10 modern cellulite treatments

Cellulite treatment is a process that involves a whole range of procedures, the goals of which are: accelerating the breakdown of fat cells, removing edema, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing fibroblast activity, bringing the skin back to normal, and increasing muscle activity. Only if all these conditions are met will it be possible to cope with cellulite quickly and effectively.

The main method of cellulite therapy is recognized as hardware treatment. Each method has its own characteristics, but all of them are aimed at solving one single task – to help a woman in the fight against lipodystrophy.

Vacuum Cupping Massage

With the passage of a full course of massage, in addition to eliminating cellulite, it will be possible to activate lipolysis, improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body. The essence of the procedure is that special banks are installed on problem areas. They create a vacuum that affects the skin. Irritating it with direct contact, it is possible not only to smooth the skin, but also act directly on body fat. Vacuum cupping massage is used to combat cellulite in such problem areas as: buttocks, thighs, breeches zone.

During the procedure, it is possible to obtain the following effect:

  • Blood and lymph begin to circulate better in the treatment area;

  • The dermis acquires firmness and elasticity;

  • Skin respiration normalizes;

  • Metabolic processes are restored at the cellular level;

  • The skin is better able to withstand negative exogenous influences;

  • Muscles contract better and stronger;

  • The orange peel is resorbed;

  • Adhesions are torn and subcutaneous fatty tissue is leveled.


Despite the pronounced effect, cupping massage is not recommended for all people.

A complex of procedures can be performed if the following indications are present:

  • A fatty layer has formed under the skin;

  • The skin has lost elasticity;

  • Edema appeared;

  • The thighs and buttocks were covered with wrinkles;

  • Pursued by a feeling of constant muscle weakness and fatigue.


The following diseases will be contraindications to undergoing massage with the help of cans:

  • Urolithiasis disease;

  • fractures;

  • Thrombophlebitis with relapses;

  • Cholelithiasis;

  • Inflammatory processes in the body, exacerbation of any disease.

Anti-cellulite cupping massage technique

Although cupping massage can be performed at home, it should be understood that the salon procedure will be several times more effective, as it is carried out by a professional on a special apparatus.

A session of vacuum cupping massage comes down to five successive stages:

  • The skin must be prepared, for which it is preheated. To do this, you can use a jet of hot water.

  • A gel, an anti-cellulite agent, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or a composition based on essential oils (vegetable oil is the base) is applied to the area to be treated.

  • The jar is clasped with fingers and placed on the treated area.

  • A direct massage is performed, for which the jar is driven in a circle, or zigzag movements are made with it.

  • By pressing the fingers, the jar is removed from the surface of the thighs or buttocks.

The duration of vacuum massage is from 10 to 20 minutes. To have an effect, you will need to perform at least 15 sessions. Their maximum number is 20 procedures. The course can be repeated several times a year (2 to 3 times), depending on the severity of lipodystrophy.

Thanks to vacuum cupping massage, you can not only get rid of the excess layer of subcutaneous fat, but also eliminate the ugly orange peel. The body will become toned and the skin elastic.

lpg massage

lpg massage is a relatively new hardware technique that allows you to get rid of cellulite in a few sessions. Louis-Paul Gitay founded and organized the work of a company called “LPG” back in 1986. Her main activity is to help people remove fat folds from, which works like a vacuum simulator. After a while, this apparatus was called endermotherapy, and the complex of procedures that are carried out on it – endermotherapy.

This special massage technique is used by modern specialists in such areas as:

  • Sports endermology. The technique is used to treat muscles, ligaments and tendons, in the presence of microtraumas on them.

  • Therapeutic endermology. The technique is used to help patients undergo rehabilitation after burns, keloid scars, after liposuction, as well as with joint stiffness.

  • Aesthetic endermology. The technique is used when it is necessary to eliminate figure flaws.  

Lpg massage is also called cosmomechanics, liposculpture and lipomodelling, as the technique has high efficiency and is absolutely safe for health.

30 years have passed since the creation of the first device and until 2012, Louis-Paul Giteem created several more devices that were constantly improved and performed their work better each time. Now in the market of cosmetology services you can already find the seventh generation of devices that hone the figure in a short time.

For the session, the patient will need to wear either special underwear or a suit. In such equipment, massage is carried out deeply and painlessly for a person. It is thanks to the suit that a thorough study of the subcutaneous layers is ensured, which cannot be reached by standard manual or vacuum massage. Lpg massage lends itself to even the most stagnant fat deposits that cannot be removed with the help of dietary nutrition, or performing sports exercises from cellulite.

What is the essence of the endermology method?

The impact on the human body is made by several rollers at the same time (Roll In, Roll Up and Roll Out). All of them perform their work depending on the task. One roll captures the fat fold, the other massages it, and the third breaks the fat deposits.

As a result, blood flow to the massaged folds increases, which means that their nutrition improves. At the same time, there is an increase in lymphatic outflow, along with which the body takes and removes broken fat deposits (adipocytes), as well as toxins, poisons and the results of cellular decay.

The skin at the treatment site begins to look much better, as it is renewed, elastin and collagen begin to be produced. It is known that these fibers are responsible for its smartness and youth.

Indications and contraindications for lpg massage

Naturally, like any other type of impact on the human body, this type of vacuum massage has its own indications, including:

  • The presence of excess fat deposits on the hips, abdomen and buttocks;

  • Various degrees of obesity;

  • cellulite;

  • Swelling of parts of the body;

  • Sagging skin, which was formed as a result of a sharp loss of body weight, or after the birth of a child;

  • Rehabilitation period after body plastic surgery;

  • Asymmetric arrangement of soft tissues.

The following diseases or conditions of the body are contraindications to the procedure:

  • bearing a child;

  • Another menstruation;

  • The presence of chronic diseases;

  • Fever, or just a high body temperature;

  • Any infectious dermatological diseases;

  • Taking hormonal drugs, taking heparin;

  • Phlebothrombosis;

  • Oncological diseases.

How is the procedure?

Before starting the massage, the doctor assesses the condition of the problem areas of the body. The entire diagnostic process is recorded in the protocol, which reflects the identified shortcomings and describes the most suitable modeling programs. The patient is put on a suit that ensures the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards, and also helps to relieve pain from the operation of the rollers.

To get the effect, you need to go through at least 6 procedures. They can be completed up to 3 times in 10 days. One session takes from 40 minutes to an hour.

If there are indications, then the number of sessions increases to 10 and even up to 15 procedures.

What effect can be expected?

The results obtained from the passage of such a massage persist for a long time:

  • Clothing size is reduced by one or even two values;

  • The volume of the body decreases;

  • Normalizes blood flow and lymph outflow;

  • The skin acquires elasticity, becomes toned;

  • The work of internal organs and their systems improves;

  • There is a modeling of body contours;

  • The subcutaneous fat layer is reduced;

  • More collagen and elastin are produced.

Answers to popular questions

  • How many massages do you need? At least six procedures must be carried out. A more accurate number of sessions depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and is calculated by a specialist.

  • What’s better: lpg massage or manual? Manual massage is not able to provide such deep penetration, which is achieved thanks to the operation of the apparatus.

  • Which is better: cavitation or lpg massage? To achieve maximum effect, these two procedures are best done in combination, as they differ in technique.

  • Is it possible to carry out the procedure for varicose veins? Yes, you can. Moreover, its purpose is to improve the outflow of lymph and blood from the veins. Directly deep vessels, as well as superficial veins, are not directly affected during massage.

  • Is it possible to carry out lpg massage for uterine fibroids? If the fibroid is not large, then massage is allowed. If the education reaches an impressive size, then the question of the possibility of passing a massage course is decided on an individual basis.

Ultrasonic cavitation

The ultrasonic cavitation procedure is also called ultrasonic liposuction. It is based on the creation of vacuum bubbles, which, as they increase, explode and have a destructive effect on body fat. As a result, a liquid consisting of destroyed fat is formed. For 21 days, it is completely eliminated from the body due to the work of the liver. Or mechanical removal of fluid through small punctures is possible.

Ultrasonic cavitation is not related to operational techniques and has the following advantages:

  • There will be no scars and scars on the body;

  • The recovery period is easy and short.

Cosmetologists at the moment can offer their clients two ways to correct the figure.

Ultrasonic Cavitation Methods

The differences between the two methods of cavitation are that the doctor performs cavitation through punctures in the skin and in this way removes the fatty liquid, or it will be excreted from the body by the liver. Preliminary, computer diagnostics of the patient’s body is carried out, which allows you to detect problem areas and determine the amount of work to be done.

  • Traditional ultrasonic liposuction performed under either general or local anesthesia. Its type and, in general, the need for anesthesia is determined by a specialist and depends on the volume of the upcoming intervention. Under the influence of ultrasound, fat cells are destroyed and turned into a liquid, and then removed through the skin through small punctures. They are performed with thin titanium cannulas. As a result, the skin is tightened, the figure acquires the desired shape, irregularities are eliminated. Up to 1500 ml of fat can be removed in one procedure.

  • Non-invasive. Punctures in this case are not done, the destroyed fat cells are excreted from the body on their own. However, in one procedure, you can lose up to 500 ml of fat. The tissues are not damaged, but in this case, at least two sessions will be required. The duration of each procedure can take from 60 minutes to 3 hours.


Sometimes, after performing a computer examination, the doctor refuses the patient to perform the procedure. Often, a person simply does not have a reason for undergoing liposuction, and his dissatisfaction with his own figure is due to the presence of certain complexes.

Indications for non-surgical liposuction by any of the two methods are:

  • The presence of excess fat in the area of ​​​​the back, arms, abdomen, sides, hips, buttocks, riding breeches;

  • Existing defects that appeared after the performed surgical interventions;

  • The presence of cellulite.

Cavitation is not the only way to fight cellulite and fat. Therefore, before deciding on the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with all the available contraindications so as not to harm your own health. 


  • Oncological diseases;

  • Age under 18;

  • Obesity;

  • Infectious diseases of a chronic course;

  • Diabetes;

  • The period of bearing a child;

  • Any type of hepatitis;

  • mental disorders;

  • Blood diseases;

  • Osteoporosis;

  • Diseases of the immune system;

  • Breastfeeding period;

  • The presence of open wounds;

  • The presence of severe injuries.

Without exception, all contraindications must be taken into account. Missing or not detecting them can lead to the development of serious health problems.

Consequences of ultrasonic liposuction

A quick effect after the procedure is its undoubted advantage. However, cavitation sessions often increase the risk of vascular thrombus formation. Some patients indicate the occurrence of a feeling of numbness in those places that have been treated. Such negative consequences are explained by the fact that ultrasonic waves negatively affect the peripheral nervous system.


The procedure got its name due to the fact that the effect is on the middle layers of the skin, which are called the mesoderm. The older a person gets, the less elastic the skin becomes. As a result of slowing down metabolic processes, fat folds and cellulite appear on the body.

In order to solve these problems, cosmetologists introduce multiple injections of the meso-cocktail. Its exact composition is selected on an individual basis. The depth of insertion can also vary between 1,5-3,9 mm of the skin layer. The fat located under the skin is destroyed as a result of local action, the cells regenerate, thus, cellulite is defeated. A specialist can inject injections on his own, or with the help of a mesoinjector.

Indications and contraindications for body mesotherapy

The mesotherapy procedure is carried out according to the following indications:

  • Maintaining the figure, removing excess fat, preventing its appearance. Such conditions involve a procedure in order to lose excess weight.

  • Getting rid of cellulite.

Although mesotherapy can be performed for facial skin care, to strengthen hair, it is most often used for weight loss and cellulite elimination.

Like any other procedure, mesotherapy has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Diseases of the dermis of any etiology.

  • Blood diseases associated with a violation of its coagulability.

  • Carrying or breastfeeding a child.

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the injection.

  • Mental diseases, fear of injections, history of epileptic seizures.

  • Treatment of cellulite with tetracycline, antibacterial drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones.

  • Laser peel that was performed earlier than 30 days ago.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

It will not be possible to reduce body weight in general due to this procedure. It is used only to eliminate fat from certain parts of the body that are difficult to correct – these are the buttocks, inner thighs, knees and some other areas.

For general weight loss, mesotherapy can be used in combination with other procedures. For example, it can be acupuncture, therapeutic massage, fitness, etc.

In this case, the composition of injections most often includes lipolytics, or other substances that have a destructive effect on body fat. After their introduction, the shell of fat cells dissolves, then solid fats undergo a certain transformation and are easily excreted from the body.

The effect of the full course of procedures is long-lasting. Most often, one session per week is carried out. The beautician determines the number of procedures, which can vary from 4 to 10.

Mesotherapy for cellulite

It is known that cellulite occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. Mesotherapy is aimed at its normalization, as a result of which not only the orange peel disappears, but the tone and elasticity of the skin increase.

The composition of the cocktail from cellulite, in addition to lipolytics, includes trace elements, vitamins, an enzyme component, components aimed at producing your own collagen and elastin. Such formulations for injection are called allopathic.

It is possible that the cosmetologist will advise you to opt for a homeopathic cocktail. Then it will contain plant components.

To get rid of cellulite for a long time, it is necessary to introduce a variety of drugs, the composition of which will change all the time.

The first procedures are aimed at the outflow of lymph, and the subsequent ones are aimed at splitting fats and accelerating microcirculation. The final injections help to increase muscle tone.

Often, experts recommend combining anti-cellulite mesotherapy with lymphatic drainage, massage and body wraps. Already after 10 sessions, you can see the amazing effect with your own eyes. It is recommended to perform no more than 1 procedure per week. It is allowed to repeat the course after a year, if necessary.


  • The effect can be assessed after 2-3 procedures.

  • The natural processes in the body are not significantly disturbed, since the doses of injections are minimal.

  • The deposit effect allows you to consolidate the result.

  • There are very few possible complications from the procedure, and the risks of their occurrence with a competent approach will be minimized.

  • The passage of procedures does not deprive a person of working capacity and does not require frequent visits to the beauty parlor.

  • Mesotherapy can be combined with other procedures aimed at eliminating cellulite.  

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a technique that can be used to reduce excess weight, to get rid of cellulite and to treat stretch marks on the skin.

Ozone was first used in medicine in the 19th century, using it to treat festering wounds, burns, to stop bleeding, and for other purposes. Subsequently, ozone therapy was replaced by antibacterial drugs.

However, in the 70s of the 20th century, ozone again took its lost positions and modern medical workers use it in vascular surgery, dentistry and other industries. Cosmetology is no exception to this list. For treatment, a mixture of oxygen and ozone (95 and 5%, respectively) is used.

Methods of its delivery to problem areas can be varied:

  • Intravenous administration;

  • Performing injections;

  • Applying the mixture directly to the skin;

  • Rubbing oils with ozone;

  • The imposition of masks with ozone;

  • Visiting saunas and baths with ozone.

The possibilities of ozone therapy are very wide, among them:

  • Increased immunity;

  • Prevention of the development of infectious diseases;

  • Providing a bactericidal effect;

  • Antioxidant ability;

  • Acceleration of metabolism;

  • Destruction of fatty deposits;

  • Help cells to regenerate;

  • Elimination of fatigue and stress.

Ozone therapy for cellulite

Most often, ozone therapy to combat cellulite is combined with ozone therapy for obesity. Thanks to the introduction of ozone, the focus of fibrosclerosis is destroyed, metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

During the procedure, the patient is injected with disposable needles or with the help of special injectors. To get the effect, you need to perform up to 5 sessions, which are carried out 1 time in seven days or twice in 10 days. You can get rid of fat deposits as much as possible after 10-15 procedures. In parallel, you can undergo cellulite treatment with massage and use mesotherapy. As a result, the result will be maintained for 2 or 3 years.

A massage performed with ozone-enriched oils is often called the Italian technique, since it is there that this procedure is most often used.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure are the following conditions of the body:

  • Hair loss, their increased fragility;

  • Vascular network formed by small capillaries;

  • wrinkles;

  • cellulite;

  • Stretch marks;

  • Fat deposits on the body;

  • Acne and acne scars;

  • Stretch marks, scars, cicatricial changes.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • Allergy to ozone;

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

  • gestation, breastfeeding;

  • Another menstruation;

  • Oncological diseases;

  • chronic diseases;

  • Diseases in the acute stage;

  • Blood clotting disorders.


The essence of the method of carboxytherapy is that with an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, the body experiences stress and begins to work in an enhanced mode, trying to increase the flow of oxygen to the cells. Thus, he seeks to restore the disturbed balance.

It is this principle that formed the basis of the method. Carbon dioxide is dosed under the skin, which is quickly dissolved by the body without harming it.

The principle of action of carboxytherapy and its types

To the place where the injection was introduced, there is an increase in blood flow, metabolites are removed from the cells. As a result, they regenerate faster, fats are destroyed, the production of collagen and elastin increases, lymphatic drainage increases, inflammation is removed from the skin.

The dose of carbon dioxide should not exceed 1000 cubic centimeters. It is administered with a special device called Carboxy-Pan.

The gas will be removed from the body by the lungs after half an hour. In turn, the processes that he starts will be slowed down only after 14-21 days.

There are two ways to deliver carbon dioxide to tissues:

  • By means of injections. In this case, the effect of therapy can be seen in a shorter time.

  • In a non-invasive way, when masks are applied to the skin. The effect with this method of delivery will be noticeable a little later.

Indications for conduction

  • Skin aging;

  • The presence of wrinkles;

  • Loss of skin tone;

  • skin pigmentation;

  • Vascular network;

  • Acne, acne and post-acne;

  • Violation of regenerative processes;

  • Cellulite and stretch marks;

  • Dark circles under the eyes;

  • Hair problems – hair loss, dryness, increased fragility;

  • The period of rehabilitation after other procedures aimed at rejuvenation;

  • Rehabilitation after burns;

  • Puffiness and violation of the relief of the skin;

  • varicose disease;

  • Local fat deposits;

  • Double chin.

Features of the procedure

The penetration depth of carbon dioxide to get rid of cellulite should be from 3 to 10 mm, which enhances lymph drainage and outflow of decayed fat cells. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before liposuction 3 weeks, and then 10 days after it. Introduce carbon dioxide twice a week. The full course is 2 months.


The procedure can only be performed by a cosmetologist or a physiotherapist who has the appropriate qualifications. The dose that will be administered to the patient is calculated individually. During the procedure, the person will experience tingling or a slight burning sensation. All discomfort disappears after a few minutes.

The result can be seen already after 2 procedures. The effect of its implementation will last for a year (the minimum period is 6 months), which depends on the object of impact.

Contraindications for carboxytherapy

  • Carrying a child and breastfeeding him;

  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

  • Thrombophlebitis;

  • Mental disorders;

  • Hypertension;

  • Inflammation of the dermis in the treated area.

Possible complications

The manifestation of small bruises that appear at the puncture site, slight swelling, hyperemia and cracking of the skin – these are all the complications that occur after the introduction of carbon dioxide under the skin. To reduce them, you should limit the skin from sudden changes in temperature. The time limit is two days.

What procedures are combined with carboxytherapy?

Gas injections can be successfully combined with liposuction, mesotherapy, performed as a preparation before and after plastic surgery.


Electromyostimulation is a procedure that helps to get rid of excess fat and treat cellulite due to the effect of electric current on muscle fibers.

Human muscles contract under the influence of nerve impulses, since neurons have the ability to change the electrochemical capability of their own membrane. When the signal is not received, the myofibrils will not contract, and after some time they may lose this ability altogether.

It was found that under the influence of current, the muscles can contract, similar to the movements that they reproduce under the influence of the nervous system. The current can make even those muscles that do not have nerve endings work.

Their artificially stimulated contractions lead to the following results:

  • The body’s need for oxygen increases. The heart beats faster, breathing deepens.

  • Microcirculation in the affected area is enhanced, capillaries and arterioles expand to saturate the contracting muscles with oxygen.

  • To get rid of decay products, lymphatic outflow is activated.

  • The skin is tightened, the body becomes embossed, acquires the desired contours.

  • The body’s need for energy reserves increases, and it takes it from adipose tissue, destroying it.

Advantages and disadvantages of electromyostimulation

The advantages of the procedure are:

  • Increased muscle tone, elimination of their lethargy;

  • Increasing their contractile potential up to 100%;

  • Destruction of fatty deposits;

  • Acquisition of the desired forms;

  • Control of the process of fat loss as a result of exposure to the most problematic areas of the body;

  • The possibility of timely muscle relaxation if their tension reaches a peak;

  • Cleansing the body of toxins;

  • Starting regeneration processes;

  • Help in the fight against scoliosis and osteochondrosis (if the impact is on the back muscles);

  • Mood improvement.

But do not forget that the current is dangerous to human life if it affects him uncontrollably. Therefore, the operation of the device must be carried out in accordance with the instructions and the individual characteristics of the human body. Without calculating the current strength, you can get serious burns and severe pain in the muscles.

In addition, do not expect the effect of the first procedure. The current, of course, will remove excess water from the treated area, but as soon as its supply in the body is restored, the lost centimeters will return to their places.

Indications and contraindications


  • Elimination of figure flaws;

  • Inclusion in a general weight loss program;

  • Stretch marks and cellulite;

  • Loose skin;

  • Improving the outflow of lymph and increasing the world circulation in the desired area;

  • Pathologies of a neuromuscular nature;

  • Athletes training;

  • Paralysis, paresis, muscle hypertonicity;

  • Atony of the eyelids, swelling and sagging facial skin.


  • Blood diseases;

  • Oncological diseases;

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys;

  • Any acute inflammation;

  • Respiratory infections;

  • Increased body temperature;

  • Carrying a child, breastfeeding;

  • Hypersensitivity to current;

  • Another menstruation;

  • pacemaker in the body;

  • Decompensated form of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In cosmetology, neuromuscular stimulation is used. The currents supplied during the procedure are as close as possible to the currents sent by human neurons.

body correction

The impact zones that can be treated with current are: abdomen, chest, shoulders, buttocks, back, hips. One session takes about 25 minutes. You can repeat them no more than every other day. The full course consists of 15 procedures (the minimum number of sessions is 11).

The effect can be felt after 5 approaches, however, one should not rely solely on myostimulation. The approach to getting rid of cellulite and excess body fat should be comprehensive. The effect of the full course will last up to six months, so more often this procedure does not make sense. Electrodes should not be applied to places where there is a visible expansion of the veins due to varicose veins.


Electrolipolysis is a modern non-surgical procedure aimed at getting rid of body fat. Fat cells are destroyed under the influence of current pulses of a certain frequency and length. They become softer and easier to excrete by the body.  

The frequency of the current during the procedure changes, the body temperature increases locally, energy is spent, fat becomes fluid. The destruction of fat cells occurs under the influence of an enzyme produced during the procedure (triglyceride lipase). Its removal from the body is carried out through the lymphatic system and the liver. After the procedure, metabolism is accelerated, blood flow increases, tissues receive more oxygen.

How is electrolipolysis performed?

  • The removal of fat deposits is possible with the help of paired needle electrodes: needle electrolipolysis. Their introduction is painless for the patient. This method is the most effective way to get rid of unwanted material.

  • Removal of fat deposits using electrodes. In this case, a flat electrode is applied to problem areas. The method has an effect with a slight accumulation of body fat.

In order to complete the procedure, you will need to go through two steps. At the first stage, with the help of the current that flows through the electrodes, fat is split. The second stage is reduced to lymphatic drainage, which contributes to an easier removal of decayed fat from the body. You can speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite with the help of anti-cellulite cupping massage, body wraps and lymphatic drainage.

The electrolipolysis itself takes about 90 minutes. The full course consists of 5-10 sessions. The interval between them must be at least 7 days, so that the body has time to remove decay products from the body during this time. As a result, the skin will tighten, become smooth, and under it there will be no fatty deposits that form an orange peel.

Indications and contraindications for electrolipolysis


  • cellulite;

  • swelling;

  • Fat folds;

  • Excess body weight;

  • Sagging skin, its sagging;

  • Metabolic disorders.


  • Oncology;

  • Any skin inflammation;

  • Carrying a child and breastfeeding;

  • Epileptic seizures in history, mental disorders;

  • Any infectious diseases in the acute stage;

  • Thrombophlebitis;

  • Pathology of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas;

  • Hypertension, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

  • Implants, pacemakers and other devices that regulate the work of the heart;

  • Kidney disease.

Shockwave therapy

Shock wave therapy involves the impact on the body of acoustic waves emanating from a special apparatus. Under their influence, the breakdown of fat occurs, without tissue damage.

The principles of the method are as follows:

  • The connective tissue surrounding fat cells relaxes;

  • The capacity of fat cells increases;

  • The outflow of lymph increases, blood circulation normalizes;

  • Fibrous tissue dissolves;

  • Metabolic processes return to normal;

  • The skin becomes more elastic, fat is broken down and excreted from the body.

The method works gently and contributes to the gradual degeneration of adipose tissue into normal.

Indications and contraindications for shock wave therapy


  • Fat deposits located in problem areas;

  • Inelastic and saggy skin;

  • Stretch marks and stretch marks;

  • Scarring;

  • Vascular asterisks;

  • Cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, on the riding breeches.


  • Age under 18;

  • Carrying a child and breastfeeding;

  • Purulent skin diseases;

  • Vascular and heart diseases;

  • Oncological diseases;

  • Taking hormonal drugs;

  • Violation of blood clotting;

  • Thrombophlebitis of veins;

  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys in the stage of decompensation;

  • Diseases of the endocrine system;

  • Performed vein sclerotherapy.

Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy

  • Safety and painlessness of the method.

  • The effect can be achieved, despite the severity of cellulite.

  • A complex effect can be achieved by combining acoustic and radio wave exposure at the same time.

  •  The result will remain throughout the year.

How is shock wave therapy performed?

The session lasts for half an hour. During this time, the patient lies on the couch. The doctor applies a special gel on it, after which it treats the skin with a maniple. The decay products of adipose tissue are completely eliminated from the body in 10 days. However, due to the increased load on the liver, especially for patients over the age of 45, it is recommended to combine shock wave therapy with pressotherapy, biostimulation or lymphatic drainage.

The effect will be noticeable after the second procedure. In total, the course will require up to 6 sessions, the break between sets should be at least 3 days. The maximum number of procedures in one course is 12.


Pressotherapy is a type of hardware massage that promotes the removal of intercellular fluid and cell waste products.

During the session, the patient lies on the couch in a special suit. Air under high pressure is sequentially supplied to different zones. The whole process is computer controlled.

Cellular waste products enter the lymph and are excreted from the body along with unnecessary poisons, toxins and decomposed fat cells. In addition, the outflow of venous blood increases, the water balance in the body is restored.

Will pressure therapy get rid of cellulite, is it possible to lose weight?

This is an effective method of combating fat deposits on the hips and waist. It is great for people with sedentary work. Researchers equate one pressotherapy session to 2 fitness sessions with several regular massage treatments.

For 5 sessions, you will be able to get rid of a few extra pounds without making any effort. In combination with electrolipolysis, pressotherapy effectively fights cellulite and contributes to its prevention.

Experts recommend using infrared heat during the session, which helps to speed up metabolic processes and remove fluid from the body faster.

During the course of pressotherapy with infrared heating, you should drink at least 1500 ml of water per day so that the body does not suffer from dehydration. It is advisable to give preference to natural foods. The interval between sessions should not be less than 3 days, the number of approaches in one course can be 15 procedures. The duration of each of them is 45 minutes.

Indications and contraindications for pressotherapy


  • The presence of cellulite and its prevention;

  • Fat deposits in problem areas;

  • Excess body weight;

  • Loose and sagging skin;

  • Feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities;

  • Sleep disorders, depressive moods, chronic fatigue syndrome;

  • Violations of the venous circulation;

  • Edema of various etiologies, including during pregnancy;

  • Raynaud’s syndrome;

  • Disturbances in the immune system;

  • Vegetovascular dystonia;

  • Constipation, disturbances in the functioning of the intestines;

  • Parkinson’s disease;

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.


  • The presence of built-in implants that regulate the work of the heart;

  • Thrombophlebitis;

  • Fractures and other bone injuries, muscle strain;

  • Failure of the heart;

  • Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary system;

  • Angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus;

  • Oncology;

  • Hypertension;

  • Risk of miscarriage;

  • Another menstruation.

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to get rid of cellulite on thighs? Why does cellulite appear?

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