and struggle for every free breath of air on the Hollywood Olympus. And he is the center of her universe. She is warm and safe. She is his devoted heart Danko. It will burn, already torn from the chest.
He is restrained, because he understands that it cannot be otherwise. And he carries this honorable load of love with honor and happiness.
7. Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet
A charismatic giant from Hawaii, an exotic handsome man and tiny wife Lisa Bonet, artistic, bright, unique. A kind, gentle, trusting look of a child on his chosen one. The delight of happiness that this unearthly creature is nearby.
Oscar is certainly a huge professional pinnacle, but only when your beloved is nearby. And this means that he has a future, new victories, new heights that will be conquered, as well as their children. And an incredible miracle – to be near. Always and without looking back.
6. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez
Glowing couple from inside. Partially suffered, experienced a lot before meeting each other. Partially looking forward with hope.
Jennifer has a challenge in her eyes, she knows what she can give in a relationship. Alex is calm, smiling broadly in a kind way. Looks confidently into the future. They have an amazing home, amazing kids, amazing lives and amazing love.
5. Alexannro Gonzalez Inarritu and Maria Eladia Hagerman de Gonzalez
Alexander is a perpetual motion machine, an energizer. Around him is a constant whirling of small, nimble, ball lightning. Despondency is not for him.
It is worth approaching him closer, as his aura is able to dissolve the negativity of the interlocutor simply, easily and imperceptibly. Cheerful with a capital letter. The matrimonial tandem is stylish and impeccable.
4. Krysten Ritter and Adam Granduciel
A star couple, perhaps the only one of all, shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow with happiness. They are expecting an addition to the family.
Kristen simply shines under the gaze that studies her figure. Near her love. Their union is sealed by a long-awaited pregnancy. The guys do not walk along the red carpet, they soar above it from the feelings that overwhelm them. And Oscar is not a hindrance. Yes! You can’t deny the originality of the couple.
3. Christian Bale and Sibi Blazik
Christian is an infinitely talented actor. Moving and sharp-sighted. There is a feeling that every, albeit quite everyday, situation is being beaten before your eyes. Creation of an etude. Let it be. Everything goes into the treasury of future work.
His muse is his wife. Confident, calm. Trust and reliability, perhaps, is exactly what characterizes this star couple.
2. Amy Adams and Daren Le Galo
What does the viewer feel when looking at a female lioness? Definitely a delight, a feeling that she is in a jump. Wherever he was directed. Luck favors people like Emmy. Luck is reinforced by incredible diligence, sound calculation.
No one needs to be drowned on the road to glory. Go over the heads. There is no worldly, ideological or human need.
Emmy is self-sufficient. Many value communication with her. And when a person like Darren Le Galo closes the rear of the house, then returning to the family is necessary not to relieve fatigue, but, on the contrary, to nourish, fill the house with positive emotions, light, joy.
1. Pharrell Williams and Helen Lasichan
This star couple has a personal life. Their happiness is in the family, in the chores of children, in new projects, in the successful completion of old ones. In love and tenderness to each other.
This couple has a lot. Talents, mutual understanding, support, which creates a kind of aura of attraction for both admirers and family friends.
The strength of character, the outstanding intellect of the head of the family helps not only to conquer new heights, but also to keep the whole family on their heights without suffering from megalomania.