10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

America is attractive to many people: life – everyone here can live as he wants, Las Vegas – a city of excitement that does not sleep, and has anyone ever dreamed of riding an attraction in the famous Disneyland and watching the sunset on the beach in Miami?

First of all, America is attractive to us because of its familiarity – many of us grew up on the films of this country, which is why it seems so dear to us. It is also difficult to imagine America outside the context of the American dream – many leave for permanent residence just to find it there.

We do not know if all dreams can be fulfilled in the USA, but we can say for sure that in America there are all opportunities to create the life you want for yourself.

Of course, there is no place for lazy people here, but purposeful people who go ahead to their goals will definitely achieve their goal!

Whether you are going to America or just interested in this amazing country, take some of your free time to find out the most interesting facts about the USA. So, let’s begin?

10 Native Americans – Indians

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

It’s no longer a secret to anyone that Indians are the natives of North America. They settled here long before the advent of the white man. The first European who managed to meet face to face with an Indian was Christopher Columbus, a medieval navigator (1451-1506). It was he who called the people he met “Indians” because he believed that the ships had reached India.

Curious is the factthat in no country in North America were found the remains of great apes or prehistoric people. This fact tells us that the first modern humans came to America from outside.

According to studies, indigenous peoples belong to the Mongoloid race and are genetically closest to the inhabitants of Siberia, Altai and Mongolia. Presumably, the purpose of migration was the development of new lands.

9. From space Las Vegas is the brightest spot on Earth

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

Bright cities are those that are illuminated by billions of light bulbs, and from space they look just incredible … The most illuminated city, despite its small size, is such a famous city as Las Vegas. When night falls, over its area of ​​​​80 square meters. miles, 24 neon electric lines are regularly lit.

After Las Vegas, another American city, New York, follows the bright illumination, and then Paris, Tokyo and Mexico City. You should definitely look at the pictures how the night cities of our planet look from space – it’s very beautiful!

8. Yellow taxis are the symbol of New York

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

New York, in addition to its various interesting things, is also famous for its taxi fleet. When in films we see a stream of yellow taxis following each other (in Times Square, for example), we immediately understand that the action takes place in America.

According to the data, there are about 13 yellow taxis in a major metropolis – they carry 000 passengers daily!

Interestingly – taxi drivers from 175 countries work, and everyone must pass an English language test when applying for a job.

Yellow cars under license have the right to pick up passengers on the streets, others often break the rules and work on foreign territory. Colorful yellow taxis are rightfully considered a symbol of New York, but there was a time when cars were painted in other colors.

7. The dollar is the most convertible currency in the world

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

The American dollar is a currency that is valued in every corner of our planet, but this was not always the case. What has changed? The dollar became the most convertible currency at the end of 1940. After the United States proposed to abolish the world currency – gold, in the period after World War II, it was proposed to make the dollar the world currency, since the USSR and all of Europe, Japan and Germany did not have the right to vote after the end of the war. The American dollar immediately gained popularity in the economic circles of many countries.

6. Teddy bear named after Theodore Roosevelt

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

Many children adore Teddy Bear, but few people know why he is called that. The story with the name is very interesting, and it is connected with Theodore Roosevelt – American politician (1858-1919)

Once the president went hunting, but he saw a picture that could not leave him indifferent – a team of hunters drove a black bear half to death and tied it to a tree. The president could shoot the bear as a trophy, but refused and asked to be released. This story has spread in cartoons – the bear has already been portrayed as a bear cub.

One day, a woman, the wife of a Brooklyn store owner, made a teddy bear and put it up for sale under the name “Teddy Bear”. There were so many people who wanted to buy a toy that Morris Michtom (the owner of a stationery shop) founded a company to produce it.

5. Internet dating is widespread

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

Dating and relationships are an important part of anyone’s life. Anyone who says that he does not need a relationship is disingenuous. It’s just that not everyone manages to meet someone they want to love … Or maybe the problem lies in inaction? When you are sociable, surrounded by people, then the chances of meeting your soul mate increase.

Many of us are used to getting to know each other via the Internet: firstly, it’s convenient – you can always end the conversation if the person doesn’t suit you (you must agree, this is better than talking live), and secondly, the choice of partners is so great that it’s definitely who -someone will be found (if not a half, then at least a person pleasant for you).

Internet dating is common in America, if you think about it, this may be due to the pace of life – people have no time to stop on the street to meet, besides, now it is considered a sign of bad taste. On the Internet, men and women place questionnaires, telling in detail about themselves and their goals. A potential partner reads the questionnaire, and if it interests him, he gets acquainted.

4. Pizza and hot dog – favorite food

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

In the minds of many people, Americans are lovers of greasy hot dogs, french fries and pizza. Have you ever wondered what Americans eat other foods as well? Among them, like us, there are adherents of a healthy diet, vegetarians.

Of course, hot dogs and donuts are always sold in US parks (you must admit, when there is no time, it’s very convenient to eat “on the go”), however, American cuisine is very diverse – immigrants brought with them recipes for many dishes from Asian and European countries, their mite Mexico, which is in the neighborhood, also contributed.

Often, young Americans eat at fast food restaurants like McDonald’s – eat a hamburger, refresh yourself, and you can hit the road! As for family Americans, (and there are only 7% of them! For comparison – we have 48%) they order food at home – for example, fragrant pizza. Women in the US don’t stand by the stove to please a loved one.

Take note: not a single national holiday of Americans can do without these dishes: they are very fond of apple pie, macaroni and cheese, ruben sandwich, eat Buffalo wings with pleasure (they were invented by the owner of the bar Teresa Belissimo). You can cook all these dishes yourself!

3. 90% of the population prefer to live on credit

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

For Americans, living on credit is considered the norm. All of America lives like this. In addition, some large goods stores sell only on credit. Children are taught from an early age that without credit cards in the United States, nowhere.

Many residents have savings accounts, which receive the specified amount every month from the current account from the bank. Thus, the inhabitants of America are insured for a “rainy day”. Of course, it may not come, but 90% of the US population saves “just in case” and for retirement, in this they differ from us. They do not save money for something specific, like we do, for example, to repair or buy a car.

2. The national animal is the bald eagle

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

Bird of prey – bald eagle, settling away from settlements – is the national animal of the United States. To make a powerful bird a symbol of the United States was adopted back in 1782 by Congress. Her image can be found on various signs associated with the United States: on dollars, seals of various federal services. Also, the eagle is present on the baton of Congress, the flag of the president, etc.

Congressmen thought about what kind of animal to use, as a result, they chose the bald eagle – a bird that personifies freedom, power and courage.

1. No official language

10 interesting facts about the USA and the people of America

As it turns out, there is no official language in the US. English is not the official language of America. There is no legal reason to consider English, American, and any other language official in the USA. But still, in 27 states, English is considered official.

America is full of migrants, the population communicates in 322 languages, so Congress cannot make any one language official. The government does not want to infringe on the rights of those who are not native speakers of English.

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