10 male celebrities with a bad reputation

Unfortunately, not all stars pass the test of fame. For many, money, recognition and the resulting influence are so debilitating that celebrities who have achieved something fly out of the world of show business without the opportunity to return to the spotlight.

We have compiled a list of the 10 most scandalous famous men who are known in wide circles for their difficult character or facts of obscene behavior.

10 Ben Affleck

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Attitude towards Affleck in the world of cinema is ambiguous. At one time, the actor was considered the worst in his craft, he played only in second-rate comedies and often acted as the object of jokes among more successful colleagues on the set. Nothing worked out either in the movies or in his personal life.

Affleck’s image was pleasant: a faithful husband, a loving father, a good family man. But the truth about betrayal soon surfaced. Ben didn’t just cheat on his wife with some abstract woman, he had an affair with his own kids’ nanny! This scandal was long discussed by the press, which cemented Affleck’s knowledge of a man with a bad reputation.

9. Al Pacino

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Al Pacino was known for his outspoken nature, which is why he might come across as a rude person to some. But in life, the actor was quite a pleasant personality.

The only high-profile scandal thundered at the peak of his acting career: Al Pacino was arrested by the police for illegal possession of a weapon. The actor was even taken to the police station, and he was threatened with a long time, until it turned out that the weapon found was a prop from the filming.

8. Charlie Sheen

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Charlie Sheen has more than 10 major scandals that thundered literally throughout the world of show business. The actor was repeatedly taken away by the police when he was in a state of drug intoxication.

Sheen’s betrayals were not even questioned: Charlie was often seen in the company of prostitutes or unfamiliar girls. The actor’s wife later told police that her husband threatened her with a knife when she announced her intention to file for divorce.

It seems that during his career, Shin has managed to offend and offend all possible groups of people. He even spoke negatively about people of non-traditional sexual orientation more than once, while he himself confessed to sexual experience with men.

7. Matthew McConaughey

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation If now McConaughey is famous for his amazing Oscar-winning roles, then earlier Matthew was famous for his difficult character.

For example, once an actor was taken to the police for possession and use of drugs. McConaughey received a complaint that he played drums loudly and sang songs – a complaint was filed by a neighbor. Arriving police found the actor in an inadequate condition and took him to the station.

Later, all charges were dropped and they tried to “hush up” the story, but McConaughey’s addiction to drugs did not disappear from people’s memory.

6. Mel Gibson

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Gibson has been deteriorating his reputation in the Hollywood world for a long time. He drove drunk and got behind the wheel, not hiding an uncorked bottle of alcohol. He exceeded the speed limit, miraculously did not knock down pedestrians, resisted the police. In general, Gibson’s love of alcohol significantly undermined his image.

The Hollywood doors were finally closed to Mel when the press became aware that the actor beat his wife on a regular basis. The glossy world never forgives violence and cruelty, and therefore it is not surprising that Gibson soon disappeared from film sets and all television screens.

5. Mark Wahlberg

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Mark has more than 20 leads to the police. Most of them were for petty theft and hooliganism, but there were also arrests for robbery, fights and racism. In his youth, Wahlberg often came into conflict with people of a different race: he beat blacks, he once received a drive for beating an elderly Vietnamese man with a baseball bat. It is worth noting that Wahlberg chose the victims precisely those with whom it turned out not an equal fight, but a full-fledged beating.

Mark was sentenced to two years for attempted murder after one of his victims went blind. Wahlberg, on the other hand, served a month and a half in prison, and after he was released, it remains to be hoped that a different person.

4. Christian Slater

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Slater is famous for his unstable and aggressive nature. With his ex-wife in public, he started a fight more than once, on the street he could spontaneously rush at a passerby, and then actively resist law enforcement officers.

Once, the actor was even filed with the police for sexual harassment. The girl, whose name is being withheld, said that Slater pestered her on the street, pinched her buttocks and hinted at sexual intercourse in every possible way. The frightened girl fought off the actor and immediately reported him to the police, for which Slater was accused of sexual harassment in the third degree.

3. Justin Bieber

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Justin Bieber is a prime example of a young star who has struggled to cope with the popularity that has fallen on her head. A 14-year-old boy literally woke up famous: then concerts, tours, tours, fans and a huge number of interviews.

A few years later, Bieber is already seen in dubious companies, the singer is suspected of using drugs and more than once filmed on camera how he relieves himself in a public place or, disregarding the rules, drives a car while intoxicated.

Bieber is also famous for his capricious character, which the public really does not like. Once, Justin delayed a private jet for as much as 8 hours, as he was waiting for his pet monkey. It would seem that this is love for an animal! But a couple of years later, the singer left the pet somewhere on the German streets and it is not known how the life of the monkey would have ended if the workers of the local zoo had not taken the animal into the care.

2. Robert Downey Jr.

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation Probably everyone knows the rapid success story of Downey Jr. He was predicted the future of the most sought-after and successful actor, until Robert got hooked on hard drugs. Debauchery, imprisonment, possession and use – all this closed the Hollywood doors in front of the actor’s nose for many, many years.

The directors did not want to get involved with Robert, as they knew the difficult nature of the actor and his problems with drug addiction. Fortunately, after Robert met his future wife, the life and career of the actor began to improve.

1. Will Smith

10 male celebrities with a bad reputation All members of the Smith family at least once graced the front page of newspapers with scandalous news. The press suspected Will of infidelity, his marriage to his wife is still considered by many to be open. Recall that in an open marriage, a husband and wife can have sexual relations with other people.

More than once, Willa and Jadu have been checked out by children’s and family services, as photos of their 13-year-old daughter in bed with a 20-year-old unknown boyfriend were once published. Both parents then commented that the paparazzi are able to find dirt even in a harmless picture. The explanations seemed weak to the public, because the incident with the photo notably damaged the reputation of the family.

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