10 interesting facts about Vietnam – a wonderful country for a vacation

Vietnam… Mysterious and alluring Asia. Few people were interested in this direction a couple of decades ago. Now more and more Russian tourists choose this route. Thus, in 2017, the number of travelers from Russia increased by 32,3% compared to 2016. In 2018, this figure was 19,9%.

Unsurprisingly, there is plenty to do and see in this country. Prices are not too high and, importantly, you do not need a visa. True, only if you plan to spend no more than 15 days in Vietnam.

This state is located on the island of Indochina. You should definitely go there, if only because the country has not yet lost the charm of traditions and the beauty of originality. Amazing nature, ancient cultural monuments, warm sea – that’s why tourists come here.

If you are also interested in this state, but the vacation is still far away, pay attention to our article. Below is a list of interesting facts about Vietnam. You can learn some details and briefly plunge into the atmosphere of this country.

10 Humidity in Vietnam reaches 100%

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

In Vietnam, winter and summer are not pronounced. There are no major temperature fluctuations here. The climate is tropical and subtropical. The country is divided into three climatic regions: southern, northern and central. However, wherever you go, everywhere you will be met by high temperature and high humidity.

Many travelers admit that they find it difficult to breathe. Sometimes humidity reaches 100%. Causes – typhoon and tropical cyclones. Vietnam has a rainy season. In the northern part of the country, it lasts from July to September, in the southern part – from May to November. Tourists should study this issue before going on a trip. Otherwise, they risk ruining their vacation.

9. There is a “Russian” place in the south of Vietnam

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

This place is located between Phan Thiet city and Mui Ne village. A resort area with a length of 20 kilometers, which is very popular with our compatriots. Here, even the signs do not contain an English translation, only Russian. Any citizen of Russia will not feel disadvantaged if he does not know languages.

“Russian” place is suitable for a relaxing holiday, perhaps a family. In this resort area there are no nightclubs and a lot of entertainment. The sea, water sports – that’s all you can count on. It is worth noting that the prices here are far from budget. There are few local residents here, the zone is designed exclusively for tourists.

8. Popular toilet cafe

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

It seems that the cafe is no different from others. It has an inconspicuous sign, but the guests who have visited it are delighted with the interior decoration. An unusual idea for lovers of extravagance.

Inside the cafe is no different from the toilet room. Chairs in the form of toilet bowls, lamps in the form of taps. All decorative elements are made in the “toilet” style.

The food presentation is also amazing. There are no ordinary utensils here. You will have to eat soup from the toilet, and tea will be served in a miniature urinal.

7. The country ranks second in coffee production

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

The first coffee trees in the country appeared in the 70th century, and now Vietnam ranks second in the production of this product. Great success in this industry was achieved in the shortest possible time. In the XNUMXs, the government decided to develop coffee production.

1986 is called the “coffee boom”. East Germany played an important role in this process. The countries signed an agreement according to which the Germans were to provide the Vietnamese with equipment, build housing and hospitals. The Vietnamese, in turn, promised to give half of the coffee harvest in the next 20 years. At the moment, the country is a major exporter (95% Robusta and 5% Arabica).

6. Vietnamese money is made of plastic

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

The official currency is the Vietnamese Dong. Money is not made of paper, as we are used to, but of the thinnest plastic.. It’s all about the climate, it has already been noted above that the country has high humidity. Paper bills will quickly become unusable, and plastic is much stronger. Banknotes do not tear, do not get wet and do not even burn in the fire.

5. Soup Pho is one of the most popular Vietnamese dishes.

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

Vietnamese people are very fond of soups, one of the most popular Soup Pho. Outwardly, it looks like noodle soup, the principle of preparation is also similar. Ingredients: meat or seafood, rice noodles, vegetables, herbs. Nutritious and high-calorie dish. His price is pretty good too. The Vietnamese use soup not only for lunch, they can dine with it and even have breakfast.

For your information: the average price of a serving of such a soup will cost 1,5 – 2 dollars.

4. No one follows traffic rules in the country

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

It is better for foreigners who have arrived in Vietnam to travel on foot or use public transport, taxis, but do not drive. The rules here are radically different from the generally accepted ones, and in most cases no one observes them..

Two-wheeled vehicles (mopeds, bicycles, motorcycles) are common in the country; a special lane has been allocated for them. For the Vietnamese, driving in the opposite lane is a normal phenomenon. If one of them forgets to buy bread in the store or leaves important documents at home, he will turn around and drive back in the opposite direction.

Buses and everything is allowed. All road users must give way to them. Turn signals are not turned on here, they do not look around. The Vietnamese have one secret (the most important “traffic rules”) – to join the stream and move at its speed.

3. Funerals are meant to be fun, not mournful.

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

A tourist can mistake a Vietnamese funeral for a wedding or other celebration. Decorated cars, smart, funny people. This noisy and colorful procession is a farewell to a loved one.

Locals are calm about death. They also believe that a boring funeral will offend the soul of the deceased and she will return to take revenge.

2. Tinctures on snakes – the national drink

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

Vietnam’s national drink is snake tincture, usually cobra is used.. This is rice vodka, which is used not so much as alcohol, but as a medicine.

The tincture can cure many diseases. It has a beneficial effect on immunity and male strength, calms the nerves. For arthritis and arthrosis, it is used as a rubbing. The Vietnamese recommend buying a drink at a pharmacy, as there is a risk of buying a fake.

Interesting fact: in 2017, a resident of Chelyabinsk was returning from Vietnam, where he bought two bottles of strong cobra drinks. He was detained at customs. The cobra is listed in the Red Book, the man was accused of smuggling (from 3 to 7 years). Salvation came unexpectedly, the examination confirmed that it was not a cobra in the bottles, but already. The people of Vietnam made a hood out of wire. Later, the man admitted that he bought a drink in a souvenir shop.

1. Tanned skin is considered a sign of belonging to the lower class of society.

10 interesting facts about Vietnam - a wonderful country for a vacation

If in Europe women are ready to do anything to get tanned skin, in Vietnam the situation is just the opposite. Here, snow-white skin is considered a sign of beauty and financial well-being, tanned skin is a sign of a lower class.. These standards are rooted in history. Rich people were engaged in mental labor, the poor worked on plantations.

Light skin is a symbol of wealth, high mental abilities, and now also beauty. By the way, in Russia such a trend also took place, but over time, fashion has changed.

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