10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle – a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet

The Bermuda Triangle is an area known for its anomalies. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Sargasso Sea. What can be said immediately and with certainty is that navigation is very difficult in that area due to the many shallows, frequent cyclones and constant storms.

Everything else is rumored and disputed. It is believed that perhaps the most mysterious disappearances of ships occur there. Disappear not only ships and aircraft, but also crews.

The Bermuda Triangle is already full of legends, books have been written about it, films have been made. One way or another, everyone has heard about him, but usually not much is known about him.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle.

10 First mentions in 1950

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet For the first time, an American researcher wrote about the Bermuda Triangle in his article. His name was Edward Van Winkle Jones, he worked as a correspondent for the Associated Press.

The article was small, more likely even a brochure, to which they really did not pay attention. He even attached some photos to it, but, alas, his words still did not interest. So no one knew about this area until 1964.

9. The area is called the “Devil’s Sea”

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet Initially, it was Edward who came up with the name of this place. He wrote about mysterious disappearances and called the area “by the devil’s sea». Then the area was overgrown with many more variations of this name.

As soon as she was not called: Satan’s Home, Naval Cemetery etc. However, it is interesting that exactly the same name can be found in the Pacific Ocean. There is a place south of Japan that the local sailors called the same name because of the same properties.

8. The name of the place was given by the writer Vincent Gaddis

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet The very name “Bermuda Triangle” this area received in 1964 after an article by the writer Vincent Gaddis. He was the first to use this phrase, which was then firmly and officially assigned to this place.

In his article, he wrote that the Bermuda Triangle is truly dangerous, that it holds terrible secrets, and described some of the disappearances.

Then people paid due attention to this area. Since 1964, the Bermuda Triangle has not ceased to excite human minds.

7. Disappearance of 5 torpedo bombers

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet This is one of the most famous cases associated with this area. On December 5, 1945, five planes took off from a base in the United States, but then none returned. No debris or traces were found.

The event was unique because of its circumstances: experienced crew, clear skies, calm seas, navigation equipment failed for no reason, and visual effects. Planes were assigned for the search, but one of them also did not return.

However, there is a second version, according to which the crew consisted of one experienced pilot-instructor, recently transferred to this headquarters and still poorly aware of the area without compasses, and cadets.

When the instruments failed, the instructor stopped navigating, and poor communication only increased the misunderstanding. However, something also prevented an experienced pilot from using the compasses of other aircraft or finding a different way out of the situation. The details are unlikely to ever be known.

6. The wreckage is likely being carried away by the currents of the Gulf Stream

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet The Gulf Stream is a very fast current. It surrounds the entire northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. This “monster” strongly influences the anomaly of the Bermuda Triangle. There can often be good weather and calm waters, and in a quarter of an hour ships will meet heavy winds and strong waves.

If you look at the map, where all the wrecks in the Bermuda Triangle area are marked, then about a third is located on the Gulf Stream. And this means that some mysterious disappearances are not mystical incidents at all, but the consequences of a strong current that carried the wreckage to incredible distances.

But even taking this into account, about two-thirds of the disappearances remain unexplained.

5. Version about methane

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet There are many versions and conjectures about the Bermuda Triangle. For example, methane emissions.

According to this theory, methane hydrate decays at the bottom of the sea. Because of this, bubbles are obtained that are saturated with this substance. Their density becomes very low, so the ships cannot stay afloat and go to the bottom.

The followers of this theory were also able to explain the loss of aircraft. Rising into the air, methane reduces the level and its density too, which affects the lift and altimeter readings. It is also dangerous with an explosion or engine shutdown.

4. UFO version

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet In addition to scientific versions, the world is full of fantastic ones. Some claim that the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is subject to aliens. They chose this place and established their base there.. On it they are studying our planet and people. When some ships are this close, the aliens drown them.

And the crews can even take them for experiments, which explains the finds of empty ships without people. However, nothing has yet been found to support this theory.

3. Vortex version

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet This is a very interesting version, which is usually backed by fans of science fiction. It also touches on the supernaturalness of this place.

Her followers believe that The Bermuda Triangle is one of 12 whirlpools. Allegedly, the remaining 11 are located around the globe at the same width. They believe that it is in these places that the most mysterious and mysterious events take place, for which there is no scientific explanation.

However, this theory cannot explain anything concrete. Even the most ardent representatives of this version did not give an answer to questions about the existence of a connection between the funnels.

2. Psychologists Link BT Phenomenon to “Bias Confirmation”

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet Strange as it may seem, psychologists can offer an explanation for such a mystery. The phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, they say, is associated with such a concept as “confirmation of the displacement”.

This means that a person usually pays attention and attaches more importance to what is already in his subconscious. That is, every time a ship disappears or is in distress again in this area, people perceive it already with some touch of mystery. But the information about the loss of a ship in the Pacific Ocean does not inspire awe.

1. Scientists and security services do not consider this area more dangerous than others

10 interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious and dangerous place on the planet Psychologists took up this issue for a reason. Based on statistics, the Bermuda Triangle does not exist.. At the moment, scientists are sure that such an attitude towards the area has developed only thanks to the good work of writers and the media.

All the bad publicity is nothing more than people’s desire to get attention and make extra money out of fear or curiosity. This is confirmed by the fact that in the list of the most dangerous sea routes of 2013, published by the World Wildlife Fund, not a word is said about the Bermuda Triangle. He just did not enter the list of dangerous places. Therefore, the US Coastline Guard does not consider this place to be in any way different from others.

This is not the most remote area, there are a lot of ships, and if you take into account all the factors, then the number of missing ships is absolutely in line with the norm. In addition, compared with the successful passages of the Bermuda Triangle, the percentage of disappeared or sunken is negligible.

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