10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland – a country with enchanting nature

Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In the past, she also depended on England, but it was a completely different system. On the territory of Northern Ireland, the British organized the colony of Pale.

In the fourteenth century, the Irish had no rights, they were forbidden to speak their native language and wear national clothes. For many centuries they fought with the British, defending their independence. All this is in the past. Now Northern Ireland has become an important part of British society.

By the way, these places are a good option for traveling. That’s just the majority of our compatriots do not know what Northern Ireland is. The most popular associations: beautiful nature, cold climate, pubs, alcohol, Irish tap dancing, redheads, Gone with the Wind…

If you are interested in this area, pay attention to our article. Below is a list of interesting facts about Northern Ireland. This information will help you get a general idea of ​​this part of the UK.

10 Consists of 6 counties

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

Northern Ireland has 6 counties of Ulster. This is a historical province of Ireland, which consists of 9 counties. 3 of them belong to the Republic of Ireland. The area of ​​Northern Ireland is 13 km².


  • Fermanagh (1691 km²),
  • Tyrone (3263),
  • Londonderry (2075),
  • Antrim (3046),
  • Down (2466),
  • Arma (1254).

The division into counties can be called very arbitrary, they lack administrative authorities. The territory of Northern Ireland is divided into 26 districts, each of which contains its own government.

9. The main religion is Christianity

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

The main religion of Northern Ireland is Christianity, but the entire population is divided into Catholics and Protestants.. According to the latest census, their ratio looks like 44% to 53%.

Recently, the trend has continued: the number of Catholics is increasing, Protestants are decreasing. Belonging to one or another direction of Christianity largely determines the life path of people. Based on religion, the Irish choose their place of residence, spouses, schools for children.

Only 3% of the population are atheists or adhere to another faith.

8. The smallest and poorest region in the UK

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

Northern Ireland is the smallest area in the UK (13 km² out of 843 km²). In addition, this is the poorest part of the Kingdom.

In the past, Northern Ireland’s economy was dominated by agriculture. Now little has changed, about 80% of all land is used for growing crops and grazing livestock. Processing of agricultural products is carried out.

Commercial ports are industrial centers. The main industries for a long time were shipbuilding and the textile industry. They are being replaced by more modern ones (electronics). A lot of minerals have been discovered in Northern Ireland, but it is unprofitable to extract them.

7. Loch Neagh is located here.

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

One of the largest freshwater lakes, Lough Neagh, is located in Northern Ireland, or rather, most of it – 90%. Tourists come here to enjoy the unique views of Irish nature.

There are many dark stories associated with Loch Neagh. In the Middle Ages, heretics were executed in this area. Rumor has it that now paranormal phenomena often occur here. Fans of everything unusual visit Lough Neagh to record anomalies. Local residents do not believe in these fairy tales, they are doing their best to maintain the “positive reputation” of the lake.

6. There are two dogs for every inhabitant.

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

There are a lot of dogs in Northern Ireland (according to some sources, about 3 million). For comparison, the population is 1,882 million. Simple mathematical calculations will help to reveal that there are almost 2 dogs per Irishman.

By the way, this animal is one of the most beloved in the UK. They are literally obsessed with dogs. Their content is regulated by law, the owners must provide the pet with all the necessary conditions. Even stray dogs in Northern Ireland are not left to their fate, the locals help them too.

5. Deaf and dumb people use two completely different sign languages

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

There are two sign languages ​​in Northern Ireland. The law was passed in 2004, but the prerequisites arose during the Belfast Agreement. Each deaf and dumb person can choose whether to communicate in British or Irish. At the time of the adoption of the law, 3,5 thousand people were identified using British sign language, 1,5 thousand – Irish.

4. Samhain – a holiday reminiscent of Halloween

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

Here every year they celebrate a holiday that is very similar to Halloween. It is called Samhain, it symbolizes the end of the harvest period.. In the past, it was given great importance. He was considered “feast of the dead».

It was believed that people who violated the geys (taboos) might not survive the night. Also in Samhain they summed up the results: they divided the harvest, decided which cattle would not be able to survive the winter.

Interesting fact: in large cities of Russia, Saiman is also celebrated. This happens during the festivals of the “Celtic” culture.

3. This is where the Titanic was built

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

The famous Titanic was built in the capital of Northern Ireland – Belfast. The customer is a large British shipping company “White Star Line”. The ship was built in record time. The Harland and Wolff shipyard took only three years.

In 1912, the Titanic set off on its first (and last) voyage. During the construction, new technologies were used. Neither the double bottom nor the sealed doors helped – the disaster claimed the lives of more than 1500 people.

2. This is where Game of Thrones was filmed.

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

The Game of Thrones team has traveled all over the world. Most of the episodes were filmed in Spain, Morocco. Stark castle Winterfell, the black castle and the Stormlands were filmed in Northern Ireland. Now every fan of the series can come here and see everything with their own eyes.

In 2020, it is planned to launch a tour of “memorable places” at all. The organizers stir up the interest of Game of Thrones fans and promise that they will be able not only to look at the scenery and costumes of the main characters, but also to feel that atmosphere and even experience some key moments in the form of quests. Thanks to the series, Northern Ireland has become one of the leading destinations for international film tourism.

1. The most famous delicacy is the Ulster Fry.

10 interesting facts about Northern Ireland - a country with enchanting nature

The cuisine of Northern Ireland is quite specific. It is rooted in the diet of previous farm family worship. At that time, there was not such a wide variety of products. The Irish eat mainly pork, fish, plant foods – in general, what you can grow (or catch) yourself.

The most famous delicacy in Northern Ireland has been the Ulster Fry for centuries.. This dish is a mixture of sausages, bacon, fried tomatoes, eggs, bread, baked beans. Very high in calories, but the Irish are not afraid to get fat. They can consume Ulster Fry for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They never get tired of this dish.

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