10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your heart’s content

It is no secret that the most ancient settlements assumed the residence of communities, that is, groups. Houses arose next to each other, resulting in the formation of villages, then villages and cities.

In today’s world, the level of urbanization is going through the roof, as the number of urban residents is constantly growing. There is an influx of visitors to work, as well as an outflow of residents from rural to urban areas.

As a result, cities grow to a large scale, and not always logically and proportionally. So, some centers historically “blurred” over the allocated territory and are among the most extended on the planet.

Introducing the 10 longest cities in the world that are simply impossible to walk around during a week-long vacation, which one is the longest?

10 Delhi, 54,9 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The city is located in the north of the country. Like most local cities, Delhi It is quite densely populated – on its modest territory, it managed to accommodate 16,8 million people.

The maximum width and length is observed in the central part and equates to 48,5 and 54 kilometers, respectively.

It is noteworthy that the city has a peculiar administrative division. Thus, the entire area occupies 1485 square kilometers, and 700 of them are reserved specifically for urban areas. The city is divided into 9 districts, and the smallest in terms of area and number of residents is New Delhi, which is also the capital.

9. London, 60 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The capital of Great Britain, in addition to its length, is also characterized by “advanced age”, since it was founded back in 43 AD (almost 2 thousand years old).

By size London is the third in Europe with a length of 60 kilometers. For a whole century (1825-192) the city led the ranking of the largest in the world. It is located in the southeastern part of the British Isle.

The vast territory is divided into 33 administrative districts with local self-government. The main area of ​​the “City” is controlled by a corporation that has been operating here since medieval times.

8. Melbourne, 77 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content Australia occupies an entire continent, so it is not surprising that its cities are considered among the largest metropolitan areas in the world. Melbourne it is the second largest city in the country, but the first in length – 77 kilometers in length.

The area of ​​9990 square kilometers is hospitably open to numerous tourists and travelers. The city harmoniously combines industrial, commercial, cultural and business districts.

Australians consider Melbourne to be the cultural capital of Australia. Two years ago, one of the popular British magazines once again named Melbourne the most comfortable city in the world to live in.

7. Sao Paulo, 72,5 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The Brazilian metropolis, located in the south of the country, is more than 72 kilometers long. Intensified urbanization and a developing economy led to the expansion of the territory and the recognition of the city as the business center of the country.

inhabit Sao Paulo mostly Hispanic. Interestingly, the city is considered the longest in the world from a bird’s eye view. It is also notable for its contrast: elite residential areas are adjacent to trading floors, office centers and quite colorful slums.

The metro scheme in the city is one main first line that crosses the entire city, and 5 additional transverse branches.

6. New York, 88 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The eastern city of the United States, which is also one of the largest, has an area of ​​​​1215 square kilometers. Part of it is located on the peninsula so that the length of the coastline is 891 kilometers. The city is elongated to the north, as a result of which the length exceeds the width several times.

The main metro line is also elongated and has only a few transverse auxiliary branches.

New York It is considered one of the largest and most densely populated cities on the planet, surpassing even the capital of the States in these parameters. It is also a powerful tourist center and a stronghold for migrants who go in search of the “American Dream”.

5. Tokyo, 92 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The capital of Japan is located on the southeastern part of the picturesque island of Honshu. The length of the city is neither more nor less than 92 kilometers, and the width is only 25. So, by car at normal speed, you will drive along it in 2 hours (and this is without traffic jams).

The city is not only the capital, but also a major world economic, political and cultural center. More than 13 million Japanese live here with a total city area of ​​​​2187 kmXNUMX.

The composition Tokyo includes numerous islands. Interestingly, the ancient streets of the city are under state protection. Tokyo has a unique administrative division – 20 districts with their own mayor and governing council. The city governor is an elected office.

4. Beijing, 107 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content The capital of China is the second largest city after Shanghai. It is home to about 17 million people on an area of ​​16808 kmXNUMX.

The length of the political, economic and cultural world center is 107 kilometers, which can be overcome in 2 hours by car without traffic jams.

Peking considered the longest Asian city in the world. It is known that the first settlement was organized under the mountain, and the city itself grew along.

3. Krivoy Rog, 126 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content Located in Ukraine, this city ranks 3rd in the world in terms of length. It is a large industrial place where high-quality cast iron and steel are produced.

Area Krivoy Rog is more than 450 square kilometers, and the length is 126. It is considered the longest city among European ones. It does not have special attractions, resort areas or famous shopping centers. The most popular tourist attraction is the fountain complex with light music located on the central square, as well as the boat station.

2. Sochi, 145 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content A major Russian city sprawls along the Black Sea coast in Russia. It starts in the northwest of the Shepsi River and stretches to the border with Abkhazia for 145 kilometers, which makes it the second longest in the world.

Of course, Sochi It is also the longest city in the Russian Federation. During the Soviet Union, it was the most visited place by tourists due to its natural scenery, mild climate, clean ozonized air and, of course, access to the sea.

Sochi is protected from northern winds by mountains, so the swimming season here lasts for 5 months. Outwardly, the city resembles a national park or reserve, it is moderately urbanized and practically does not have large industrial facilities within its boundaries.

1. Mexico City, 200 km

10 longest cities in the world: you will need a few weeks to walk around them to your hearts content Leads our ranking Mexico City, which spread its 200 kilometer expanses in the southern part of the Mexican Highlands. The city is surrounded by mountains on all sides, which makes it attractive for active tourism.

It sits at an altitude of more than 2,2 km above sea level, thanks to which it receives the status of the highest located city on the entire continent of North America.

The metropolis is characterized by a dense population. It is also considered a city-museum, as there are more than 1,4 thousand historical sights, more than 80 museums and archaeological sites on the territory.

The longest cities in the world have an interesting history of formation. In general, for that matter, the issues of urban planning are very interesting to study, so you are welcome to the longest cities to broaden your horizons.

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