10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

Go to a neighbor who lives in the same house as you – how long can it take? It may seem like a few minutes. Maximum – half an hour – an hour, if you ignore the elevator and go very slowly.

However, there are residential buildings in the world in which neighbors do not go, but visit each other, since the length of such a house can exceed 1 km.

Surprisingly, they were not built in the 30st century, when the Earth was covered with a fashion for “gigantism”, but in the second half of the last century (although one copy was completely erected in the XNUMXs).

The longest houses in the world and where are these buildings located? That is what we will talk about today.

10 Corviale, Rome – 1 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

The project of this condominium was created in 1972 by the architect Mario Fiorentino, who was faced with the task of unloading the center of Rome. The house was supposed to become a home for 8 people, and it was also planned to place kindergartens, schools, shops, etc. in it.

It is this building that can be considered the progenitor of modern multifunctional residential complexes. First part of the house Corviale in Rome was put into operation already in 1974, and after another 8 years it was completed completely.

Now, after a major renovation in 2009, it houses 1 apartments, utilities, a farmers’ market, and even a mental health center.

9. Lange Jammer, Berlin – 1 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

The Märkisches Viertel district in West Berlin was abandoned and dilapidated for some time, but in the mid-60s its revival began, one of the symbols of which was the kilometer house Long Shame. Made in the style of modernism, it has a rather unpresentable appearance, leading to some despondency and longing.

That is why the name is so “speaking”: Lange Jammer can be translated as “long cry”, although some prefer options “yell” и “poverty”.

In 1975, a film was even made about this house, the author of which described it as “a monotonous object for the poor, in which the tenants lose all desire to strive for something, and the building itself serves as a hotbed of banditry, drug addiction and other human vices”.

Interesting fact: the Lange Jammer house has a second name – champagne castleThat is, “Champagne Castle”. According to those who live in it, some joker came up with it, because the house does not pull at all on the castle, and champagne for most of its residents in the 60s was an unaffordable luxury.

8. Le Lignon, Geneva – 1 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

In 1963, the authorities of the city of Geneva decided to create several autonomous regions around the city, providing them with high-speed transport as well.

The area was first The Lignon, which was chosen randomly and where the eponymous residential building was built a little over a kilometer long. The construction was completed in 1967, and its result was an array of 5.7 thousand apartments and a height of 9 to 16 floors.

At the same time, the designers correctly approached the issue of the location of the apartments: the windows of each are made in such a way that they receive maximum sunlight. Neighbors do not have to envy each other due to the fact that someone lives better than others: they tried to put everyone on an equal footing.

7. House of employees of the Transmash plant, Moscow – 1,1 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

House of employees of the plant “Transmash” in the Russian capital (it is also called “Chinese Wall” и «Bastille») was also an experiment of Soviet architects.

In fact, this is not one house 1.1 km long, but several shorter ones, but located back to back. In addition to the direct function of a residential building, it was also supposed to become a kind of shield that would protect residents of other areas from harmful emissions from the nearby High-Voltage Testing Institute.

It turns out that the residents of the Bastille had to take the first blow on themselves, which is rather strange: who would want to live in such a house?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, tests at the Institute ceased, so now it does not perform any protective function.

6. Karl-Marx-Hof, Vienna – 1,1 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

Even though the house Karl-Marx-Hoff is only on the sixth line of our rating, among buildings with a continuous structure, it holds the record. Others are an architectural ensemble of several buildings, but not this one.

The architect Karl En designed it in 1927, and in 1930 the construction came to an end. It has 1 apartments and 400 entrances, and to get from the first to the last, you have to travel 98 stops on public transport.

Interesting fact: in February 1934, during the anti-fascist uprising, the Karl-Marx-Hof house was a key stronghold. The government managed to capture it only with the use of artillery.

5. Residential building, Volgograd – 1,14 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

House on Grimsha and Nikolay Otrada street built a local tractor factory in the 1970s to house his workers. People who received an apartment in it had to work 4 hours overtime for 4 years in order to pay for housing. It has approximately 3 residents living in 500 apartments (1 entrances).

Interesting fact: residential building in Volgograd can compete with Karl-Marx-Hof for the title of the longest continuous structure in the world, and it can be even longer, but no one has officially recorded the record and is not going to.

4. The house on the street Akademika Zabolotny, Kyiv — 1,24 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

Residential building on Akademika Zabolotny Street in the capital of Ukraine was built for 11 years: from 1969 to 1980. It formed the basis of the Teremki microdistrict near the forest park of almost 94 hectares.

It has 4 apartments, in which more than 500 people live, and legally not everyone has the same address. The fact is that the house is divided into 12 sections, which are combined into one array.

The shape of the house deserves special mention: honeycombs, from which rays diverge in different directions. The maximum height is 21 floors and gradually decreases along the length of the beams.

3. Residential building, Copenhagen – 1,475 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

Residential building in Copenhagen located on Bimuren Street and is the central object of the local commune. Surprisingly, almost one and a half kilometer house was built in just 2 years (1972-1974).

The building looks especially good from a bird’s eye view: its shape is somewhat reminiscent of a block from the cult game “Tetris”, which did not exist at that time.

2. Residential building, Murmansk – 1,49 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

This building is officially recognized the longest residential complex in Russia, although it consists of separate sections, which in some places have “gaps”, that is, the house is not solid.

He located on Kolsky Prospekt and Bering Street in Murmansk, being, if not an ornament, then at least a noticeable landmark of the city.

1. Residential building, Lutsk – 1,75 km

10 longest houses in the world, the length of which is measured in kilometers

The record holder in length was built in the same years as the house on the street. Academician Zabolotny in Kyiv. Inhabitants houses in Lutsk they call it nothing but “Great Wall of China”, since 1 m is the “net” length of the building, and if you calculate the length with all extensions, you get a little more than 750 meters.

In total, in the array, which also looks like a honeycomb, there are 40 houses with a different number of floors, each of which is closely adjacent to the next one. Thousands of people live in 40 entrances, who, in order to visit their neighbors, must first wait for public transport, and then drive 4 stops.

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