Everyone knows that the mood of the whole day depends on the morning. For those who like to lie in bed for a long time at this time of day, then it is quite difficult to start working actively, tune in to daytime activities.
This article discusses morning habits that significantly improve the quality of life.
It is not at all necessary to consider them all, it is enough to highlight the most suitable specifically for you.
10 Physical exercises
You can just do exercises at home, do morning jogging, ride a bike, actively train in the gym – any load is useful in the morning.
Regularity is important: classes will achieve good results only if they are not missed.
Thanks to physical exercises, you can quickly cheer up, improve blood circulation, and feel much better.
Training activates the production of endorphins (“hormones of happiness”) in the body, accelerates the burning of fats. Without regular exercise in the morning, it is much more difficult to maintain a diet and tune in to a healthy lifestyle.
9. Nutritious breakfast
Skipping breakfast in the morning is not recommended, and in fact, many are content at this time of day with only a cup of hot coffee, ignoring food.
Morning meals are especially important for the body. However, keep in mind that sugary cereals, toast with white bread, fried bacon, cookies, buns with chocolate paste and other similar foods will not be of any benefit, on the contrary.
If the morning food is rich in fast carbohydrates and fats, a person will feel sleepy and tired before dinner. This will negatively affect his health and performance.
In the morning, it is better to give preference to food with slow carbohydrates: lean meat, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, cereals and other similar foods.
8. The habit of being grateful
The habit of thanking the universe for all the days lived is very valuable. It helps to maintain inspiration, allowing you to achieve new goals, as well as an optimistic mood.
You can find something good in life even in the most difficult times. You can start writing down all the thanks in a special journal. It is recommended to fill it in the morning so that the day starts with a good one.
Thank your loved ones, as well as just acquaintances, who somehow improved your life.
7. Giving up gadgets
Of course, for modern people, the absolute rejection of electric gadgets is unrealistic. This is especially true of constantly busy businessmen, who often use such devices at any time of the day or night.
People start and end their days with tablets and smartphones.
However, try to regularly allocate at least 30 (or better 60) minutes to read your favorite book or just meditate, reflect. This way you will feel like you belong to yourself again.
6. Reading inspirational texts
After reading something inspiring in the morning, you will charge yourself with positive for the whole day and get motivation for the productivity of further activities.
If exercise and running help keep the body in good shape, then motivational texts “train” the spirit, significantly increase internal energy and strength.
Reading the news in the morning can upset, even drive you into a depressive combination for a long time, but life-affirming texts always set you in the right mood and labor exploits.
5. Cold and hot shower
Do not give up the habit of taking a morning shower. Much better if it is also contrasting.
Such procedures are useful for both hygiene and health. They provide a cheerful mood, energize the body, awaken the mind and refresh the body.
For best results, douse first with very warm, almost hot, and then with cold water. So you will quickly wake up, harden and improve blood circulation.
It is good to relax under the stream of water, as well as to think about upcoming business. In the shower, interesting creative ideas often come to mind.
4. Water with lemon
By drinking ordinary drinking water in the morning, you normalize bowel function and significantly improve digestion. If you add lemon juice to it, it will also ensure that the body is cleansed of various harmful substances.
Lemon accelerates wound healing, improves the condition of blood vessels, skin. It also fights free radicals that damage cells.
People who regularly consume citrus fruits are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
They prevent the formation of excess sugar in the blood, so lemon water in the morning is very useful for people with diabetes.
3. Meditation
By getting up early, you can make time for meditation. It is useful even in cases where it is short: in the morning, 15 minutes will be enough for you.
The meditative state helps to relax the body, cleanse the mind of negativity, achieve harmony with the outside world and with oneself.
Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to meditate right away, however, if the classes are regular, you will quickly understand how to enter the desired state. Thoughts will become clearer, the tendency to anxiety and stress will begin to disappear.
2. Open windows
In the morning, it is useful to let in not only the sun’s rays, but also fresh air. When you wake up, do not forget to open the window and ventilate the bedroom.
Ventilation is useful even in the winter season: the frosty air will invigorate, energize and help you wake up as quickly as possible.
Summer sun rays will accelerate the production of the “hormone of happiness” and vitamin D in the body.
1. early awakening
Waking up early will provide a reserve of time and lack of fuss, which is very important before a busy day at work.
You can tune in to business without any haste and irritation, calmly drinking hot coffee, listening to music or reading your favorite book.
People who have a habit of getting up early appreciate this free time in the morning very much. It is what makes them give up an extra 30 minutes of sleep, and they usually do not regret this insignificant loss at all.