10 Martian “conspiracy theories” that are hard to believe

The mysterious red planet has long attracted the attention of people. Among the other planets in the solar system, Mars is most similar to the Earth and, theoretically, this is why it may someday be colonized by mankind.

Some people even now are sincerely sure that Mars was once inhabited (after all, there were allegedly clear traces of miraculous canals and ruins of cities on it), and perhaps it is inhabited by some mysterious extraterrestrial race even now (and why not?).

Well, or, in extreme cases, there may well be a secret base of aliens from a “galaxy far, far away.” Yes, we still have not found evidence of their presence. But this is only because they (or we?) are not yet ready for contact.

Here are 10 of the most popular “conspiracy theories” related to Mars.

10 All living things came to Earth from Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe As you know, scientists studying space objects have more than once discovered on asteroids and some satellites of the planets of the solar system (for example, on Europa, Triton, Enceladus, Ceres, Vesta, Themis, etc.) not only traces of water, but also organic molecules. In science (and even more so in pseudoscience), the theory of panspermia has recently been popular, according to which life arose on Earth, thanks to “space wanderers” – meteorites and comets “infected” with organic matter somewhere in other galaxies. By the way, this theory was known as early as the XNUMXth century. BC, it was described by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. And modern Mars fans claim that terrestrial life “arrived” from the red planet, because billions of years ago Mars was alive, blooming and had real seas.

9. Project Redsun – secret manned flight to Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe In 2011, the Italian ufologist Luca Scantamburlo launched a real sensation in circles like him, “truly believing in aliens” comrades: supposedly, we are all being deceived again – in fact, earthlings have been secretly colonizing Mars since 1971.

Like, one of the participants in the secret mission to the red planet (codenamed Redsun), American astronaut William Rutledge told him about everything personally.

Shortly after the last flight to the moon (the Apollo 17 mission), the American NASA agency, together with the USSR, launched a project, the result of which was to be a permanent station on Mars.

The first (reconnaissance) group arrived at the scene at the end of 1971, and the second (which included two Americans – Elliot C and Routledge, and Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin) – in 1973.

True, the Italian failed to prove this, the footage of the NASA training flight, which he posted on YouTube, raised great doubts about their authenticity.

By the way, Rutledge allegedly told Scantamburlo that an alien base on the moon was discovered during another secret project.

8. Humans have already been to Mars (in 1979)

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe In 1976, two “rover” spacecraft, Viking-2 and Viking-1, descended to the surface of Mars. Both of them worked much longer than the planned 2 days – the first until 90, and the second until 1980, transmitting to Earth a large number of photographs and videos of the surface of the red planet.

And so, in 2014, a woman called Jackie on one of the American radio shows. She claimed that in the late 1970s. worked at NASA, including processing information coming from the Vikings.

And allegedly in 1979, in one of the videos, not only herself, but also six of her colleagues clearly saw 2 human figures in light spacesuits (very different from the bulky and uncomfortable ones that were used at that time by American astronauts).

These people (or someone very similar to them) walked towards the Viking-1 apparatus. But, they say, it was strictly forbidden for her and other “Nasovites” to talk about this with anyone.

7. There is hidden life on Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe American engineer Gilbert Levin claims that since 1976 (that is, since the first experiments performed using the Viking-1 apparatus, for which Martian soil samples were taken) he is sure that there is organic matter on the red planet, which means – maybe life.

Like, then in the first samples traces of vital activity of microorganisms were found: the Martian soil showed an atypically high chemical activity for a “dead” planet, and it absorbed carbon dioxide as if it had something capable of processing and assimilating it.

Simply, unfortunately, further experiments gave negative (or very fuzzy and ambiguous) results, and therefore his colleagues decided that Mars was still uninhabited. But this is far from the final conclusion!

6. There are many strange objects on Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe In general, thanks to the Vikings and other (later) devices, people had the opportunity to examine the Martian surface in great detail.

In most of the pictures, of course, only the endless stone desert is visible, remarkable only for its extreme “roughness”.

But, of course, whoever seeks will always find – in some photos, supporters of various alien theories, ufologists, etc. saw a considerable number of strange and mysterious objects.

For example, in 2015, in one of the pictures, these meticulous “Mars scientists” saw something that looked like a fallen column with hieroglyphs similar to Egyptian ones, a little later – a woman walking on Mars, a petrified “lizard”, a Martian “crab”, a dinosaur skull , “humanoid skeleton” and even something that looks like a gorilla.

No arguments that this is just a play of light, and that when shooting from a different angle, all mysterious creatures will immediately disappear, they, of course, are not accepted.

5. There is a “stargate” on Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe Another object from the Martian image, which made a fuss among ufologists, was noticed by them in September 2015. UFO researchers claim that this is something that is clearly man-made (it has too straight lines and too regular shape).

They considered the object to be a long-destroyed and half-buried “star gate” underground (no more, no less…), having seen, among other things, something similar to the remains of a collapsed roof with a round hole in the middle.

4. There was a nuclear war on Mars

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe And a year earlier (in 2014), John Brandenburg, an American physicist working in the field of plasma particles, said that, quite possibly, a nuclear war happened on Mars some time ago (well, or at least there were at least two large nuclear wars). explosions).

From what did he draw such a conclusion? And from the fact that in the albeit very rarefied, but still existing atmosphere of the red planet, there is a large concentration of xenon-129, and in its soil there is an excessive amount of uranium and thorium.

By the way, Brandenburg (seemingly sincerely believing that there are clearly signs of the existence of a highly developed civilization on Mars in the form of canals, “ruins of ancient cities”, etc., which we will talk about a little later), noticed that just in the areas where powerful nuclear explosions allegedly thundered, the remnants of civilization are least observed, because they are destroyed “to dust”.

3. “Face” on Mars and the ancient city of Cydonia

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe Well, now more about those very “remnants of civilization.”

As early as 1976, one of the many photographs taken by the Vikings attracted particularly close attention of researchers, since it clearly shows a huge human “face” on the surface of Mars.

And even then, many scientists quite reasonably decided that this was just a shadow that successfully fell on the Martian hill. Later shots of the same location proved this to be true – the face no longer “appeared”.

But supporters of “conspiracy theories”, of course, are sure that the new photos were deliberately taken “from the wrong” angle in order to hide the impressive truth that Mars is inhabited (well, or was once so). But in fact, this object could not arise on its own, by the “will of nature”, it is clearly man-made.

As, however, are the “obvious” remains of the ancient city, which are located just not far from the “face”, in the Kydonia region. Like, there you can clearly see the former layout of streets and squares.

2. Mars has pyramids and a sphinx

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe Everything in that area of ​​Cydonia (that is, in the immediate vicinity of the Martian “face” and the “ancient city”) there are several more mysterious objects that adherents of the theory of civilization on Mars like to “poke in the nose” of those who do not believe in it (read – “very narrow-minded “) to people.

These are the pyramids and the sphinx (according to the assurances of the “Mars scientists”, they are similar to the well-known Egyptian ones, – they say, both their location and the ratio of distances between the Martian pyramid-like objects almost perfectly correspond to the “terrestrial analogue”).

Again, despite the fact that most scientists claim that these mountains are ordinary, that is, “natural”, ufologists insist that such a geometrically ideal form could not take and arise by itself (and even close to the “face of a Martian”). This is nonsense!

1. Phobos is a space station

10 Martian conspiracy theories that are hard to believe Back in the 1960s. Soviet astrophysicist Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky argued that the satellite of Mars Phobos is hollow inside. He made such a conclusion on the basis of the fact that the calculations of the movement of this cosmic body in orbit gave specific results – it turned out to be uneven and curved.

Moreover, he had the imprudence to say that, perhaps, Phobos is of artificial origin. Ufologists and other “alien catchers” immediately seized on this idea, developing it to the point that, in fact, Phobos is not a satellite, but an ancient orbital space station, which (quite possibly) was also used to protect Mars from meteorites and asteroids, but after the death of civilization on their native planet, of course, it died out and became empty.

Not so long ago, the European Space Agency confirmed Shklovsky’s conclusions that there is (!) a natural void in the center of Phobos, simply because it is formed from the debris of several asteroids.

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