10 mental exercises for a positive mindset

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Positive thinking is a way of life when a person feels happy and able to work. He is looking for opportunities, not restrictions, which is why he usually succeeds and realizes his goals. Such people are called lucky ones who were born and were «kissed by fortune.» But in fact, each of us is able to become a darling of fate. You just need to change the course of your thoughts a little, and today we will look at what exercises can be used to do this.

What is it and how does it work?

The instincts of self-preservation work in such a way that, having narrowed the consciousness of the individual, they concentrate it on one thing — an attempt to survive. There is a so-called tunnel thinking.

To make it clearer, let me give you an example. Imagine that you have noticed a wild boar in the distance in the forest. What will be the first reaction? Of course, run away if you are not a hunter and this is the first time you have found yourself in such a situation. So, you will run as fast as you can, especially without noticing anything around.

Although, if you think about it, you could climb a tree, call rescuers on a mobile phone, etc., which, in fact, will be more effective. But due to the limited consciousness due to fear, you are not able to look for options.

In the same way, you are unable to look for opportunities when you think only of the negative. The brain simply disconnects from the outside world, turning your attention inward. Now imagine if athletes, for example, boxers, were afraid during the fight and thought that they would definitely lose? Could they assess the situation and think through tactics, focusing on the current situation? I doubt, as well as that they would have been successful in their careers.

Research scientists

10 mental exercises for a positive mindset

Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D. from Stanford, after numerous studies that she conducted over the course of 20 years, came to the conclusion that while a person experiences pleasant emotions, such as joy, tenderness, peace, happiness, etc., he is able to not only notice the mass of opportunities provided, but also develops, acquires skills.

A person, on the contrary, who is pessimistic, is unlikely to try something new, experiment and follow his own interest. And then her life will seem gray, monotonous and boring. And this leads to apathy, depression and various diseases. Such is human psychology, the body reacts sensitively to any experiences, and the excess of any of them can violate its integrity.

So, from retained anger, teeth crumble, and your head hurts, from understatement — it worries your throat, shoulders — when there is too much responsibility … You can learn more about pessimists from the article here.

10 recommendations and exercises

1. Meditation and yoga

It will allow you to concentrate on something pleasant, to feel satisfaction, relaxation, saturation and harmony. With constant practice, health improves, thoughts return to normal if there was chaos before. There is also inspiration to create and change your life for the better.

Yoga, in addition to peace of mind will benefit your figure, strength, flexibility and endurance are unlikely to be superfluous. You can master the basics thanks to the recommendations indicated in this article.

2. Limit your TV and news viewing

It seems to sound strange, because a modern person must «keep abreast» and be aware of all the events taking place in the world. But tell me, what information will give you that a maniac was caught in some country or a terrible accident occurred, someone was killed or raped? If these circumstances do not concern you personally, by the nature of your service, for example, then why should you plunge into negativity?

10 mental exercises for a positive mindset

About something that you will definitely need to know, other people will tell you, believe me, the important will not pass by. If you try to stop watching the news for at least a few days, you will notice that there is more and less time to think about how cruel and unfair the world is.

3. Refuse “NOT”

Stop using the “not” part of the conversation and, in general, build sentences using negatively colored words. Remember from the article about alpha visualization that thoughts are material? Therefore, what we think and say is attracted. So, instead of the usual “I’m a failure” or “I won’t succeed,” tell yourself that you will definitely cope with the problem, and everything will work out.

4. Environment

Tell me, how to be happy or happy, if there are people around who do not know how to appreciate life, enjoy it and only do what they condemn? We are social beings, and society, no matter how much we want to, leaves its mark on the worldview, character and interests of a person.

Therefore, despite your maturity and stability of views on anything, you are unlikely to retain your fuse for a long time if the close people with whom you contact every day are sad, angry and only do what they are looking for a catch. So try to minimize communication with them as much as possible. Communicate more often with those who can support you, share advice and, most importantly, believe that you will certainly realize your plan if you put in the effort.

5. Gratitude works wonders

If you learn to find reasons why you can boldly say thank you, at least to yourself, even to your enemies, then you can say that you have finally gained the ability to think positively. In this life, no one owes us anything, and we need to be able to take care and kindness not for granted, but with gratitude.

For example, a child who was left by his mother after birth grew up feeling hatred towards her for this act, because she deprived him of her love and attention. And he lives, especially not trusting anyone, embittered and thirsting for revenge. And in memory he constantly keeps the image of a terrible mother, who takes away energy.

10 mental exercises for a positive mindset

Tell me, what good does it give him? What helps? If he thought that he was grateful that she gave him life, although she could then just have an abortion, then he would be freed from accumulated feelings, he would become freer and happier. It is difficult, I do not argue, but it is quite possible. Forgiveness and the ability to appreciate even the little things make life much easier, filling it with new colors.

6. Book

Louise Hay has written a ton of books that have helped change the lives of millions of people. And today I want to recommend one bestseller «Live the positive», it consists not only of theory, but also practical tasks, performing which step by step, you will be able to overcome the barriers that interfere with your happiness.

7. Future orientation

All the events in our life, pleasant and not very, give us the opportunity to gain experience, which is why it is important not to devalue them, but to take them into account. The problem arises when a person, as it were, gets bogged down in it, brings it into reality, ignoring it. Well, for example, after the betrayal of a loved one, you can decide that all men are unfaithful, not noticing the truly honest and worthy in their environment, believing that they will never again find female happiness.

The essence of this exercise is that you should look for at least a few resources that you have acquired, despite the tragedy of the situation, and let it go, concentrating on how you see your future. Stop giving energy to the past, dream and fantasize as often as possible, enjoy the present and what you are doing.

8. Advantages

This method takes two weeks to complete. You need to keep a small notebook where every day you will write out 10 of your qualities that you like, or at least resourceful and help in some way. At the end of the term, you will have a characteristic in your hands, consisting of 140 points, most of which you will find in yourself during the implementation process.

Because the personality is actually multifaceted, and if you think that you are cowardly, there must have been situations in your history where you showed courage, but for some reason did not appropriate it as a quality.

9. Diary

10 mental exercises for a positive mindset

Start keeping a diary, but it’s worth describing not just your every day, but the cases and situations that made you feel good. The end result will be an autobiographical book that you can re-read in difficult moments, or when you realize that you are already forgetting some stories. And the process itself will quietly turn you into a joyful person.

10. Black and white

Imagine someone who annoys you, causes disgust, anger, hatred, and so on. Represented? And now the most difficult thing — name at least 5 qualities of this vile individual that he possesses, and you like it, or cause respect, recognition.

The essence of this exercise is to show that sometimes we judge one-sidedly, dividing the world into white and black, and such categoricalness can make us unhappy. So you can look at him in a completely different way, and perhaps even begin to cooperate with him.

For example, as a friend, he may not be very good, he gives out secrets and may well betray, but as a specialist in some field he is considered the best. So why focus only on the negative when you can consider resources and build on them?

My recommendation

Attend various trainings. Of course, they have disadvantages — this is a short-term motivation. But there are many more advantages. I attend various trainings every year, both online and offline. Many tools taken from these trainings help in everyday life.

Of course, information can be found for free, but the value is lost and the material is not absorbed as effectively. Another thing is when a paid training, and even one that takes you out of your comfort zone, then the information from it is taken to the maximum and consolidated by practice, you can say it is written to the “subcortex”.


Being happy is a whole art that is not so difficult to master. Let a little humor into your life, and perhaps you will become easier to relate to everything. Start small and gradually grow into an optimistic person. Finally, I want to recommend the article “TOP 17 ways to cheer up yourself and your loved one”, suddenly it will turn out to be useful. Inspiration and joy to you!

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