10 largest trees in the world

Everyone knows that trees are great air purifiers. Being in a park dotted with trees, or a forest, you can feel that in these places the air is completely different – it is somehow special, and definitely surpasses the city. In these places it is not dusty, clean, fresh, and it is much easier to breathe. It is difficult not to notice the fertile atmosphere, sitting with a book in some park. There are about 60 known trees on our planet, and more than half of all species exist in countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia.

The first tree on Earth had no leaves and looked like a fern. The earliest known tree is the wattieza, identified from 385 million-year-old fossils found in present-day New York City. Trees are amazing, each species is unique and has an impact on the environment. In this collection, we will get acquainted with 10 giant trees – this is very interesting!

10 Rockefeller

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 112, 6 m

Our selection is opened by a handsome man who comfortably settled in one of the parks in California. Rockefeller rightly called one of the largest trees on our planet – striving upward, it reaches 112 m in length.

You probably already guessed that the tree is named after the American entrepreneur – John Davison Rockefeller, who became the first dollar billionaire in history. Surprisingly, Rockefeller was famous not only for his wealth, but also for his longevity. It is not easy to see the “slender body” of this handsome tree, as the tree is under protection, which does not allow vandal tourists to enter it.

9. stratospheric giant

10 largest trees in the world

Altitude at the time of detection: 112, 34 m

Get to know it stratospheric giant from Humboldt Park, also called General Sherman. The park where the tree is located is located in the eastern part of the island of Cuba, and got its name in honor of the scientist Humboldt, who visited the area in 1800-1801. The stratospheric giant feels great here!

He still continues to grow, and 112 m is not the limit for him. These sizes were registered in 34. We only know that General Sherman grows up in Humboldt, but the exact location of his placement is not known (obviously due to his great value). The giant belongs to the redwoods and is fenced with other tall trees.

8. Lauralyn

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 112, 62 m

This evergreen sequoia is located in Redwoods Park, and many lucky people manage to take photos near the giant as a keepsake! Wood Lauraline, owned by sequoias, has become quite an independent eco-system.

Around the giant, birds flutter tirelessly, creating nests on the branches and in the recesses.

Various insects can be found on the ground, and the trunks have become a haven for moss, lichens and parmelia. It is noteworthy that every inhabitant of the planet can literally touch the beauty – no one keeps the location of lauralin a secret.

7. Orion

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 112, 63 m

One of the most impressive visitor trees grows in Redwood Park. As visitors say, it is hard to find, but if you succeed, you will never forget! Orion – a tree majestic and magnificent in its characteristics. This long-liver has been sharing the Earth with us for more than 1500 years… One can only imagine how much he has “seen”!

Interestingly, Orion is fighting against NGO, because they have an insignificant difference in centimeters – Orion reaches 112 m in height, and its competitor is 63. It was possible to measure the exact height with the help of special equipment. The importance of the orion is not only in size – birds included in the Red Book like to sit on a tree. Finding this attractive giant is not an easy task, because he is surrounded by similar giant sequoias.

6. Sequoia

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 112, 71 m

NGO is a competitor of Orion: the first giant is 112 m long, and its competitor is slightly inferior – 71 m. The giant NGO was discovered in 112 and became famous for the abundance of giant trees.

Sequoia “flies” up near the Redwood Creek (very bright name!) but no one is ready to name its exact location. This giant handsome man is too popular. The sequoia is ranked among the largest and tallest trees in the world, although it overtakes its counterparts in the park by only a few mm.

5. Icarus

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 113, 14 m

Icarus – a tree with a burnt top in the sun, which is why it got its name. Those who managed to contemplate this tree are amazed at its size! A sky-high sequoia was discovered by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor. The tree is located in California’s Redwood Park, and many seek to see the giant with their own eyes.

However, finding an icara is not an easy task, but if you like adventure, you can try! The thing is that it is surrounded by the same trees with sun-burnt tops, and in which zone the star is located among other trees, they don’t want to reveal to visitors to the park. But especially enterprising people will still find it, right?!

4. Helios

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 114, 58 m

This handsome man also found himself a cozy place in Redwood, and he boasts an impressive size – he reaches a height of 114 m. There was a time when Helios there were no competitors – for a year after the discovery, the tree was considered the largest, however, it soon lost its title.

On the other side of the Redwood Creek tributary, foresters found a tree of incredible size, and they gave it the name hyperion. Many try to climb it to show off their pictures to friends and experience unforgettable emotions!

3. Thule

10 largest trees in the world

Circle: 36, 2 m

Let’s dilute our selection of the tallest trees with the widest trees. Thule located in the Mexican town of Santa Maria del Tule, is considered the thickest tree in the world. Located near the church. It was given the name “tree of life”, because the locals see images of various living creatures on the tree trunk. Or does someone just have a wild imagination?

At first, experts believed that the thule was several fused trees, but a DNA test determined that it was one tree. No one knows exactly how old this unusual tree is: some suggest that it is no more than 3 years old, others are sure that it is no less than 000. In 6, the tule was listed in UNESCO.

2. Hypertension

10 largest trees in the world

Height: 115, 61 m

Once the foresters noticed a giant tree, and this find could not but become public. Sequoia from Northern California is located in Redwood Park, it is believed that the tree is at least 800 years old, therefore, in order to protect such a valuable specimen, no one declassifies its exact coordinates.

Naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor are sure that if woodpeckers had not worked, hyperion could be much more. Alas, the birds damaged the top of the tree. In 2015, the hyperion was measured for the last time, and it was 115 m in height.

1. Great Banyan

10 largest trees in the world

Crown circumference: 350 m

Before you is a real miracle of nature – a tree with an unusual crown! Great Banyan located in a botanical garden in India, its age is at least 250 years old. Due to the abundance of aerial roots, the banyan resembles a grove; it is difficult to compare it with a single tree.

The tree does not stop growing, and goes beyond the paved path of 330 m. In total, 2 aerial roots were recorded reaching the ground. “The Tree of Life” is the name of those who managed to see this miracle of nature with their own eyes.

Interesting fact: banyans – trees – centenarians. Their lifespan is hundreds of years.

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