10 main virtues of the British

The British are a secretive people and carefully guard their personal space from strangers. They never boast of their merits and even less their merits. From this you have already learned about one of their positive qualities!

Residents of the UK delight many – who else has such endurance, self-esteem and such an ability to control their emotions? If you are interested in this people, and you want to know more about the main advantages of the amazing English people, read this article.

10 Good manners

10 main virtues of the British

British people and good manners are synonymous. Just before the child was born, his parents try to teach etiquette, table setting and good manners.

It was in the UK that such a thing as a “true gentleman” was born, the inhabitants of this country impeccably observe all the norms, rules of etiquette and always try to be polite.

They are not used to talking loudly, they never push in public places and transport. The British are not accustomed to showing their emotions, even if they are overwhelmed. Other peoples may consider them cold and devoid of feelings, but this is absolutely not the case.

9. Love to the animals

10 main virtues of the British

The British love animals and have several cats and dogs at home. If in Russia we constantly see stray dogs and cats walking free, then in England you definitely will not see homeless animals.

The Animal Welfare Organization always works, each animal is placed in a shelter and they try to find suitable owners for it.

By the way, the choice of owners is treated very responsibly, a cat or a dog will never be given into someone’s hands, just to give it back.

The British treat their animals like their own children. Even if a cat walks among green spaces in England, then, most likely, she was simply let out for a walk in a collar and she has a house to which she will return after a walk.

8. Respect for privacy

10 main virtues of the British

This quality should be learned by other peoples. The British are the most restrained and understanding people who never climb into someone else’s life with advice, especially since no one condemns anyone.

For example, girlfriends will never discuss their friend behind her back, they won’t even think about it. You will never see grandmothers sitting on benches and discussing the life of their neighbors – they have more interesting activities, which cannot be said about the grandmothers of Russia.

In England, everyone has the right to express themselves the way they want. As long as the matter does not concern the law, each person can do what he wants.

7. Love for children

10 main virtues of the British

In England, they love children very much and create favorable conditions for their development. It is unlikely that children will wander around idle here, even for kids there are special circles and sections, and many of them are completely free.

For example, in Chelsea, you can visit the library, where every Thursday a couple of some mischievous guitarists will play their favorite songs especially for children. Parents try to give their kids as much time as possible.

And on Saturday (Fathers’ Day in England), fathers are happy to play with their children throughout the day.

6. Honesty

10 main virtues of the British

Since childhood, the British have been trying to be honest (first of all, with themselves) and if they take on any obligations, they fulfill them.

Since ancient times, people have enjoyed a reputation as honest and reliable partners – here a man will not deceive a woman in order to get something from her, a business partner will not let you down, and in a store the seller will honestly tell you that this product is defective or cakes are not very fresh.

Moreover, if the goods are returned to the store and the reason is described, the seller may not even check, but take their word for it. It is very pleasant, probably, to live in a country where you do not have to suspect people, but you can trust them.

5. Sense of humor

10 main virtues of the British

The British are known for their “coldness” and inability to express their emotions, including negative ones. But they found a great way for themselves – the British are skilled at sarcasm, and their specific humor is incomparable to anyone else!

They believe that the pinnacle of wit is to make fun of someone, but they do it not out of evil motives, it seems to them that by making fun of their own and other people’s mistakes, it is easier to cope with failures and problems in life. If you decide to give an Englishman a compliment, then, most likely, he will treat him with self-irony and will only begin to joke with himself even more. With all this, the British have a very subtle humor, and it is fundamentally different from the American one.

4. Restraint

10 main virtues of the British

Another of the main advantages of the amazing Englishmen is their restraint. We are used to people expressing their emotions vividly: they complain, get angry, shout, rejoice, etc. In England, such behavior is considered bad manners.

The inhabitants of this country are very calm and restrained, they will never impose themselves, burden others with their life failures. The British leave all the problems within their home and people carry them in themselves.

Even if the Englishman is overwhelmed with emotions, outwardly he will remain imperturbable, and will put his opponent in his place with subtle English sarcastic humor.

3. Style

10 main virtues of the British

The British are the legislators of new trends in fashion. If you see a strange man with long hair in your city, and a fur coat is thrown over him from outerwear, rubber slippers are on his feet, most likely he is an Englishman (of course, he may be a Russian crazy!)

“I wear what I want and what I take out of the closet first” is the motto of the British. Combining the incongruous and wearing what you want, the people of Britain, because of their eccentricity, are considered one of the most stylish nations in the whole world!

2. Courtesy

10 main virtues of the British

People in the UK are very patriotic, but they never talk about it. In addition, they respect other people’s customs, traditions and norms of behavior.

If the habits of another people seem wild to them, they will never ridicule or say so. Even though the British really dislike rude and ill-mannered people, their opponent is unlikely to find out about this if he behaves rudely.

Of course, this point depends on the character of the person – someone may not like the behavior of another so much that he points to it.

1. Compassion

10 main virtues of the British

The English are a very compassionate people. They never offend those who are weaker and more vulnerable than them. Residents of England do everything to ensure that the elderly, the disabled and people with disabilities live with dignity. Almost all public places are equipped with elevators and ramps.

In England, volunteer and charitable organizations are flourishing – you can make donations or become a volunteer. Most English people do charity work on a daily basis, but they do not advertise it.

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