10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian lyric poet. His work is popular not only among lovers of poetry, many romances have been created on the basis of his poems.

Now the poet’s works are highly valued, they are considered the pinnacle of Russian lyrics, but this was not always the case. During his lifetime, Afanasy Afanasyevich could not enjoy recognition.

The life of this man was full of difficulties, failures seemed to haunt Fet from childhood. He sought solace in creativity. His poems are permeated with optimism. By the way, this is a great way to cheer up. The poet saw the positive aspects in everything: the beauty of nature, female attractiveness, feelings, emotions, dreams and memories.

If you like the work of Afanasy Afanasyevich, pay attention to our article. Below is a rating of 10 interesting facts from the life and biography of Fet.

10 Had a surname Shenshin

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Fet was born into a wealthy family. His father, Afanasy Neofitovich, belonged to the landowning family of the Shenshins, who owned most of the Mtsensk district.

Mother – German Charlotte-Elizaveta Fet. Shenshin met her in Germany, feelings flared up. Afanasy Neofitovich was not embarrassed by the fact that she had already been married. He also adopted her daughter from his first marriage. The lovers got married in Germany. Soon they had a son – Athanasius. Until the age of 14, he bore his father’s surname – Shenshin.

9. Lost the title of noble

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

When the young Fet reached the age of 14, it turned out that the marriage between Athanasius and Charlotte was concluded after his birth. This was contrary to the rules of the Orthodox Church. The ceremony held in Germany had no power at all in Russia. The marriage was recognized as unofficial, the teenager was deprived of the title of nobility, inheritance and surname.

Young Athanasius was recorded as the first husband of his mother, Johann Fet. These events had a great influence on the personality of the poet. He had a goal – to become a nobleman again. For this, Fet had to work hard, having received an education, he began to “zealously serve.”

Interesting fact: according to some sources, the real father of the poet was not Shenshin Athanasius, but Johann Fet. An affair between Charlotte and a Russian landowner broke out when she was expecting her second child. The lovers secretly fled from Germany.

8. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Fet lost everything. His father did not take any active action, although he could do something for his son. He could only rely on himself. First of all, the young man decided to get a decent education.

While Fet was little, he studied at home. Then he studied for two years in Germany in a private boarding school, two more in Russia, at the institution of Mikhail Pogodin.

At the age of 18, he entered the law faculty of Moscow University. At this time, he wrote his first poems and realized that he had chosen the wrong direction. Fet transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology, which he successfully graduated in 1844..

7. Suffered from depressive disorders

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Fet’s mother had some psychological problems, she regularly suffered from melancholy moods. There is evidence that the psyche of relatives was also not all right. The sister and brothers were subject to fits of insanity.

Fet himself suffered from depressive disorders, especially in his student years.. He didn’t know what he was living for, everything bored him. Sudden mood swings, prolonged depression accompanied him all his life.

By the ability to “mope” Feta had no equal. In addition, he was very afraid of mental illness. It became his phobia, an obsession. He didn’t want to end up in a mental hospital. Apparently, these fears were not unfounded, many of his relatives were there as patients.

6. Was a close friend of Leo Tolstoy

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Afanasy Afanasyevich was friends with Lev Nikolaevich. Their interests and worldviews coincided, in the person of each other they found like-minded people. Creative people, they did not want to put up with what was happening. They did not like reality, the time in which they were destined to be born.

5. Don’t follow your feelings

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Afanasy Afanasyevich was in love with Maria Lazich, the daughter of a poor landowner. At that time, Fet also could not boast of his financial situation. The feelings were mutual.

Maria was waiting for a marriage proposal, but Fet did not see anything good in this union. Two poor people, what kind of happiness can we talk about? He understood that he could give nothing to Mary, except for his love. This was not enough for him, he was afraid that hopelessness and material difficulties would kill their feelings..

Soon the girl died. The cause of her death was numerous burns – her dress caught fire. Fet until the end of his life considered himself guilty of her death.

4. Married for convenience

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Fet was going through hard times: money problems, lack of a title, unhappy love. Apparently, he was a pragmatic person and quickly found a way out – to marry by calculation..

His chosen one was the sister of a literary critic. Maria Petrovna Botkina had an unattractive appearance and, by the standards of that time, was old for marriage. Afanasy Afanasyevich did not attach importance to such trifles; a profitable dowry interested him much more. Maria Petrovna agreed, they soon got married.

It was a great match for Fet, and not just for the money. A calm, sensible woman was in love with another man, but gave her “admirer” a chance. This is how two broken hearts come together.

There was no need to talk about passionate feelings, but their relationship was full of harmony. Maria was a faithful friend and a good hostess. It was the kind of woman Fet needed.

3. Didn’t have children

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Afanasy Afanasyevich and Maria Petrovna had no children. Botkina at the time of the marriage was 28 years old, perhaps this is the reason. At that time, it was considered old, and medicine was on a completely different level.

According to some reports, Maria Petrovna had a son from a former lover. There was a tragic love story, but the information has not been officially confirmed.

2. Opened a hospital for poor peasants

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

After the wedding, Fet bought a large estate and became interested in arranging it. He opened a hospital for poor peasants and a stud farm. Many regarded this act as a betrayal, a betrayal of literature, but the poet himself did not think so. He said that his works are of no interest to anyone, therefore it is better to bring practical benefits to people.

Having become a rich man, Fet began to do charity work on a regular basis, but even this did not bring him happiness. Afanasy Afanasyevich was constantly dissatisfied with himself. He dreamed of well-being, it turned out that even money is not able to make a person truly happy.

1. Did not live two days before the 72nd birthday

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Before his death, the poet was very ill. Bronchitis, pneumonia, there were even attacks of suffocation. On that day, the poet demanded champagne, meanwhile he was not allowed to drink alcohol.

It is not known what happened, but Afanasy Afanasyevich tried to commit suicide. He abruptly got out of bed, grabbed a knife and fell. Heart attack.

At the moment, there are many versions, most of them feature this ill-fated drink. All this is nothing more than fiction. Fet’s body was exhausted by a long illness, he did not live to see his 72nd birthday, only 2 days.

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