10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix

Netflix is ​​a US-based entertainment company that delivers movies and series based on streaming media.

From year to year, the Netflix streaming service provides its visitors with high quality content. And in the coming 2019, he will delight his multi-million audience with interesting “fresh ones”.

Here are the 10 most anticipated premieres coming to Netflix in 2019.

10 Well, isn’t it romantic?

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix This is an American-made romantic comedy film directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson.

The plot of the picture tells about the girl Natalie, who cannot fully realize that she is in a romantic comedy, so she tries at all costs not to fall into the “trap” of another cliché.

9. Robbers

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix The action of the picture takes place in the early 1930s of the last century in the United States. Texas Ranger, Frank Hamer, is trying to find and neutralize a gang of dangerous gangsters who mainly specialize in robbing banks.

Together with his partner, Manny Gault, he leads a group that pursues young and desperate criminals whose names will go down in history. Their names were Bonnie and Clyde…

For the first time in world cinema, this famous story is shown from an unexpected angle – the narration takes place from the side of the pursuers of famous robbers.

Cast: Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, Kim Dickens, Kathy Bates, Thomas Mann and others.

8. triple border

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix It’s no secret that drug dealer thrillers are in high demand in the US. This is probably due to the close proximity to Mexico, where drug dealers create huge empires based on the sale of illicit substances.

The new film Triple Frontier is about the drug trade in Latin America.

The triple border is located between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. This place is teeming with drug dealers and other representatives of the underworld.

The plot of the picture is based on a newspaper article and tells about a detachment of former members of the special forces who use this border to raid a drug cartel.

This film has a very thorny history of creation. The first ideas to film it came from the legendary film company Paramount Pictures nine years ago – just when there was indeed a rather tense situation in the border zone of the three countries. Filming ended in 2018.

7. The last thing he wanted

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix After her mother’s death and in the midst of the 1984 presidential race, successful journalist Elena McMahon leaves her job to devote herself to caring for her secretive and reclusive father.

However, later it turns out that, overcome by many ailments, Richard McMahon is an underground supplier of weapons to Central America. Due to her father’s secret activities, Elena is drawn into very dangerous games involving the CIA and big political figures.

6. Close

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix A professional bodyguard and terrorist threat expert named Sam takes a job with a young girl, Zoe, who is the sole heir to the family’s fabulous business empire.

Soon a real hunt is announced for Zoe, and her new bodyguard becomes her only chance to survive…

5. Velvet Chainsaw

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix This horror film is about the dark side of modern art. Collectors willing to pay fabulous sums of money for hyped art objects will have to pay dearly for their hobby when they find themselves drawn into the race for the mysterious and ominous paintings of the newly-minted reclusive genius.

These works gained a lot of interest from art connoisseurs after their value was highly appreciated by the critical community.

However, art lovers do not know that these paintings contain evil spirits that begin to persecute those who are trying to cash in on the works of an unknown master.

4. high flying bird

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix During the NBA lockout, sports agent Dan comes up with a plan to use the crisis to his advantage.

To implement his plan, he will have to persuade his new ward Eric, who is only taking his first steps in the world of big sport, to this dubious enterprise …

3. In the tall grass

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix The film is based on the story of the consummate horror master Stephen King and his son, Joe Hill.

While traveling across the United States, brother and sister, Cal and Becky, found themselves next to an overgrown field, from where a child’s cries for help suddenly began to be heard. The boy got lost in the high thickets and could not get out on his own.

Cal and Becky decide to go help the child, but they too get lost in the field. They do not even suspect that terrible surprises await them in this field …

2. Irlander

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix Jimmy Hoff was a prominent union worker with underworld connections. He disappeared in 1975 and his body has not been found to this day.

This kidnapping is considered one of the most mysterious crimes of the XNUMXth century. To this day, this mystery attracts the attention of not only historians, but also prominent filmmakers such as Scorsese.

During the preparatory period, there were some problems with the financing of the picture.

The world-famous Scorsese, accustomed to taking on only large-scale projects, asked Paramount Pictures for $ 125 million to shoot the film. However, then the studio management did not want to take risks, because, despite the fact that the films of the eminent master always receive critical acclaim and become laureates of prestigious film awards, the audience for crime dramas is still not so large.

Soon the rights to rent the picture were bought by Netflix, to which it cost $105 million.

1. Polar

10 most anticipated premieres of 2019 from Netflix The picture tells the story of a former assassin, Duncan, who is known among the representatives of the criminal community as the Black Kaiser.

He fails to put an end to the past – other killers are trying to find and kill him. Now Duncan willy-nilly will have to remember his criminal skills in order to survive in this unfair struggle…

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