10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place

In a horror movieQuiet place“Humanity is facing a global catastrophe. Monsters appeared out of nowhere and killed almost the entire population of the planet – except for those lucky ones who managed to adapt to existence in complete silence, because monsters react even to the quietest sounds and ruthlessly kill its source.

The Abbott family, experiencing a bereavement, has set up a strong shelter on a country farm, preparing to bring at least a drop of light to this terrible world – a pregnant Evelyn will soon begin to give birth …

Here is a list of movies similar to A Quiet Place.

10 Haze (2007)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place Film “Mistis an adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name.

A thick haze descends on a provincial town after an unusual storm. The city becomes almost cut off from the outside world – there is no cellular communication, no electricity.

People in a panic can not figure out what happened. It turns out that this fog was the result of a failed experience of the military. But the worst thing is that it hides real monsters, similar to prehistoric creatures.

A few people among those stuck in the supermarket were unlucky and these monsters managed to drag them out with their tentacles. Others, succumbing to the passionate speeches of a religious fanatic, have practically lost their minds.

Few managed to maintain a sober judgment in such a situation. Soon they will have to find a way to survive among the monsters that have emerged from the thick of the fog …

9. Reincarnation (2018)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place In the center of the plot of the picture “Reincarnation” is the life of the Graham family. Annie, the doll maker, buries her elderly mother, Ellen.

Neither the woman herself, nor her husband Steve, nor the eldest son Peter feel the pain of the loss of a relative who was distinguished by a difficult character and, moreover, suffered from senile dementia. Only the youngest member of the family, 13-year-old Charlie is sad about her grandmother.

However, this death becomes the beginning of a series of misfortunes that hit an ordinary family.

Experiencing blow after blow, Annie begins attending a support group, where she meets a sympathetic woman.

Very soon, she will teach Annie to conduct séances and communicate with deceased relatives …

8. Mobile phone (2016)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place Graphic artist Clayton Riddell witnessed the devastating effect of some deadly impulse emanating from mobile phones.

Caught under a similar effect of cell phones, people lose their minds and become cruel monsters.

The speed of propagation of the impulse is very high, few can save a human face.

In a group of several uninfected, the hero goes in search of his wife and son, in order to understand whether his loved ones managed to escape …

7. Cloverfield 10 (2016)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place

The main character of the film “Cloverfield, 10”- a young girl Michelle, having come to her senses in the basement after a car accident, fears that she has been kidnapped.

But an alleged criminal named Howard assures her that a terrible catastrophe has occurred on Earth, and life on the surface is now impossible. It follows that they, along with the third surviving Emmett, will have to live in a bunker for several years.

Michelle suspects that Howard is lying to her, but will she find the courage to get to the surface, risking her life?

6. I Am Legend (2007)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place In a post-apocalyptic movieI’m legend”At the center of the plot is a new drug that cures oncology.

This invention delighted many hopelessly ill people, but later it became clear that the drug turns into a deadly virus that kills most people on the planet and turns them into bloodthirsty zombies.

There are only a few people left on the planet with immunity that protects against the virus. One of them is Robert Neville. He spent three years to discover a serum that suppresses a terrible virus.

However, over time, he begins to lose faith in the success of the enterprise, until he finds two more people untouched by a deadly infection.

5. Drop (1988)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place In the picture “A drop“A fragment containing a living organism falls to the Earth from outer space. It resembles an amorphous liquid mass and absorbs it with every contact with a person.

The more living creatures the extraterrestrial intelligence devours, the more it gains in size. Soon a large bloodthirsty creature grows out of a small drop, which cannot be destroyed by means known to mankind.

At first, the inhabitants of a provincial town did not believe the warnings of impending danger, but when the monster reached gigantic proportions, it was already too late, and, most likely, now nothing can save the human race from a global catastrophe …

4. Reproduction (2018)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place At the center of the painting’s narrativeReproduction” is the talented neuroscientist Will Foster. At one point in the life of this man, a terrible tragedy happens – a car accident takes the life of his family and Will cannot cope with such a loss.

In order to “give life” to his late wife and children again, he decides to go against the laws of morality and human nature itself.

The hero clones his lost relatives, but now he has another problem: the existence of clones becomes known to a cruel corporation that wants to eliminate them…

3. Doomsday (2011)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place According to the plot of the movieJudgment Day” It has been ten years since a global catastrophe happened on our planet.

A few of those who survived retained a human face and decency. Most of the people joined the ranks of bandits and cannibals, killing everyone indiscriminately.

After the attack of cannibals on a peaceful camp of settlers, only five managed to survive – Henson, Shannon, Mary, Adam and Rick. In the hope of finding a new shelter, they find an abandoned farm.

Nothing foretells that cannibals roam near them. However, very soon the fugitives realize that they did not find the promised land, but fell into a real trap.

2. Signs (2002)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place The protagonist of the movieSigns” is an ordinary farmer. Nothing extraordinary has ever happened in his life.

And so it could have continued all his life, if one day someone had not spoiled his cornfield with some mysterious giant signs. For what purpose this could be done is not clear.

Locals try to unravel this mystery, but they fail. The provincial town is engulfed in panic. Then the affected farmer himself gets down to business.

Having begun his own investigation, the man does not suspect how terrible and incredible the clues to this sinister mystery will be …

1. Bird Box (2018)

10 Monster Movies Like A Quiet Place The storyline of the picture “Bird box” is built around a single mother who is forced to take care of two minor children herself.

Suddenly, strange things began to happen almost all over the planet. The thing is that people for no reason begin to lose their minds, seeing at the same time something incomprehensible. This pushes them to commit suicide.

The main character decides to go on a journey, hoping to find survivors who did not become victims of the spread of the epidemic.

But the main difficulty of the current situation lies in the fact that in no case should people look at the things around them, no matter how tempting they may seem …

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