10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet

Every day, scientists learn something new about our world. They explore the human body, space and invisible worlds. However, not only new areas excite the minds. Our nature is still full of secrets, as it was 200, 300 years ago.

It seems that humanity is stepping further, discovering secrets and finding answers. But the more we learn, the more questions arise. Each answer entails even more incomprehensible and inexplicable. Nature is rich in secrets. It opens up vast areas for scientists to study.

The nature of our world is so diverse that not everything can be believed. Some facts surprise, delight, and some even scare. So why not find out more?

In this article, we will look at the 10 most interesting facts about nature.

10 There are over 100 seamounts

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Seamount – the same elevation with a clearly visible peak and slopes, only located on the seabed. Their sizes, shapes and steepness are very diverse. No one can say their exact number.

Alas, seamounts are mostly uncharted. They are not easy to spot. And no one sets a goal – to find all the mountains of all the seas and oceans. So this sometimes becomes a serious problem for sailors.

Among the mountains, underwater volcanoes are not uncommon, which can make it difficult to move during eruptions. And such mountains are dangerous even when they are destroyed, because tsunamis often occur because of this.

9. There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia, as well as in Oman, Qatar, Yemen and the UAE. That is, there are dry river beds, which are occasionally replenished with water. But it is impossible to find a single permanent flowing reservoir there.

Saudi Arabia ranks 13th in the world in terms of territorial size, but at the same time, 90% of the country is desert. Due to the climate, water cannot flow over the surface, rivers dry up. But there are underground reservoirs.

8. Ants can evade microwave radiation

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Microwaves are short radio waves adjacent to the infrared part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Ants are able to evade microwaves due to their size.. They are too small to be exposed to their radiation.

So in theory, if an ant climbs into a microwave oven, it will just as easily get out of there, remain alive and unharmed.

7. There are no moles in Ireland

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Ireland is a Western European state, which almost completely occupies the island of the same name. This island was formed immediately after the Ice Age, so its flora and fauna are poor even compared to the British Isles.

The flora is less diverse, although it pleases the inhabitants with green color all year round. And the animal world is even poorer. There are no moles here, but also snakes, ferrets, weasels and other animals living freely on the continents.

The Irish take care and protect their animals, rare species are kept in national parks. But one of the most common animals here is cats. These pets are absolutely everywhere because the locals just adore them.

6. The water of the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest of all oceans.

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Scientists have been struggling with the mystery of the presence of salt in the water of the oceans for a long time, but they still cannot come to a consensus. There are many legends about the reason.

Some people believe that the water is salty, because deep under the water a girl is crying about her unrequited love. Other peoples have decided that salt mills are at the bottom of the seas.

Some scientists believe that it has become so because of underwater volcanoes, and the second – that rivers and streams bring salt. But whatever the reason, the result has long been proven: The Atlantic Ocean is the most saline of all, its salt concentration is 37,9, while the rest is about 36.

5. The most poisonous snakes are 10 species. And they all live in Australia

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Fortunately, only 8% of all snakes living on Earth are considered dangerous and poisonous. Snakes attack people only when they feel threatened. But still, you need to be extremely careful with them, especially if their poison can kill an adult in a short time.

Taipan is considered one of the most dangerous, the snake is not aggressive, but when threatened, it injects such a dose of poison that it can kill a hundred people. Basically, such specimens inhabit Australia, so it is better to study the fauna and flora of the mainland well before traveling there.

4. More than 80% of the tsunami occurred in the Pacific Ocean

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet With the name of this ocean, humanity did not guess, it is on its territory that 80% of all tsunamis occur.. This is due to strong seismic activity, which causes many underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides.

Due to the fact that one part of the bottom drops and the other rises, a huge wave is formed. Such processes cannot go unnoticed.

Tsunamis are usually several waves that do not just go along the surface, but raise the water column. Therefore, after the first wave, people in the danger zone should not relax, but it is better to prepare for the second.

3. The Mariinsky Trench is the deepest point on the planet

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Many have heard about the Mariinsky Trench, but they vaguely imagine what it is. This is the deepest point of our world. It goes deeper into the Earth more than 11 kilometers.

The depression stretched over the surface of the ocean for 1500 kilometers, but its bottom turned out to be narrow – only from one to five kilometers. Its study is difficult due to the enormous pressure, which at the bottom is a thousand times higher than usual. But what is most surprising, scientists have found living creatures there.

2. About 1000 species of dinosaurs have been described and qualified.

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet The nature of the earth is constantly changing. Previously, dinosaurs dominated it, but they did not survive to this day. Their existence can only be spoken of thanks to excavations and fossils, most of which are amazing.

A lot of time has passed since the first discovery until now. Scientists have identified about 1000 different species. Their exact number will probably never be known.

But at the moment it is known for sure that all species are divided into four groups: predatory, herbivorous, flying and aquatic.

1. A lightning strike can reach temperatures of 30000 degrees Celsius

10 interesting facts about the nature of our amazing planet Since childhood, every person knows that lightning is dangerous. One of the reasons is the high temperature. The temperature of lightning can reach 30000 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of the Sun stays around 6000 degrees..

According to statistics, about 24 people die every year from lightning strikes worldwide. And another 240 are injured. How do they survive when exposed to such temperatures?

Lightning is an electric discharge, striving from the sky to the earth through the shortest path. The human body can carry it through itself. So if the shortest path of lightning does not pass through the heart and does not affect the spine, then the probability of surviving is quite high, although it will not do without consequences.


People live too little in this world to think they know anything. We have already sent ships into space, although we have not fully studied the planet on which we live. She still has so many secrets, so many mysteries are waiting in the wings to puzzle scientists, so many things are hidden from our eyes, and so many facts are inaccessible to our understanding.

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