10 interesting facts about music and musicians

Did you know about such an interesting term as “frisson”? It means waves of pleasure and goosebumps from listening to a musical composition. What an aesthetic delight! Science went further and began to study in detail the influence of music on the human condition. It turns out that she is able to cure serious diseases, inspire feats, change the state of the psyche, and even help get pregnant.

Of course, we are talking about certain melodies and performers who can harmoniously combine notes for the best perception.

Today we will tell you about the 10 most amazing and interesting facts about music and musicians that you hardly knew.

10 With a melody, food tastes better

10 interesting facts about music and musicians It turns out that under the influence of musical waves, some food can be tastier. So, Oxford scientists conducted an experiment in which they found that sound can affect the taste of food in approximately the same way as the appearance of the finished dish and its aroma.

The study found that low, heavy basses help bring out the bitter ingredients in a dish, while high trills from a piano, violin, or flute can actually “sweeten” the ingredients. Maybe, taking into account new knowledge, try to make a “musical diet”?

9. Develop empathy with Queen songs

10 interesting facts about music and musicians Researchers from Cambridge organized a group of 4000 people and conducted a series of tests. According to the results, 2 groups were formed: systematizing and empathizing people.

So it was precisely those who listen to the Queen group, as well as the work of Norah Jones, Jeff Buckley, who are sensitive to the emotional background of others, turned out to be individuals prone to empathy.

Systematizing people who analyze stereotypes and patterns before making a decision prefer the music products of the Sex Pistols and Metallica more.

8. Listen to metal – be happy

10 interesting facts about music and musicians According to studies of the Self and Identity periodicals (we cannot vouch for the reliability of the data – everything needs to be double-checked personally), people who listen to metal are happier than the rest.

The magazine compared the level of happiness of fans of this direction in the 80s with listeners of other musical genres. Thus, studies have shown that metalheads in their youth enjoyed life much more and felt happythan the current generation, and even more quickly adapted to adulthood.

Scientists explain this fact by the fact that such subcultures united people – there they found support, comrades for life, loved ones.

7. Lose weight at festivals

10 interesting facts about music and musicians It turns out that the thirst to listen to your favorite performers at festivals can make you walk about 25 km in a couple of days.

So, the typical music fan over a festival weekend can add up to burn a strand of 9000 calories, you represent?

Maybe that’s why Glastonbury always “swells” from the abundance of visitors – after all, if you walk an average of about 8 km per day and burn 3000 calories, then you will significantly save on going to the gym, and also listen to high-quality music.

6. Music is older than we think

10 interesting facts about music and musicians It turns out that melodies originated even before the formation of the language of our primitive ancestors. In those days, when people were quite shaggy and clubfoot, there were their own “parties” with musical accompaniment.

It turned out that primitive flutes were found in the caves of southern Germany. They were probably carved from animal bones. The age of the finds is about 42-43 thousand years. What time!

5. The influence of music on marital debt

10 interesting facts about music and musicians Scientists conducted another study and determined that about 40% of respondents believe that beautiful music during intercourse brings even more pleasure than a real partner.

Presumably, music affects specific pleasure centers in the brain, which are also responsible for the physical sensations during lovemaking.

And another experiment showed that the Bohemian Rhapsody track inspires people so much that they consider listening to it a better pastime than intimate adventures with a partner.

4. Music for cats

10 interesting facts about music and musicians There is a composer, David Teie, who created an album to improve the quality of a cat’s life. The laws of biology are arranged in such a way that the first sounds that a person hears in the womb are the mother’s pulse.

It is not surprising that “pulsating” rhythmic music brings us pleasant and warm emotions. Cats get a similar experience with the sucking reflex – when pulsating milk enters the kitten’s body.

That is why cats love human music so much, which can be seen on numerous gifs.

3. How to explain the cover of Unknown Pleasures

10 interesting facts about music and musicians Black and white mountain peaks are instantly recognizable and are so popular as prints or tattoos.

It turns out that they are a monochrome image of the coordinates of the pulsars, which were once fixed during the death of a star. Such a beautiful tragedy formed the basis for the cover of Joy Division.

2. Genius Drummers

10 interesting facts about music and musicians Scientists from the Stockholm Institute have determined that drummers who are good at holding hard beats are the best at answering intellectual questions.

They also have excellent decision-making and problem-solving skills, and have a positive impact on their team members and the environment. Therefore, jokes about “stupid drummers” are at least inappropriate.

1. Nirvana to help those planning a pregnancy

10 interesting facts about music and musicians The compositions of this epochal group will help you conceive a child! New experiments have shown that in the eggs, which were next to the iPods with the melodies of Metallica and Nirvana, fertilization occurred 5% fasterthan in others. It was about eggs obtained with the help of part of the IVF procedure.

Perhaps it is worth putting soothing melodies in the process of fulfilling marital duty. Perhaps the spermatozoa, dancing, will swim faster in the right direction.

Here’s the latest news from the music world. Now it’s time to think about what our own playlist is formed from. Maybe through music we will reveal our true fears and needs?

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