10 Items You Shouldn’t Throw in the Trash

Most people don’t think about what they throw in the trash can. Everything that is no longer of interest, broken and spoiled things, flies there. Meanwhile, some household waste poses a danger to the environment, and they must be disposed of in a special way. Some items can even be given a second life through recycling. Of course, this requires some effort, and not everyone will want to deal with garbage separation. But if everyone thinks so, then an ecological catastrophe cannot be avoided. Below is a list of items that should not be thrown in the trash.

10 Light bulbs

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

This applies only to energy-saving lamps. Ordinary light bulbs can be thrown away, but they should be wrapped in paper or folded into a box. Fluorescent lamps contain mercury. Its quantity is very small, it does not pose a threat to health in case of damage to the light bulb. But the same light bulb lying on the landfill will release toxic fumes into the environment for more than one year. And she won’t be the only one there. On the packaging of such light bulbs there is a warning sign that it should not be thrown away. But people still throw it away, simply because they don’t know what to do with it. Many shops accept light bulbs bought from them for recycling. Also in each city there is at least one collection point for such light bulbs.

9. Empty spray paint bottles

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Spray paint bottles should also be taken to recycling centers. In some places, they will even pay for them. It is undesirable to throw them away with household waste. They contain various chemicals that will cause irreparable harm to the environment. If there is even a little paint left in the spray can, it may explode or ignite. By the way, this applies not only to paint cans, but also to household ones. Hair styling products, air fresheners, deodorants – people do not even assume that they should not be thrown out with ordinary garbage.

8. Lighters

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

The lighter contains residual gas. It may explode or ignite. No wonder some people are afraid to throw lighters in street trash cans. One unextinguished cigarette butt, and the explosion cannot be avoided. In this case, there may even be victims. Therefore, before throwing away, you need to make sure that there is no gas left in it. But it’s better not to take risks and hand over lighters to special household waste disposal centers. Now there are lighters that can be filled with gas yourself. This is the best option for those who care about the environment. In addition, such a lighter will save a lot.

7. Batteries

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Everyone has heard about the fact that you can’t throw batteries into the trash can. But people still throw them away. They contain harmful chemicals. They are capable of polluting 20 cubic meters of land and 400 liters of water. If the battery enters the human body, after 30 minutes he will die. Therefore, you should not reassure yourself with the thought that the batteries were always thrown away, and nothing terrible happened. Yes, it didn’t happen, but the first battery was produced in 1956, it takes about 100 years to decompose. Perhaps a person will still regret that he was so imprudent.

6. Garden chemicals

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

The use of chemical fertilizers is dangerous. They must not be disposed of as normal household waste. Under no circumstances should they be poured down the drain. It is better not to use them at all, because now there is a very large selection of non-toxic fertilizers. They can also be made independently, for example, rotted plant debris is an excellent organic fertilizer, absolutely harmless to the environment. And unused garden chemicals can be taken to a hazardous waste collection point, or given to someone who uses them for their intended purpose.

5. Expired or simply unused medicines

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Not everyone knows about the dangers of drugs that have entered the environment. Therefore, every day, packages with expired pills fly into the trash can. Once in the landfill, they emit harmful substances, pollute the soil and groundwater. Unfortunately, Russia still does not provide for the disposal of expired medicines. Wastes with an increased level of danger to the environment are transported to sanitary landfills. To reduce the impact of drugs on the environment, they can be crushed into powder, put in a tight bag or sealed glass jar. Do not throw away medicines with food. They can be accidentally eaten by stray animals or even people.

4. Glass thermometers

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

A glass thermometer contains about 500 milligrams of mercury. If thrown into a normal container, it will pose a threat to the environment. After all, everyone knows that if the thermometer crashed, the apartment needs to be processed. Experts recommend even after a while to call a sanitary station worker who will check the concentration of vapors in the apartment. It is not in vain that people worry if a thermometer breaks in an apartment. They are afraid that they will inhale mercury vapor. But, worrying about their home, for some reason they do not worry about their planet. It doesn’t matter if the thermometer is broken or not, it cannot be disposed of with ordinary garbage. Be sure to take it to a hazardous waste disposal center.

3. Computers and electronics

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Computers contain non-ferrous metals. They can harm the environment, and besides, they are very expensive. And glass and plastic can be recycled, which will save some resources. If your computer or laptop is broken, you can sell it for parts. Many cities have collection points for computers and electronics. Organizations that throw away their equipment are often fined. Of course, no one will write a fine for an ordinary person. But the environment is still worth thinking about.

2. Unused or unexploded fireworks

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Fireworks must be disposed of wisely, otherwise an unpleasant situation may occur. Fireworks can explode at the most inopportune moment. To avoid this, it must be soaked in a container of water for several hours. Then it should be wrapped in a tight bag, and then taken to a hazardous waste collection point. In no case should it be thrown into the trash, it can explode. It’s good if there are no casualties.

1. Old household appliances

10 Items You Shouldnt Throw in the Trash

Morally obsolete or out-of-operation equipment people also without a twinge of conscience throw out on a dustbin. Meanwhile, there are dangerous substances in excess. They will poison the environment every day. Repair shops buy broken household appliances for a symbolic price. Large household appliance stores accept for recycling, while still making a discount on a new product. So, it is better not to throw away old equipment, so you can not only protect the environment from pollution, but also get your benefit.

Now you know what items are better not to throw in the trash can. Do not think that one battery or a bottle of deodorant will not lead to environmental problems. About 7,6 billion people live on Earth. If everyone thinks so, then an ecological catastrophe cannot be avoided.

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