10 mindless household chores that take a lot of time

There is work that we can do without, while freeing up a lot of free time. Read on and cross these tasks off of your must-have daily plan.

In Eric Berne’s book Games People Play (The Psychology of Human Relationships). People who play games (Psychology of human destiny) ”describes the game“ Hunted Housewife ”. Think, what if you are also playing this game. Each woman should be a specialist in 10-12 areas and skillfully play the roles of a loving wife, a caring mother, as well as an educator, cleaner, cook, economist, and so on. Some of these roles are tedious and often contradictory. Eric Berne gives a simple recipe: “You can play all your roles one after the other for a week, but refuse to play two or more roles at the same time.”

Things that the housewife constantly does and which you can not do – no one will notice.

1. Rubbing linoleum with mastic 

Without rubbing, it will last 10 years, and thanks to the mastic – 12. We calculate the cost of all jars of polishes that you will spend in 12 years. Add up the cost of your labor. We compare the amount received with the cost of the new linoleum and the work on its laying. We draw a conclusion.

2. Sorting laundry

Passion for classification is not always appropriate. It is better to do this once before washing so that socks do not get into the bowl of dish towels. You can put two baskets for dirty laundry: baby and parent. Or black and white. It is also pointless to hang up washed socks in pairs. It will still have to be repeated after drying.

3. Stand at the stove

It is ridiculous to skim off the foam as it forms while boiling broth or making jam. You can strain the broth at the end, and remove the foam from the jam before placing in jars. The exception is dishes that really require constant stirring. But how often do we cook them?

Well, in the end, you can simply entrust the preparation of food to the multicooker. There is definitely no need to stand next to her.

4. Shifting cooked food

It makes no sense to pour the leftover soup from a large saucepan into a smaller one, from a large container to another smaller one. You will have to wash not one pan, but two, and fussing with containers is absolutely pointless.

5. Wipe dust from above eye level

Experience shows that drawers of tables, walls, cabinet doors are most contaminated. While you are standing, it is not visible, but the guests sitting in the chairs can see the spots perfectly. Wipe the furniture from time to time, applying a little more effort where fingerprints will meet.

And there is no need to climb on the closets every day, it is enough to do it a couple of times a month. By the way, if the house has a humidifier, the amount of dust is noticeably reduced. And this is not the only life hack that will allow you to get rid of dust for a long time.

6. Clean your bath every day

The bathtub will wash itself out if you teach your household to rinse it after themselves and use bubble baths. Then there will be no need to clean it every day using special products.

7. Wipe off stains from aluminum dishes

Don’t waste time cleaning darkened aluminum pots and pans. Move them away, it is better to use enamel and stainless steel. Experts, by the way, are of the same opinion: aluminum in the kitchen is absolutely superfluous.

8. Iron bed linen and towels

No, they will not smooth out by themselves. But no one will pay attention to how wrinkled or ironed the sheet is on your bed. She might well have creased with use. After the first night it will be completely unclear whether you stroked her or not.

9. Dry the dishes with a rag or towel

First, it will take a lot of time. Secondly, it is not safe. The cloth you use to dry the dishes may contain bacteria and detergent residues.

10. Rinse the plates before the dishwasher

Believe it or not, the quality of washing doesn’t get any better. The remains of food from the dishes, of course, need to be cleaned off. But washing before putting it in the car is not. She will still do the same job, and much better than you manually.

1 Comment

  1. No one does half of this

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