10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation

Many ladies plan a vacation long before it starts, while trying to take into account all the features of their body so as not to be taken by surprise. Unfortunately, even careful checks with the women’s calendar cannot save us from the sudden onset of critical days.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, for example, taking any drugs, stress, hormonal disorders, etc.

Some girls are seriously considering giving up a trip to the sea in connection with this problem, but we believe that you should not despair and suggest that you familiarize yourself with 10 life hacks that will ease the critical days that have fallen on vacation.

10 Take hygiene items with you

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation Experienced travelers are advised to put in the suitcase the usual hygiene products needed on critical days, even if you do not expect them during the holidays.

The fact is that menstruation can suddenly begin upon arrival in another country due to climate change. It is also worth taking hygiene items with you because the usual products may not be on store shelves in another city, you will have to buy those that are there, but they may not be suitable, for example, cause an allergic reaction.

Also in the resort area they often sell the necessary hygiene items at greatly inflated prices, this can affect the budget.

9. Consult a gynecologist about pills that make you feel better

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation If the vacation is already planned, and the critical days are about to come, then you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe medicines that will help reduce pain during menstruation.

You can also consult a doctor about medications that can bring or delay the onset of critical days. These drugs include combined oral contraceptives or gestagens, they can be taken only with the permission of a specialist, since the processes in the body that occur during menstruation are quite complex, and you should not interfere with them without unnecessary need.

8. Wear comfortable and suitable clothing

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation Many of the fair sex want to look great during the holidays, but what to do if critical days are taken by surprise? Experienced travelers recommend to endure 3-4 days, and then show off.

In the first days of menstruation, women often have a slightly enlarged stomach, this is due to the accumulation of fluid in the body under the influence of hormones (prolactin, estrogen and vasopressin). In this state, it is better not to try to squeeze into tight jeans or shorts, preference should be given to free-cut dresses, skirts of not too light shades.

7. Cut down on coffee, salt and sweets

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation During menstruation, women often experience an increased feeling of drowsiness, but gynecologists do not recommend invigorating themselves with a cup of coffee, it is better to give preference to tea.

The fact is that caffeine provokes fluid retention in the body, and can also cause bloating. Also at this time, salt intake should be limited, as it also retains fluid.

It is worth giving up sweets during critical days. Fast carbohydrates, which are found in sweets, cakes, affect the production of insulin, and it knocks down the overall hormonal background.

6. Eat Healthy Snacks That Boost Your Mood

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation On critical days, it is very important to be in a good mood, healthy snacks can help with this.

Preference should be given to fruits, for example, orange, melon, watermelon or banana, nuts of any kind, raisins, dried apricots, figs.

You can also eat berries, low-fat dairy products, honey, seafood, flax seeds or sesame seeds.

5. Boost the Iron You’re Losing These Days

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation During the critical days in the female body, the level of iron decreases significantly, in connection with this, many of the fair sex want to have a snack on a juicy steak or even eat a hamburger with a delicious cutlet, and these are extra calories.

In order not to come back from vacation with 2-3 unnecessary kilograms, instead of meat products, eat buckwheat and spinach, which also contain iron.

4. Papaya extract powder will save stained clothes

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation A rare woman did not get her clothes dirty at least once during the critical days. If at home it’s not so scary and it’s easy to save your favorite thing by removing the stain with a special habitual remedy, then on vacation it’s much more unpleasant to get your pants, shorts or skirt dirty.

Firstly, when going to the sea, not everyone expects to do laundry, so they don’t take washing powder with them. Secondly, not every girl will put a stain remover in her suitcase when going on vacation.

If the stain has dried up and the thing cannot be washed off with ordinary soap, then you should purchase a powder with papaya extract, with which you can save any soiled clothes.

3. Go to bed an hour earlier

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation Full sleep is necessary for the female body, especially during menstruation, when the lady experiences constant fatigue and drowsiness.

If on ordinary weekdays the fair sex is not allowed to sleep properly due to household chores, family care and work, then on vacation you can get enough sleep.

You need to add another hour to the usual sleep pattern for a woman, during which time the body will have time to rest.

2. Drink ginger tea

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation Ginger is known for its beneficial properties, doctors recommend drinking tea with it during critical days. The drink will help improve mood and reduce pain during menstruation.

To make such tea, you need to clean the root of the plant, finely chop, brew. You can put a slice of lemon and mint leaves in the drink.

1. Dark chocolate instead of No-shpa

10 life hacks if the critical days fell on vacation Many women and girls during the period of menstruation want sweets, but you should not eat it these days.

Cakes, sweets and milk chocolate are best replaced with dark chocolate, which contains at least 65 percent cocoa.

This product contains a lot of magnesium, and this mineral fights against severe pain in the lower abdomen and other signs of dysmenorrhea, which successfully replaces No-shpy tablets.

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