10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country

One of the symbols of Russia, with which many people associate their homeland, is a birch. This is one of the most common trees in our strip. Many poets dedicated their songs to her, the image of a birch tree can be seen in the paintings of famous artists.

In almost every yard you can find this tree, which in winter stands in a snow-white coat, lowering its tender branches under the weight of snow, and in autumn pleases with its golden foliage.

Birch is a deciduous tree with light bark and heart-shaped leaves. The name comes from the Old Slavonic “birch”, so it was called because of the light color of the bark (bherĝ denoted “whiten”, “shine”).

Interestingly, the bark of a small tree is dark, and only after a few years it brightens. And there are species in which the bark is brown, yellowish, black. There are about 120 species in total, it grows over a large area. In our country, there are no more than 70 species.

You will learn a lot about this tree if you read 10 interesting facts about birch in our article.

10 Can grow in almost any soil

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country Most types of birches (common birch, Dalecarli, white Chinese, etc.) can grow on any soil, they are undemanding to conditions.

Maksimovich’s birch prefers alkaline soils, dwarf – peat and loam. In order for it to grow well, the soil may not be fertilized.

9. One tree a day can give about a bucket of sap

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country From the cut birch trunks, juice flows out, which was especially loved in the USSR in the middle of the 20th century, because. it was rich in vitamins B6 and B12.

Then there was the industrial production of birch sap, which was poured into 3-liter jars. It was considered one of the cheapest, a glass cost about 8 kopecks.

It was possible to collect juice in early spring, as soon as the first thaws appeared, and before bud break. It is better not to use young trees for this, they may die. Usually, the bark of the tree is cut, a groove is inserted into the slot, through which the juice flows into the cooked dishes. In this manner you can get up to 2-3 liters of juice per day, and from a large birch – 7 or more liters.

Usually, the collection of birch sap begins in April, and it ends in May. It is sweet in taste with a pleasant aftertaste. Once it was used to make wine.

8. There are about a hundred types

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country There are more than 100 types of birches. The most common species that can be found almost everywhere is drooping birch or warty birch.

It grows up to 20 m in height, the branches are drooping, there are many resinous warts on annual branches, the trunk is smooth and white, dark at the base, the leaves are 4-7 cm long. It blooms in spring, as soon as her buds begin to bloom. Then long yellowish catkins with a huge amount of pollen appear on the trees, and small nondescript greenish catkins.

Dwarf birch is also common – a shrub with a large number of branches that grows no higher than 1 m. You can meet it in Western Siberia and Yakutia. There are other types of birch: ribbed, black, marsh, cherry, etc.

7. Earrings are available for men and women

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country Birch is a monoecious plant, i.e. both male and female flowers are found on the same plant. Male flowers hatch in summer, 2-3 pieces. They are green in color, but then turn brown, grow up to 2-4 cm.

Male catkins hibernate on the tree, and in spring the catkin stem elongates, yellow stamens become visible, from which pollen emerges. If before that the earrings stood straight, now they hang.

At the same time, women’s earrings appear near the tree. They grow on the side of the branch, much shorter and narrower. Gradually, the female earring lengthens, and after the fruits ripen, it crumbles, only a rod remains on the eyelids.

6. Grow up to 30-45 m

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country Most birch species are trees that can grow up to 30 m, sometimes up to 45 m.. But there are exceptions. Dwarf birch is a shrub, 50-100 cm high, small-leaved usually does not exceed 15 m, and purple – 10 m.

The height of a tree depends on its type. But most still reach a significant size.

5. Birch bark had many uses in Rus’

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country The top layer of the bark is called birch bark. It is very strong and durable, because. it contains resinous substances. Once in Rus’, birch bark was widely used in folk crafts. They made baskets, tueski, boxes, baskets from it, made various kitchen utensils, ladles.

At that time, only wealthy people could buy boots for themselves, and peasants often wore bast shoes, which were woven from bast, hemp and birch bark. They were low cost.

Men from childhood learned to weave bast shoes and in the future they made them “in between times”. Once upon a time, birch bark was treated for malaria.

Residents of the North and the Far East used it in the construction of the chum (dwelling) and boats. They also used to write on birch bark, in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, the so-called birch bark letters appeared. Once they were discovered in Veliky Novgorod, where the soil favored their preservation, as well as in a number of other ancient Russian cities.

4. The tradition of decorating churches and houses with birch branches

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country In Rus’, there was once a feast of the Holy Trinity, which was popularly called the Trinity or Semik. It was celebrated at the end of spring, called the “girls’ holiday.” The birch was considered the most important tree of this holiday. it was she who first put on her green outfit.

The Slavs believed that this tree has great vitality. To give strength to dwellings, to protect them from evil spirits, houses and temples were decorated with birch branches, and green grass was scattered on the floor..

On this day, girls wove wreaths from its branches, adding flowers to them, danced round dances with them on their heads, and participated in games. Toward evening they wondered: they threw a wreath into the water, if it floats, then a happy future awaits them, if it sinks, misfortune is coming.

3. Certain types of mushrooms grow only under birch trees.

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country There are mycorrhizal species of fungi, most of which can only be found in birch groves or in mixed forests near this tree.. That’s what they are called – boletus. Allocate boletus ordinary, marsh, turning pink. The most valuable edible mushroom growing under a birch is considered white birch.

Often next to this tree you can find a black breast or a pink wave, green russula, yellow food. In addition, birch lenzites is also found under it.

2. Long-lived birches live up to 400 years

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country The drooping birch lives about 100-150 years, continues to grow in height up to 50-60 years, and in thickness – up to 80 years. But among these trees there are long-livers. These include Erman’s birch or stone, which grows in Siberia, the Far East.

This cold-resistant shade-tolerant tree, which prefers rocky places, can live 300-400 years. But it is not very similar to an ordinary birch, because. it has a dark gray bark, a trunk diameter of only 50-75 cm, sometimes 90 cm, and a height of 12 to 15 m.

1. The image of a birch is common in Slavic culture

10 interesting facts about the birch and its image in the culture of our country The Slavs revered this tree. It was considered “happy”, protected the house from evil, but at the same time it is associated with female demons and the dead.

In the North, where the birch grew, they never built a new house, because. it became unhappy. Many were afraid to plant a birch next to their dwelling, otherwise illness could attack the owners, the whole family would die out. It was believed that mermaids descend from the birch or swing on its branches. But there were other customs as well.

Some families planted this tree next to the hut, which guaranteed the well-being of the family, it was believed that it scares away evil and brings good luck. To get a rich harvest, the branches were stuck into the ground. Products made of birch bark were considered amulets against evil spirits, and birch brooms were tools of ritual cleansing.

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