10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

Scientists claim that the oceans have been studied by science by no more than 10%. Imagine how many of its waters are fraught with secrets and mysteries! Even if we take only the Pacific Ocean, there will still be a lot of unexplored. Many secrets associated with this vast area excite the imagination of both lovers of mysticism and skeptics. In the waters of the Pacific Ocean, scientific research is continuously being carried out, advancing humanity closer and closer to unraveling everything inexplicable that is fraught with its depths.

We present the top 10 most famous and inexplicable phenomena that occurred in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

10 Philadelphia experiment

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

This experiment, the reality of which scientists are questioning, was allegedly carried out by the United States military in 1943 in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. During this experiment, the destroyer Eldridge allegedly disappeared, and after that, in a matter of seconds, the destroyer Eldridge with the entire crew appeared a few tens of kilometers away. It is also likely that this experiment is connected with the development by the US military of the technique of blackout ships using illumination in order to reduce their visibility for the enemy.

The official US authorities both then and now denied the very fact of conducting such an experiment, however, despite this, rumors about it continue to spread. The surviving members of the Eldridge crew confirm the version of the authorities and insist that the so-called Philadelphia experiment is nothing more than an invention of journalists.

9. The Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

More than 75 years have passed since this tragic event. Then the plane, which was flown by a female pilot from the United States – Amelia Earhart, disappeared from the radar without a trace. What caused her death is still unknown. Amelia planned to fly to Howland Island. Some time after the last radiogram, the pilots tried several times to establish voice communication with the captain of the ship accompanying the aircraft to its destination. However, none of these attempts were successful. Most likely, the reason for this was the failure of the antenna on board the aircraft. There was very little left to Howland Island when communication with the plane was completely interrupted. What exactly prevented the pilot from landing the car, as planned, on the island, still remains a mystery.

8. Face at the bottom

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

Lloyd Stuart Carpenter, in the course of studying the topography of the Pacific Ocean floor, discovered with amazement that the topography of this territory is very reminiscent of the face of a person. This led to the fact that the author of the discovery wrote a whole book devoted to the development of this theory. For most of his colleagues, such a hypothesis is at best a chuckle. However, there are still its supporters.

7. Bomb Mark4

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

In 1950, the US military lost an atomic warhead in the Pacific Ocean. It happened while she was being transported. At some point, the aircraft engine caught fire, and in order to protect the crew of the aircraft, it was decided to throw the bomb into the water. Fortunately, she did not detonate. And after almost 65 years, it was accidentally found while studying the bottom.

6. Giants of the Deep

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

In the most extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean live huge marine life – giant squid. Their length can reach 15 meters. The fact of their existence is now scientifically confirmed, so these creatures are no longer considered mythical. However, Pacific researchers are still questioning the possibility of the existence of such creatures, whose length would reach 30 meters.

5. purple sphere

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

This phenomenon appeared before scientists quite recently – in 2016. A mysterious glowing purple sphere, the size of which reached several centimeters in diameter, was seen on the ocean floor near the coast of Southern California. An uncharted creature was discovered with the help of a scientific research vessel “Nautilus”. When the researchers saw this object, they were simply shocked, because none of them had any idea what or who they had to face. Scientists have hypothesized that the sphere is nothing more than an unexplored variety of plankton.

4. giant shark

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

While studying the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, scientists managed to take pictures of a giant shark. During the study, it was found that its true size is about 18 meters! It is difficult for a simple layman to believe this, but the facts speak for themselves. There is a version that creatures live at the very depths of the ocean, whose size is much larger than even such specimens.

3. Pyramids of Yonaguni

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

The mysterious underwater pyramids located near the island of Yonaguni have become the subject of fierce debate among scientists to this day, because it is still not clear: is it a pure creation of nature or a man-made statue of man? The history of the study of these mysterious structures begins in 1986, when divers saw an unusual rock formation at a depth of 30 meters. Pictures of unusual pyramids flew around the front pages of the most authoritative publications with lightning speed. Traces of processing are clearly visible on the stone blocks, which indicates that these pyramids were made by man.

2. Signal Bloop

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

This sound was recorded in 1997. After 15 years, scientists concluded that the source of this unusual sound is the displacement of ice fields or the natural movement of icebergs.

There is also a version that this sound belongs to a living being, not yet studied by science. Based on the main characteristics of the signal, we can conclude that this creature is probably of enormous size – much larger than the blue whale.

1. unknown animal

10 interesting mysteries of the Pacific Ocean

During the next study of the topography of the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, not far from the coast of California, scientists have found an incomprehensible formation. A large footprint was found at the bottom, at the end of which was a spherical object about 4 meters in diameter. What this object was to this day no one knows. Around this riddle, many hypotheses are being built, both plausible and not very. Of course, the average layman is much more interested in theories that tell about fantastic sea creatures that have been living at the bottom of the sea since prehistoric times. Well, so far none of these versions has been confirmed or refuted.

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