10 medical nightmares of a normal man

For most women, especially those who are married, it will not be the greatest discovery that almost all men are cowards. Of course, your loved one will not wrinkle his eye into an unequal battle with hooligans from the gateway or take the kitten out of the burning house, however, most likely, he will turn white with fear if he has to visit a doctor. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are terribly afraid of hospitals and doctors. Therefore, the prospect of undergoing painful and humiliating procedures simply throws them into a panic, even if they do not show it outwardly.

We present the top 10 most terrible medical manipulations for men.

10 An injection in the ass

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

It seems, well, what’s so terrible about it? Just think, a thin needle will enter the most suitable place for this action – the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks. However, this truly childish (in terms of risk) procedure can terrify every second man. The danger of this unjustified fear is that if an overly impressionable patient tenses the buttock at the moment the needle is inserted into the muscle, the needle may break and get stuck in the soft tissues. Such a complication threatens with the appearance of an abscess (abscess), which brings a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. The resulting abscess will subsequently have to be opened by the surgeon.

9. Blood from a vein / finger for analysis

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

All our fears come from childhood. Children can even faint halfway to the manipulation room, just looking forward to the blood sampling procedure. Some of them, even after becoming big uncles, continue to be afraid of this manipulation like fire. Moreover, this fear can be based both on the fear of pain and on intolerance to the sight of one’s own blood. In addition, if his veins come deep or an inexperienced nurse once performed this manipulation, then the fear of an exhausting and painful process can really haunt a man all his life.

8. Barotherapy

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

The essence of barotherapy is to saturate blood cells with oxygen. There is nothing wrong with the procedure itself, but the whole process is carried out in a closed and rather cramped chamber. And although it is believed that the fair sex is more likely to suffer from claustrophobia, sometimes men also experience panic horror when they find themselves in a confined space.

7. Enema

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

Anyone who has ever been subjected to such a procedure will never forget these sensations. In Soviet times, almost all women had to go through this unpleasant manipulation at least once in their lives – then a cleansing enema was given to all women in labor without exception. Now this practice is not so common, although it is still sometimes found in the vastness of our vast country. Therefore, women for the most part do not treat the forced enema with such fear as men.

A standard cleansing enema is one and a half liters of warm water, which fills the intestines in a matter of minutes, and then also rapidly exits back. One type of the tip of this beautiful product can shock especially impressionable men, who, moreover, having called on their imagination, can easily imagine where this tip will end up in a very short time …

6. Gastroscopy

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

Both men and women go through this disgusting procedure equally. However, men are much more afraid of her, because they are not used to having their “inner world” disturbed by various objects. During gastroscopy, vomiting and pain (despite local anesthesia) can be so strong that the patient simply begins to choke and panic, which is why the manipulation will have to be interrupted and repeated again when he comes to his senses.

5. Smear on the flora from the urethra

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

The vast majority of men who often spend their nights in the company of unfamiliar women are familiar with this unpleasant procedure. If you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted infection and went to the doctor with this problem, you cannot avoid taking a swab from the urethra.

The manipulation lasts a few seconds: a thin long stick with a small layer of cotton enters deep into the swollen and painful urethra. After that, the health worker rotates the wand around the axis a couple of times. Feelings are unforgettable.

4. An injection in the genitals

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

No need to explain why men are so afraid of an injection in this delicate area. However, if you belong to that happy category of men who do not know what the term “erectile dysfunction” means, then, most likely, such a test does not threaten you.

The danger of this procedure lies in the fact that after a course of injections into the reproductive organ, an infiltrate may form on its surface. Also, if asepsis rules are violated, an infection can be introduced into the cavernous bodies, which is why it is likely that cavernitis will develop.

3. Dental treatment

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

Many will say that dentists smile more than doctors of other specialties. Their gentle gaze does not harden even when the patient begins to moan or scream in pain. But, in fairness, it must be said that modern technologies in the field of dentistry have reached impressive heights. Patients have a wide range of pain medications available to make a visit to the dentist like visiting a hairdresser. However, many men are still in captivity of stereotypes, and they are more afraid of dentists than the boss.

2. Prostate massage

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

First, it hurts. Secondly, it is difficult psychologically. Imagine, an adult, with a higher education, sticks his thick finger deep into your rectum and makes various movements that are not worth describing in detail, so that you do not lose consciousness without reading the article to the end.

Prostate massage, as a rule, is carried out with inflammation of the prostate gland. This disease in itself brings considerable discomfort. And here also the inflamed, enlarged gland is subjected to similar torture. All this lasts no more than 3 minutes, although for many this time may seem like an eternity. But the worst thing is that prostate massage is never prescribed as a one-time procedure, so you will have to endure this for several days in a row.

1. Proctological examination

10 medical nightmares of a normal man

Fear of this procedure makes at least three-quarters of men (at least in our country) stoically endure the most unpleasant manifestations of hemorrhoids and other rectal pathologies, without seeking medical help to the last. And this is understandable – not every man will withstand such a test. Well, those daredevils who decided to step over their fear and embarrassment will receive unforgettable impressions from this manipulation.

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