10 most amazing cases in medicine

Many people believe that in the modern world, medicine is quite predictable, and most of the facts are statistically repeated annually. Nevertheless, in the entire history of the formation of science, shocking or surprising cases were once identified. They are so rare that you can only find references in specialized literature or even the Guinness Book of Records. Some cases are both ridiculous and unique and, unfortunately, sad, such as the story of a patient who was almost brought to the grave by too much ordinary seasoning. And what about the story of a patient who lived for several years with a toothpick in her body.

Most often, people learn about their unique cases against the backdrop of strange symptoms or completely unexpectedly, undergoing examination for a completely different reason.

Today we will get acquainted with the TOP 10 amazing cases that have been recorded in the history of medicine.

10 Charles Bonnet syndrome

10 most amazing cases in medicine

The story tells about a woman, 67 years old, who taught children in one of the schools in Kentucky. She regularly observed strange long faces with huge eyes and large teeth in front of her. Faces soared before her eyes, driving the patient into a frenzy, because she did not know the origin of the problem (she never took drugs, which was confirmed by the examination). The woman was already thinking of calling exorcists for the rite when she was diagnosed with Charles Bonnet syndrome. With it, the occurrence of such hallucinations is possible, which is associated with degenerative processes in eye diseases.

9. Consequences of a tattoo

10 most amazing cases in medicine

About amazing people who cover their entire body with spikes and tattoos, we have heard many times. Moreover, the pigment is implanted in a variety of parts of the body, including mucous surfaces. One Iranian went further, deciding to “tattoo” his erect penis. On the “tool of love” a message for the girl was supposed to be imprinted, which is translated from Persian as “good luck in traveling.” The man explained that this symbolic gesture was supposed to bless the couple for love exploits. All 8 days after the tattoo, the patient felt pain, and after it was relieved, it turned out that the penis remained in a permanent semi-erect state. The man had to suffer for a whole block, after which he turned to the doctors. Those could not help the Iranian, leaving him forever in a state of “combat readiness.”

8. The longest operation

10 most amazing cases in medicine

It would seem that the longest operation in the history of mankind would have to be the manipulation of the nervous system or the brain, heart, and other vital organs. But all the records were still broken by a standard operation to excise an ovarian cyst, which lasted continuously for 4 days. A huge cyst was removed from an obese woman (weight 280 kg), after which the body weight dropped sharply to 140 kg. This is such a giant neoplasm that the patient has been carrying in her body for many years.

7. highest body temperature

10 most amazing cases in medicine

Objectively, it is believed that at a temperature of 42ºС, the tissues of the body overheat critically, degenerative processes begin in the brain, which leads to death. However, in 1980, a patient, Willie Johnson, was admitted to the Atlanta hospital with a unique temperature of 46,5ºС. The doctors couldn’t believe it with their eyes, watching the scale of the thermometer. The patient says that the temperature rose against the background of severe heat stroke. The recovery of the body after such overheating took 24 days, after which Will was discharged.

6. beautiful cataract

10 most amazing cases in medicine

In cartoons and science fiction films, a situation is often depicted when, after a strong blow to the head or as a result of an injury, painted stars spin in front of a person’s eyes. It turned out that the fictional situation is not so far from the truth. A strong blow to the face with a heavy object, a ball, or, for example, an airbag, can cause damage to the eyes, against which a cataract develops. However, a patient from Austria at the age of 55 developed an amazing cataract with a clear star shape. Ophthalmologists sincerely hope that there is still a chance to restore vision surgically in this unusual case. As many people know, usually a cataract takes the form of a dense whitish cloud, a spot on the eye, well, not a star.

5. Lead bullets in the appendix

10 most amazing cases in medicine

One day, an eight-year-old schoolboy from Australia was hospitalized with severe stomach pains. The standard x-ray in this case revealed many small round objects located inside the abdomen, which made doctors only guess about the origin of the latter. The usual bowel lavage did not give results, so an operation was prescribed, during which 57 lead bullets were removed along with the appendix, and the process itself exceeded the norm by 5 times. It remains to be seen how the bullets penetrated the student’s appendix, and how he was able to walk with them for a certain time.

4. lowest body temperature

10 most amazing cases in medicine

Low temperatures are also deadly for the human body, it’s just that patients rarely go to the hospital with just such a symptom. However, in 1994, a 2-year-old girl, Carly, was admitted to the Canadian Hospital. It turned out that her door was locked, and the baby spent 22 hours in the cold at a minus temperature of 6ºС. Her own body temperature dropped to a critical level of 14,2ºС, which is incompatible with life, since at 25-27 ºС a person develops a coma. The little patient survived, but the consequences of such a careless and shameless attitude of parents to the child remain unknown.

3. Consequences of removing the amygdala

10 most amazing cases in medicine

When certain parts of the brain are removed, unexpected effects and reactions in the body can be observed. For example, after an operation to remove the amygdala (treatment of an advanced form of epilepsy), the patient developed hypersensitivity. Since this department was responsible for recognizing emotions, now for a woman every event is new, she experiences emotional arousal and surprise, as well as the physical effects associated with this.

2. The biggest overload

10 most amazing cases in medicine

During one of the races in 1977, the driver of the car was in an accident. As a result, the rider’s body was forced to endure a sharp decrease in speed from 173 km per hour to zero over a distance of just over 60 cm. pieces) and cardiac arrests (as many as 29). However, the man was able to survive.

1. Longest cardiac arrest

10 most amazing cases in medicine

Continuing the theme of amazing cardiac arrests, consider the case of the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal. A man in one of the winter months fell overboard into the waters of the North Sea, which led to a decrease in his own body temperature to 24ºС. The expected coma set in, as a result of which the heart stopped for as long as 4 hours! After the patient was connected to a heart-lung machine, he was able to recover and began to recover.

Such amazing patients, along with their special cases, were registered during the medical practice. This demonstrates once again that one should never give up hope, even when, according to all medical indicators, things are bad.

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