10 legendary songs of the Great Patriotic War

So the holiday of the Great Victory, which our Motherland won in the difficult and bloody Patriotic War, has approached. These were battles for truth and honor, for family and land, for faith and cultural identity.

Today we present 10 famous and very sincere songs that best describe the wartime and the value of the Victory won.

10 And we need one Victory

Bulat Okudzhava became the composer and author of the text of the work, and the famous film actress Nina Urgant was chosen for the role of the performer.

The song became the musical accompaniment for the cult film “Belarusian Station” and was first performed in the 70th year.

Film director Smirnov turned to Okudzhava with a request to create a real masterpiece. And the latter, seeing the piano in the room, immediately felt the verses and melody.

9. Take your overcoat, let’s go home

And again, Okudzhava became the author of sensitive words, and his colleague Levashov prepared the musical accompaniment.

People associate the song with Bykov’s film “Aty-bats, there were soldiers …”, which turns the soul of viewers.

Interestingly, the song was originally written for the film “From Dawn to Dawn”, which was released in the 75th year.

Already within 2 years, the song gained wide popularity – outstanding singers such as Kobzon, Khil, and Okudzhava himself wanted to perform it.

8. In the dugout

The text of the beautiful song was written by a war correspondent and part-time poet Surkov at the very beginning of the war in the fall of 41.

Then Alexei Surkov, along with his colleagues, went to the front. His battalion was subjected to mortar fire, which had to wait in a dugout. So, instead of a military report, Surkov saw poetic lines, the outlines of which were sent to his relatives for “review”.

Later, the journalist showed the stanzas to the composer Listov, as a result of which a song was born, which was widely distributed among the front-line soldiers. The work wanted to be performed by creative teams, as well as the famous domestic singer Ruslanova.

7. Wait for me

Few people do not know one of the “anthems” of the Great Patriotic War, which takes over the soul and leaves a noticeable mark on it.

The words were written in the summer of the first war year and were not planned for publication. But six months later, they were first published by the Pravda newspaper, and then set to music by the famous Russian composer Blanter.

At different times, Vinogradov, Khil and Hvorostovsky performed this beautiful work.

The main meaning of the song is the symbol of the “love amulet”, with which the family protects the belligerents from possible death. How important it is to believe and wait for a dear person, even at moments when the last strength and hope leave.

6. Smuglyanka

The music for the well-known and beloved military song was written by Novikov, and Shvedov became the poet. The original composition was part of a suite written at the request of the Kyiv Special Military District and dedicated to Kotovsky.

The song tells about a partisan girl who acted during the civil war. It is interesting that in the pre-war years it was never performed.

In various arrangements and styles, the song was covered by famous performers, including Rotaru, Kobzon, Chepraga and others. She also accompanied the visual series of two films, such as “Soldiers of Freedom” (Tolkunova became the soloist), and “Only Old Men Go to Battle”.

5. treasured stone

The composition, written in Mokrousov in collaboration with the author of poems Zharov, is dedicated to the hero city of Sevastopol. It first appeared in 1944 and was based on real events.

As a result of bloody battles for the city, a boat with four sailors is floating on the sea, one of whom is mortally wounded. He gives his comrades a fragment of the granite embankment of Sevastopol, bequeathing that it must be returned to its place at any cost.

The sailors pass the granite stone from hand to hand, and in the end it returns to Sevastopol, liberated from the Nazis. The song is very touching and has a deep meaning.

4. Nightingales

The text of the beautiful composition was compiled by Fatyanov already at the end of the war in 44, although the draft blanks lay for 2 years. He was at the front as an ordinary soldier, when one day, after a battle and the rumble of enemy aircraft, he heard the life-affirming trills of a nightingale.

Fatyanov felt the spiritual beauty of people, understood the price of camaraderie and true love.

He also noted how a well-timed word can change entire destinies. In collaboration with the musician Solovyov-Sedov, a wonderful composition of the Great Patriotic War appeared.

3. Katusha

Who does not know the real masterpiece of the Great Patriotic War, which was sung by both adults and children? It seems that the song is about a girl who is waiting for her beloved from the war.

But in fact, the text contains a second semantic row, because the “Katyushas” were called rocket artillery vehicles of the Soviet Union.

The song was created, what is most interesting, 3 years before the start of the war, but at that time it was not distributed. During the war, she became one of the main front-line songs and even acquired an additional verse.

By the way, the poems of “Katyusha” were further copied and adapted, dedicated to female partisans.

2. Dark night

The words of a subtle and soulful song were written by Agatov for the film “Two Soldiers” in the midst of the war (43rd year). The main character Dzyubin (actor Bernes) performs “Dark Night” at a later time with a guitar, while in a front-line dugout.

The director of the film, Lukov, came to the composer Bogoslovsky and set the brilliant text to music.

The song touched the hearts of the Soviet audience and was included in the repertoire of concerts dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory. It was also performed at the front, in the rear.

1. Holy war

We remember the work by the strong first stanza: “Get up, the country is huge!”. The song became one of the hymns of the defense of the Fatherland from the fascist invaders.

In the summer of 41, a verse by Lebedev-Kumach was published, which inspired the famous composer Alexandrov to create a military song.

It sounded in June 1941 at the Belorussky railway station, and it was performed by the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Union. The song immediately gained immense popularity and was broadcast on the radio for a long time every day after the chiming clock.


It is extremely important that the younger generation never forget its history and ancestors, because it is the attitude to the past of the Motherland that determines its present and future.

And in preserving this memory, folk art helps us, which captured the most difficult and most beautiful moments that accompany the Great Patriotic War.

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