10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

Youth thriller “Remove from Friends» 2015 is very relevant for those who cannot imagine their life without social networks. It makes you think:Maybe you should not keep all the most secret in the network? After all, you never know what can happen … Everything said, laid out can turn against you.

Passing your evening alone or with friends watching a tense horror movie is certainly great fun while everything is happening on the other side of the screen, but what will you do if one day someone starts a game with you? This most likely won’t happen, but don’t forget that people who aren’t vigilant and careless are always targeted by psychopaths.

After you think about this fact, you can read descriptions of films similar to Unfriended.

10 Cyber ​​terror (2015)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

All the action of the filmcyber terrortakes place in a teenage bedroom with posters hanging on the wall, a laptop on the table, through which the whole dramatic story takes place directly.

Like all teenage girls, Casey spends most of his free time on social networks. One day, she finds out that her ex posted information about her that was not desirable for disclosure, so with the help of a hacker, the girl wants to hack his page.

However, instead she becomes a victim of a virtual criminal. He urges Casey to follow all his instructions, otherwise her intimate photos will be on the Internet …

9. LA Slasher (2015)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

A film-satire about modern American society: deceitful, poser, unnatural, stupid. A society that lives in order to put another photo on the network against a beautiful background.

Ridicule of vices in “Los Angeles slasher” should at least suggest the thought: “Where are we heading?And this question applies not only to the United States, but also to Russian youth.

The plot of the film plunges into the colorful atmosphere of Los Angeles: nightclubs, parties, social events, from which the “golden” youth do not come out without bringing anything worthwhile to this world. “If so, why should they live? – thinks an eccentric, mysterious man in a white suit and mask, who, by the way, is supported by the people of the United States.

The maniac kidnaps TV stars and, as it turns out, everyone is just happy about it.

8. Pulse (2006)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

«Pulse”is a fascinating film recommended for viewing by every lover of gloomy pictures. The atmosphere of the film is impressive: the picture is made in muted colors, which creates a feeling of darkness, the understanding that life is no longer there, it has been taken away. Fans of The Ring will definitely appreciate this movie.

Imagine what would happen if people could communicate through technology not only with each other, but also with other worlds… For example, with the world of the dead. Imagine that your phone is a portal, and when you call on it, the dead enter your world … And they can make you die too. It is impossible to run away, to hide too, because everyone is already infected.

7. Death on the Net (2013)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

Watching a thrillerDeath onlineIt becomes scary, because on the Internet you can meet a lot of not quite adequate people who, passing by you on the street in real life, will seem completely normal.

This film is scary and intriguing, and this is the most important thing. Only for viewing you need a mood, because otherwise the film will seem boring, and you will want to flip it.

It all starts with the fact that the main character Elizabeth takes up research on the topic of human interaction in social networks for her scientific work. She enters the space of online chats, where strangers pass the time talking to each other.

Elizabeth explores the inhabitants of cyberspace, everything is going well, but one day, switching to the next channel, the girl sees how someone brutally kills a young woman. Elizabeth cannot forget what she saw and decides to figure everything out … But the killer has already figured her out, and she is unlikely to be able to hide.

6. Missing Megan (2011)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

It is not recommended for viewing by impressionable people, since after the film there will be terrible scenes before your eyes and even paranoia may appear.

Horror drama “Missing Megan”is an instructive film for teenagers who are promiscuous in their relationships.

Megan and Amy are best friends who cannot imagine their lives without social networks. Schoolgirls often communicate on the Internet.

Megan is more sociable and popular than Amy, so she easily starts chatting on the Internet. One day, a girl agrees with a new acquaintance about a meeting in reality, not suspecting that this decision will be fatal for her …

5. Webcam (2018)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

«Webcam“- a rather intriguing and interesting thriller, which takes place in an erotic online chat. The finale leaves many questions, the viewer never gets an answer to the question of who stole the account of the main character.

Alice feels like a fish in water on social networks and earns good money working as a web model in an erotic chat. The girl has a goal – she wants to enter the top 50 models, for which she arranges extreme performances for her viewers.

One day, when the goal was about to be achieved, Alice is unable to log into her account, in addition, the girl discovers that a copy of her is coming online …

4. Chat (2010)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

Director Hideo Nakata is familiar to many from the films The Ring, The Ring 2. “Chat“cannot be attributed to the horror genre, but he does not pretend to be. Its main goal is not to scare, but to show an obsession with social networks.

Teenagers: Eva, Moe, Jim and Emily meet one guy via chat – William. The young man has an attractive appearance and charisma, thanks to which he charms all his friends.

However, for William himself, new friends are just pawns in his game. Pretending to be a friend and promising Jim to “get off” his antidepressants, William pushes him onto a path of self-destruction.

3. Nancy (2018)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

Film “Nancytells a sad story about a depressed woman. Watching the film, it begins to seem that the woman herself already believes in her lies and wants to get a piece of warmth from people, which she never had enough of. Appropriate music reinforces this idea.

Nancy Freeman is an inventive Internet scammer who pretends to be other people. Through her manipulation, she gains attention and sympathy. As a result, money is transferred to her, and then she disappears forever from the lives of compassionate people.

A woman has three problems: a split personality, the threat of exposure and trouble on the personal front.

2. Open Windows (2014)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

In our time, it costs nothing to hack a website / blog / personal page, etc. Professionals in their field can do anything. But what if the entire space of the Internet could be controlled by a couple of written scripts? Just about this movie “Open windows».

Nick is the site editor for his favorite actress, Jill Goddard. He wins a competition to win a dinner with the star after her album presentation.

During an online report from a presentation broadcast via Nick’s website, someone calls him. He picks up the phone and the man, introducing himself as Kord, announces that dinner has been cancelled. But the guy does not even suspect what awaits him …

1. Friend Request (2016)

10 Internet Crime Movies Similar to Unfriended

Wonderful horror moviefriend request“A must watch for anyone who wants to tickle their nerves and immerse themselves in a gloomy atmosphere.

The action takes place around the popular girl Laura. She meets a strange person named Marina. After that, the girl’s life changes dramatically …

Trying to remove Marina – a strange and obsessive girl from the friend list, all attempts are in vain. Laura has no idea what awaits her …

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