10 interesting facts about massage – a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

The benefits of massage have long been proven and recognized by scientific research. Massage has been popular since ancient times – for example, great importance was attached to it in Rome and Greece, where bodily beauty was elevated to a cult. In China and Tibet, massage was a common method as a treatment for various diseases.

It is very useful: it improves blood circulation, corrects congenital pathologies, improves mood, etc. There are times when massage lifted a person to his feet from a wheelchair, so it makes no sense to list its advantages – there are a lot of them.

If you have not yet joined the ranks of those lucky ones who periodically go for a massage. Do you think it might be worth it to start doing this? And so that you have a craving for it – you will learn from our article a lot of interesting facts about massage.

10 With its help, you can influence the state of internal organs

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Under the influence of massage, physiological processes are activated: gas exchange is accelerated in tissues and organs, mineral salts, nitrogenous substances of organic origin are more quickly excreted from the body. As a result, the work of the internal organs becomes better, and overall well-being improves.

Now visceral massage is popular, and for good reason – it increases vitality, strengthens the immune system, the skin becomes elastic, and most importantly – it brings health and longevity! What pleases is that absolutely anyone can learn how to do it, it takes about 10 minutes to massage.

9. Caesar reduced epileptic seizures with massage

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body


Epilepsy is one of the oldest diseases, it is known that the ancient Roman figure Gaius Julius Caesar (100 BC) suffered from this disease. It is noteworthy that this was taken as a manifestation of divinity …

Caesar to reduce seizures of epilepsy constantly massaged. Or rather, not he himself, but the slave masseurs – according to Plutarch. We do not know if massage can be done with epilepsy – opinions, as always, differ, but some people with this ailment regularly do it and do manual therapy.

8. Ancient Greek Olympians massaged after training

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Massage is an ally of sports, so where it flourished, massage was also common. The greatest doctors believed that massage should be included in physical education, so it was taught in schools of physical exercises.

Incidentally, the expressionIn a healthy body healthy mindIt came from Greece. Before the competition, the athletes went through a series of procedures: they were rubbed, bathed, massaged, etc. (sand brought from the Nile was rubbed into their bodies).

In ancient Greece, great importance was attached to physical exercises and hardening – it was here that the cult of beauty and health flourished. It is known that athletes after sports were massaged and sprinkled with fine sand – it helped them to relax and get rid of fatigue.

7. Stimulates the production of endorphins

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

We know how important the hormone endorphin is – to get the drug of pleasure, we eat chocolates, bananas, etc. Take one more note! Massage stimulates the release of endorphins. Together with pleasant music and positive thoughts, it increases their level. During the procedure, substances such as serotonin and dopamine are released, and the stress hormone cortisol is also reduced.

In general, massage has a beneficial effect on a person: it puts his thoughts in order, improves well-being, promotes healing, etc.

For your information: if you have a loved one, then you can give each other a massage. In addition to strengthening your relationship (we are known to become even more attached to those with whom we have a good time), it will also make you healthier.

6. Increases blood flow

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Violation of blood circulation causes irreversible processes in the body, so it is very important to eliminate possible problems in a timely manner. Due to the fact that during the massage, blood vessels expand, microcirculation improves, blood flow and transport of oxygen, as well as nutrients to all parts of the body increase, the human condition improves.

In addition, toxins are removed from the tissues (which is very useful for the body). Massage improves blood flow, and in general the body begins to work better.. Stimulation of blood circulation is important – with the help of massage you can stay healthy and keep the body in relative stability.

5. Relaxes and regenerates the body

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

To fully enjoy a massage session, you can light an aroma lamp with your favorite essential oil, turn on calm, relaxing music … You will notice the effect after the first session! After the massage, if you completely surrender to the process, you will feel that you have been born again.

Massage solves a whole range of problems: it restores the body after injuries, heals it, tones the muscles of the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the joints and nervous system.

You don’t have to pay a lot of money to have a professional give you a quality massage – if you have a person with whom you can perform the procedure, then it’s better to do so. Now you can find many instructional videos on the Internet, including how to learn massage.

4. Can replace sleep

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

We would like to share with you an interesting news – an hour of massage replaces 7 hours of sleep and 20 minutes of training. If a person falls asleep during a massage, this is a very good sign, because sleep is relaxation, bliss.

If a person fell asleep, it means that his body was able to completely relax and begin to recover. Especially often children fall asleep during the sessions.

Through receptors on the skin, the central nervous system is affected, so it is not surprising that patients relax so much that they close their eyes. If the massage is performed incorrectly, on the contrary, the muscles of the limbs tense up, and there can be no talk of any sleep.

3. Head massage relieves pain

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Did you know that head massage helps relieve pain? If you often experience pain, you don’t need to drink handfuls of pills at all, try massage, and besides, it can be done at home.

However, initially it is necessary to establish the main cause of the manifestation of the disease – after consulting with a doctor, you can choose the right massage. Only he can prescribe a certain type of massage, adjust its intensity, as well as its duration.

2. Thai massage can prevent many diseases

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Thai massage leaves behind the best impressions. The only negative that patients of the massage parlor note for themselves is addiction … For those who want to try it, it is important to know that with various pathologies during the period of exacerbation, there may be pain. But if the massage is done by a professional with a capital letter, then it should not hurt.

In addition, after the course (it includes about 9 sessions), very serious diseases that traditional medicine cannot cure go away, and it also prevents many diseases..

1. To get the most expensive type of marbled beef, cows are massaged

10 interesting facts about massage - a procedure that has a positive effect on the body

Sounds strange, doesn’t it? But it is so. In order to get marbled beef, cows in Japan are massaged.. They are grown on ecologically clean pastures in villages, fed with vegetables and rice, drink sake, and also get massages regularly!

But that’s not all… cows are hung in hammocks and entertained with classical music. Strange, but true – the result is a product of “marble meat”, the cost of which starts at $ 500 per 1 kg. Having tried it at least once, you will understand what the expression “tongue can be swallowed.

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