10 Laws of Happy Relationships

We all, one way or another, dream of finding our soul mate. However, indulging in romantic dreams, few of us think about the fact that even having found exactly “our” person in this vast world, it will be necessary to make considerable efforts throughout our lives to ensure that the fire of love that appears at the very beginning of a relationship, did not fade over time.

Unfortunately, most people do not fully realize that any relationship requires work on the part of both partners, otherwise even the most passionate feelings will cool down.

We present 10 laws that help to maintain a truly close relationship with your loved one throughout life.

10 Law donations

10 Laws of Happy Relationships The Apostle Paul said that love does not seek its own. But indeed, the most characteristic manifestation of love affection is an acute desire of a person to do something good for his beloved, without demanding anything in return.

In this, true love differs from passion or primitive carnal attraction, which has only one goal – to get what you want.

Only by giving love to a loved one, you can multiply it. This feeling is like a boomerang – wherever you throw it, it will definitely come back.

One of the reasons that many people try for a very long time to find love and fail all the time is largely because they wait to be loved.

True love does not set conditions, so here the principle: “you – to me, I – to you” does not work.

9. Law of Understanding

10 Laws of Happy Relationships In a very famous Soviet film, one heroine says that happiness is when you are understood. It’s hard to disagree with this.

When mutual understanding disappears between people in love, their relationship turns into ruins. Therefore, it is so important for partners to talk to each other and always try to understand a loved one, no matter how difficult it may be.

8. law of love

10 Laws of Happy Relationships Any living being, regardless of gender and age, needs love. Love implies sincerity, tenderness, care, the need to give and bear responsibility.

If it seems to you that love is limited only to “butterflies in the stomach” and romantic euphoria, then you are mistaken.

This feeling has many shades and manifestations, and falling in love is just one of the stages of love, it must implement the development of a stronger feeling and spiritual attachment, for the sake of which, in fact, people come together.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

10 Laws of Happy Relationships What you sow is what you reap – an old folk wisdom that will never lose its relevance, especially when it comes to personal relationships.

In this world, nothing happens by itself. Each event is preceded by some other event, therefore, when a discord occurs in your relationship, first of all, you need to carefully analyze the situation and identify your mistakes.

If you immediately blame your partner for everything, then such a position can drive you into a dead end, because if you admit that you made mistakes, then you still have a chance to fix everything, and if you remove all responsibility from the very beginning, then another there will be no way out, except for parting.

6. freedom law

10 Laws of Happy Relationships Love is a manifestation of free will. You can’t force love. Neither violence, nor threats, nor blackmail, nor manipulation will help you keep this feeling or create it in someone.

Therefore, there is no need to come up with some artificial restrictions on freedom for a partner, hoping in this way to keep him.

Love and trust your loved one, because the more persistently you try to drive him into the “vice”, the more zealously he will try to slip out of them.

5. The law of touch

10 Laws of Happy Relationships Touch is one of the main manifestations of love affection. Gentle and sincere hugs have a strengthening effect on any relationship.

And it is not necessary to say that you do not need these “veal tendernesses.” Everyone needs it, it’s just that many are embarrassed to admit it.

4. Law of similitude

10 Laws of Happy Relationships We all always let close to us those people with whom we have something in common. If you do not understand what could connect you with your partner, then try to look into your soul more closely.

Think you deserve better? Perhaps those people who really deserve the best already own this “best”. Therefore, if you come across people who do not have the best human qualities, then maybe you yourself are such?

3. The law of the power of the word

10 Laws of Happy Relationships You’ve probably heard that a word can hit. Hardly anyone will deny it. But it must also be said that a word can not only hit, but also kill … kill a relationship. Therefore, when talking with your loved one, make it a rule to “weigh” every word.

The offense inflicted on loved ones, even in the heat of the moment, is not forgotten for a very long time. One carelessly spoken word can drive a wedge into the strongest relationship. Therefore, remember that the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out – you will not catch it.

2. The Law of Sincerity

10 Laws of Happy Relationships It seems to many that if you fell in love with someone, then this is already enough for a life of complete joy and happiness. However, in reality, love is a living dynamic feeling, like a fire, which, if not maintained, will go out very soon.

Sincere communication can be compared to dry firewood, with the help of which a fire can flare up to unprecedented sizes.

Share your thoughts and feelings with your loved one. Be honest about what you don’t like about your relationship so that the two of you can start solving the problem instead of pretending it doesn’t exist.

Let your partner know that you love and appreciate him. Remember, sincere praise is an essential element of a strong relationship, because inside each of us lives a vulnerable and capricious child who requires approval.

1. Law of Trust

10 Laws of Happy Relationships Without trust, no relationship can exist. When a person loses trust in his loved one, he becomes suspicious and anxious. He begins to break down over trifles, against this background, domestic quarrels arise, alienation appears.

Remember, without trust, you will never build strong relationships. Therefore, learn to trust a loved one, and he will definitely appreciate it.

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