10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

The ancient Egyptian queen is one of the most famous in world history. Many programs, films have been shot about her, many books have been written, but what is curious is that nothing is known about her childhood.

However, biographers suggest that she was a very educated girl – Cleopatra knew 8 languages, had an analytical mindset, and was able to negotiate brilliantly. Obviously, Cleopatra often visited the Library of Alexandria, which contained hundreds of thousands of books.

In addition to the fact that the queen stood out for her extraordinary abilities, but she could still fall in love with anyone – everyone probably knows about this. From the life of Cleopatra there are interesting facts that you may be interested in.

10 Cleopatra’s father was Greek

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

Cleopatra was born in Egypt, but her father Ptolemy XII was Greek. The queen belonged to the dynasty of Ptolemy I Soter (Savior), which reigned in Egypt.

When Alexander the Great died (king of Macedonia), Ptolemy became the ruler of Egypt in 323 BC. e. and founded his own dynasty, whose members spoke among themselves in Greek.

His dynasty ruled for almost three centuries, Cleopatra adopted the traditions and customs of the country and learned Egyptian.

9. Cleopatra was born by incest

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

Ancient Egypt actively practiced family marriages – the Ptolemies married relatives so that the genealogy was kept clean.

Cleopatra’s ancestors married their siblings, so it’s possible that her parents were related.

Cleopatra did not deviate from tradition, and her brothers became her husbands: her brother Ptolemy XIII became her first official husband – he was not yet 10 years old when the marriage was concluded.

8. She became to blame for the death of brothers and sisters

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

Killing for power was acceptable. The queen’s first husband, Ptolemy XIII, ordered her to disappear from Egypt when she tried to take control of power.

Cleopatra entered into an alliance beneficial for both sides with Julius Caesar (due to whom, by the way, she became widely known), and Ptolemy, having lost, drowned in the Nile.

After the end of the war, Cleopatra became the wife of her other brother, Ptolemy XIV, and he was also killed.

In 41 BC. e. the queen also killed her sister, named Arsinoe IV, because she considered her a serious competitor who could get the throne.

7. Cleopatra’s achievements are not in beauty

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

Everyone is used to thinking that Cleopatra is a ruthless seductress who used her charms for political purposes. But her beauty is not the most important thing.

The queen was very educated and intellectual (here’s what you should pay attention to) – she played various instruments, could speak 8 languages ​​fluently, knew philosophy, mathematics, was fond of astronomy and she was interested in rhetoric.

Cleopatra was a scientist, and in fact her attractiveness is exaggerated. She just had a special charm, which attracted men to her.

6. Cleopatra knew how to present herself correctly

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

The queen believed that she was a manifestation of the goddess, and could get used to any role – in 48 BC, at the time when she was in hostile relations with her brother, Gaius Julius Caesar (ancient Roman politician), and she, knowing that Ptolemy would prevent her meeting with Julius, came up with a trick.

The legend says that Cleopatra, secretly from prying eyes, was taken in a linen bag (according to legend, in a carpet) to meet with Caesar. After this incident, Caesar and the ancient Egyptian queen became lovers.

5. The queen followed her husband to Rome

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

In 46 BC in Rome, Cleopatra followed Caesar, and her appearance created a lot of noise. Their love affair was not hidden, and the queen even brought their child to Rome.

In the Roman Temple of Venus the Progenitor, Caesar placed a golden statue of Cleopatra at the altar, after which many Romans were indignant.

In 44 BC Julius was killed, and the queen had to flee the city, but she was well remembered. Her hairstyle, which she loved to wear with pearls, began to be copied by women, and their statues were even mistaken for images of the queen.

4. Cleopatra had to hide

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

The ancient Greek queen married the ancient Roman politician Marco Antony, and gave birth to 3 children from him, but their relationship also created a buzz in Rome.

Mark’s rival, Octavian, used his affair with Cleopatra for his own purposes, convincing everyone that he was a victim whose trust was taken advantage of by an insidious temptress.

In 32 BC The Senate of Rome declared war on the queen. When the battle of Actium (the last naval battle) took place, Cleopatra stood at the head of dozens of Egyptian ships, but they were not enough to fight Octavian.

The battle turned into a rout, so Cleopatra and Antony had to go into hiding.

3. Mark Antony and Cleopatra had a feast

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

The relationship between Mark and Cleopatra was based on political interests – she needed Anthony to protect the throne and preserve the sovereignty of Egypt, and the commander needed the wealth of this country.

But they were good together, according to sources – in 41-40 years. BC. the couple spent time together enjoying Egyptian riches and even formed a club called the Inimitable Liver.

The club organized feasts at night, and the guests liked to arrange games, which, by the way, were difficult. Cleopatra and Antony’s favorite game was to walk around Alexandria, dressed in different clothes, and play pranks on the locals.

2. Perhaps Cleopatra died not from a snakebite, but from opium

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

All researchers agree that Cleopatra committed suicide at the age of 39. Octavian, who defeated Mark Antony, wanted to bring the queen from Egypt to Rome and lead her like a trophy through the streets of the “eternal city”, following the victor’s chariot, although he hid it.

Cleopatra did not want to be shamed, so she decided that the best way out was to commit suicide. She took poison – a mixture of opium, aconite and hemlock.

1. The film “Cleopatra”, filmed in 1963, is one of the most expensive

10 little-known facts about Cleopatra

In 1963, the audience saw a film about the queen, and it began to be considered one of the most expensive films ever made.

The costumes alone cost $200. Initially, the film was allocated $ 000 million, but gradually the budget began to grow.

You could say that the studio went bankrupt filming it. Interestingly, the film to this day remains one of the most expensive.

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