10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa – a unique piece of architecture

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the great landmarks that is located in Italy. We can say that this is the visiting card of this unusual and amazing country. The famous tower is located in Pisa. She gained great fame because of her tilt to one side. It is also often referred to as “falling tower».

Not only adults know about the structure, but also children who meet with its concept and history at school. Many tourists wish to visit this place. And when they come, they cannot recover from delight. Getting to it is not at all difficult, but it is better to find out the opening hours in advance.

On the spot, you can book a tour where tourists will be told in detail about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. From the very top you can admire the views of the city.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

10 “Falling” began due to a design error

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture Not many people know how an ordinary bell tower in the city became so famous all over the world. All because of the tilt, which creates the incredible impression that the tower is falling. But actually The tower began to “fall” due to a design error.

The architects who were involved in the construction seriously miscalculated. They built a building in the area where the soil was characterized by excessive moisture. This is what led to the big problem.

There are many “falling” buildings in the world. The interesting and unusual history of this tower makes it simply invaluable for architecture. She stands out from the rest.

9. Construction took about 200 years

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture The amazing thing is that The Leaning Tower of Pisa took over XNUMX years to build.. Construction was often suspended, and then resumed again. And it all began at the dawn of the republic as a maritime state.

It was originally planned that the tower would stand far from the city center. The construction was divided into several stages. There is evidence that the first part of the work was carried out by Guglielmo Innsbruck.

Construction began in 1173. But it was supposed to be done only next year. Then the researchers decided that the republic should have its own calendar, which was always ahead of events by one year.

This year the foundation was laid, which had a depth of about three meters. Then there was no work for a whole year. After the first floor was built and the slope became noticeable. When this was discovered, they did not finish the tower. It was decided to immediately stop work. But soon, in 1198, the soil at the base was strengthened and the building was opened.

Amazing fact: During construction, the tower constantly leaned in different directions. People began to notice that the slope increased to the north side, and then, after a while, to the south. Many claimed that she was about to fall.

The next construction began only thirty-five years later. And it happened in 1233. The project manager was a worker named Benenato. At this time, almost half of the tower had already been built.

A big shift in work began to be observed after a man named Giovanni di Simone got down to business. Around 1264, near Pisa, they decided to quarry stone for the further construction of the building.

Then this person began to work entirely on the project. He thought that the slope could be compensated by raising the level of the ceiling. But, unfortunately, this only aggravated the situation. More twists and turns began.

The next time it became known only in 1319. The final work was supervised by Tomasso. In 1350, the construction of a unique bell tower in the world began.

And only in 1372 everything was built entirely. At that time, the deviations were only 1,43 meters. The building turned out not at all the way it was planned to be erected. Externally, it was an eight-story building. Although initially it was said about ten floors.

8. The tower has been repaired several times.

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture After construction, the Leaning Tower of Pisa was corrected more than once.. By about the 20th century, the angle of inclination was 4 degrees, and then almost 10. It was said that there was a risk of falling. The tower was urgently straightened. Many times they tried to save her.

For example, in 1930, a special liquid cement was poured into the foundation, which made the support waterproof. And sixty years later, steel rings were fixed on the first floor of the building, which protected from further subsidence.

7. It has a bell tower

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture It is worth noting the fact that The Leaning Tower of Pisa is more of a bell tower. It has 7 bells. Each is tuned to a specific note. During the performance they sound all.

The first bell was created in the 13th century. The rest were installed much later. At the time when the war was going on, one of them, called Dal Pozo, was destroyed. But after the necessary restoration work, it was sent to the museum for storage. Currently, only a good copy of it can be seen on the belfry.

The largest bell was installed on the bell tower, which weighs about 3,5 tons. Made by Giovanni Pietro himself. But, in 1735 it was melted down, so it has not been preserved at the present time.

Every day, people who live in this amazing place can hear the sound of bells at exactly noon.

6. No roof

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture Not many people know that The Leaning Tower of Pisa has no roof. Since the slope was quite dangerous, the architects decided that it was urgent to complete the belfry. Having built it, they donated the roof. When a person goes inside, then raising his head up, he can see the sky.

5. There are tombs in the tower.

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture Pisa Cathedral was built in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also considered one of the monuments of Romanesque architecture throughout Italy. This cathedral serves as a burial place for many historical figures.. For example, Emperor Henry the Seventh is buried here.

4. Disputes about the names of architects are still ongoing.

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture Scientists are still arguing about who was the architect of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.built in Italy. More recently, they found a stone in a building on which they could recognize the name of the real architect. It was a block of marble on one of the parts of the sarcophagus. Scientists have found out that it was Bonanni Pisano.

The inscription read: “I who, without a doubt, erected this amazing building, which is above all, I am a citizen of Pisa named Bonanni“. Disputes have been going on for almost 400 years.

3. There is a legend about the experiments of Galileo on the tower

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture There is an interesting legend that on the tower in Pisa, a well-known astronomer named Galileo Galilei conducted his amazing experiments.. For a long time he tried to prove that the body, having a completely different mass, falls down with almost the same speed.

To find out for sure, he dropped various objects from the huge height of the tower and checked the time of the fall. But, unfortunately, this fact remains unconfirmed to this day.

2. There are 3 leaning towers in Pisa

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture Not many people know that Pisa is also known for other falling baths. The bell tower, built in honor of San Nicola, is considered the second most popular after the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It belongs to one of the oldest temples in the city.

One of the towers of the church of San Michele degli Scalzi is no different in beauty. But, nevertheless, it is known for being tilted much more than the main attraction of Pisa.

The Guelfa Tower was previously considered a powerful military structure. But now it is a platform for viewing the view of picturesque places.

1. There are also leaning towers in Russia: Nevyanskaya and Syuyumbike

10 interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a unique piece of architecture It is known that in Russia there are also falling towers. One is located in the city of Nevyansk, and the other in Kazan and is called the “Syuyumbika tower”.

Buildings are classified as “falling”, as they have a slight slope. Tourists also come to these places to see the beauty and grandeur of the buildings.

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