10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women

Everyone knows that there are significant differences between the male and female organisms, which are also observed in psychology.

No wonder there is an expression: “A man is from Mars, a woman is from Venus”, which in a metaphorical sense suggests that the difference between the sexes is so significant that men and women can be considered people from different planets.

In addition to the obvious differences between the sexes, there are those that we have never thought about. In our article, you can read 10 little-known facts about the biological differences between men and women.

10 Gene protection

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women New Zealand scientists have found that women’s genes are much stronger than men’s, and they affect life expectancy. Ladies are able to live longer than gentlemen due to good indicators of gene immunity.

Defects in the field of genetics that a mother has are not transmitted to daughters, but to sons. The researchers noted in their work that the representatives of the weaker sex in the body have immunity to various gene mutations and defects, so serious diseases are transmitted through the male line in the family.

Also, scientific research has proven that men need to marry, not be polygamous, as this will allow them to reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

9. Autism is a male disease

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women Many people wonder why boys are more likely to be born with autism than girls. Scientists give two answers to this question.

First, men have one X chromosome. It is likely that this fact makes them more vulnerable to birth defects, since damaged genes do not have the protection that can cover or repair them.

The second justification is called anatomical. Researchers believe that there are differences between the models of “internal communications” in the brain in men and women.

The brain of the stronger sex has stronger local connections within the hemispheres, but the external connections between the hemispheres are weaker.

8. Fat deposits

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women In the male body, the visceral type of fat predominates; it is deposited deep in the body, between organs, mainly in the intestines.

As a result, the man gets a “pregnant tummy.” This type of body fat is quite complex, it is difficult to get rid of it.

In the female body, fat is deposited immediately under the skin, it is much easier to get rid of it, it also harms the internal organs less.

Problems such as excessive sweating, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area in overweight ladies are less common than in gentlemen.

7. Color perception

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women In life, situations often occur when men and women argue about the perception of a particular color. Some representatives of the stronger sex seriously believe that ladies simply know more names for colors than they themselves. But it’s not.

Researchers have found that male and female bodies actually perceive colors differently. The reason for this is that 20 percent of the information comes to us from the outside world and it depends on the structure of the eyes. Processing 80 percent depends on the activity of the nervous system and other characteristics of the body.

Different ways of processing information regarding color are affected by the level of the male hormone – testosterone, since the higher it is, the more complex the connection between the nerve endings.

6. Eyelash length

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women Many representatives of the fair sex note that their male soulmates have eyelashes that are much thicker and longer than their own. What is the reason for this, not everyone knows.

The point is again in the male hormone – testosterone, it is he who makes the hairs stronger, more elastic and longer. In addition, men do not use cosmetics, allowing the eyelashes to remain in a natural state.

Women regularly paint their eyelids with shadows, apply mascara to their eyelashes, cosmetic products, even the most expensive ones, do not improve the health of the hairs, they need to be given a rest.

5. Causes of death

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women Scientists have found that men have more causes for death.

They are able to die from any kind of disease, except for those that are characteristic of the female body, that is, breast cancer, various ailments of the reproductive female reproductive system, including those that cause the development of tumors.

4. Blood composition

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women In men and women, not only the composition of the blood is different, but also its volume and density. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex have more red blood cells in their blood, which allow them to easily cope with physical exertion, the hormone testosterone, which gives men endurance.

In the female blood there is more hormone – serotonin, which creates a good mood for ladies, gives joy and dreaminess.

3. IQ level

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women It is believed that men have a higher level of intelligence than women. This hypothesis is quite common in society today.

The development of intelligence is influenced by the structure of the brain, hormones, upbringing, genes, level of education.

Some scientists suggest that a man’s brain weighs about 100-150 grams more than a woman’s, which determines the speed of information processing.

Representatives of the stronger sex cope with some tasks faster.

2. Face shape

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women Looking at the shape of a person’s face, most of us immediately accurately guess his gender, despite the hairstyle. We can do this, since the shape of the face in men and women has differences.

For example, in the fair sex, the forehead has a rounded shape, clear contours, in men same the forehead is higher and wider.

Also, in men and women, the hairline, the base at the bridge of the nose (larger in men), the thickness of the lips, and the structure of the chin are different.

1. Finger length

10 Little-Known Facts About the Biological Differences Between Men and Women In most men, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, while in women the opposite is true or they are the same length. Scientists have found that the difference in the proportions of the ring and index fingers is determined by the ratio of male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens).

Studies of mouse embryos helped to clarify this feature. Scientists observed them during the period of development from 13 to 17 days, if at that time the amount of the female hormone in the body of the mother mouse prevailed, then the fingers of her cub developed according to the female type, if the male hormone, then the fingers developed according to the male type.

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