10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy – a writer who strove for justice in the world

Leo Tolstoy… This Russian writer is known all over the world. His works are read and studied in all parts of the world. It is difficult to find a person unfamiliar with his work. Already during his lifetime, the writer was recognized as the head of Russian literature.

Lev Nikolaevich was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize, after which he refused to participate in this “race”. He did not need encouragement and recognition, despite the fact that he did a lot for Russian literature. Tolstoy created the epic novel genre, his works are called the greatest asset of Russia.

Lev Nikolaevich was not only a talented writer, but also an amazing extraordinary person. He lived a long life, there were ups and downs, right deeds and mistakes.

If you are interested in his work, pay attention to our article. Below is a list of 10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy – a biography of the great writer.

10 Skepticism about your work

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Tolstoy was skeptical about his work, in particular his most famous novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.. He called them “wordy rubbish.” Tolstoy said that he was happy that he would no longer have to write something like this.

He admitted that his other works are much more significant than these. True, he did not specify what exactly he was talking about. Many believed that in this respect there was a share of the author’s coquetry. Considering that Tolstoy was a very serious person, he would not belittle his importance in literature for the sake of another praise.

9. Was a vegetarian

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Tolstoy was a vegetarian. One incident from his life pushed him to this step. He saw a pig being slaughtered. The writer was greatly struck by the cruelty of people. He went to the slaughterhouse to relive those feelings. Since then, Tolstoy no longer ate meat and urged other people to stop violence against animals.

For the last 25 years of his life, Lev Nikolayevich was actively promoting vegetarianism, he was an honorary member of many vegetarian communities. He believed that humans should renounce violence against animals. Only then will harmony come in life.

The writer’s diet consisted of simple products: oatmeal, eggs, curdled milk. He was very fond of sweets. The family of Lev Nikolayevich gathered every evening for evening tea. Although Tolstoy had a negative attitude towards gluttony, he had a fairly good appetite. His wife Sofya Andreevna was very worried about her husband’s health and his sick stomach.

8. Interested in Indian culture

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Lev Nikolayevich was interested in the East from childhood. The books “A Thousand and One Nights”, “40 Thieves” had a huge influence on him. In his youth, he even entered the eastern department of the philological faculty, however, then he decided to transfer to law.

Tolstoy could boast of an extensive library, which contained many works by Eastern writers. He was attracted by ancient Indian philosophy and culture.

Love for India is reflected in his work. He wrote stories and fairy tales, which were based on the religious ideas of the East, and was engaged in translations. Lev Nikolayevich also corresponded with representatives of the intelligentsia of the East, discussed with him questions of religion and the structure of the world.

7. For a long time I chose whom to marry from two sisters

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Tolstoy took marriage very seriously. For a long time he could not choose the one next to which he would like to grow old. He often visited the Berses’ house. I wanted to fall in love with my older sister Lisa, but it didn’t work out. The girl was not bad-looking. Lev Nikolaevich did not feel any feelings for her, and he did not want to marry by calculation.

After some time, he noticed that Lisa’s sister Sonya was perfect for him. The girl was in love with Tolstoy, he responded to her feelings and made an offer. Lisa was very unhappy and demanded that her sister refuse the count, but Sonya agreed. The difference between the future spouses was 16 years, but this did not become an obstacle to the happiness of the lovers.

6. Wrote books for children

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Tolstoy is known not only as an author of novels, but also as a children’s writer. It is worth noting that he wrote his first works for peasant children, whom he taught to read and write on his estate.

The stories and fairy tales of Lev Nikolaevich have not lost their relevance even now. They are engaging and written in simple language. “Lion and Dog”, “Kitten”, “Ant and Dove”… If you have children, be sure to pay attention to the works of Tolstoy.

5. Stopped wearing shoes

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

In old age, the writer stopped wearing shoes. It is believed that in this way he tried to temper his body. But Tolstoy had a rich collection of exclusive shoes!

In his youth and middle age, Tolstoy never forgot that he belonged to the aristocrats. He was dressed with a needle, very fond of good things. In old age, Lev Nikolayevich began to dress more simply.

4. Failed duel with Turgenev

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

In 1858 Tolstoy had a major quarrel with Turgenev. They were friends, and that day they came to visit Fet. Turgenev said that his daughter mends the clothes of the poor, so she helps them.

Lev Nikolayevich reacted sharply to this story. He called such help a sham. Turgenev flared up, Tolstoy did not remain silent, but challenged him to a duel. Later, Ivan Sergeevich apologized to Lev Nikolaevich, the duel was canceled.

Interesting fact: the real reason for the dispute lies elsewhere. Turgenev seduced Tolstoy’s sister Maria. The girl divorced her husband, but did not wait for active actions from Ivan Sergeevich. Tolstoy was very angry with his comrade and was looking for any excuse to take revenge on him.

3. His wife copied all his books

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Sofia Andreevna made an invaluable contribution to the work of Lev Nikolaevich. In his youth, she gave him inspiration. The appearance of the most famous novels of Tolstoy, Russian literature owes not only to him, but also to his wife. She acted as a censor, gave her husband advice.

Sofya Andreevna rewrote his manuscripts on a fine. How much work she had to put in to rewrite “War and Peace”! Their union can be summed up in one sentence:A good wife is half the success of a man».

She provided Tolstoy with all the necessary conditions, freed her husband from all worries, gave him the opportunity to do what he loved.

3. All my life I have been educating myself.

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

All his life Lev Nikolayevich was engaged in self-education. In his youth, he devoted much time to learning languages. Its library contained over 3 books in 39 languages. He read a lot, corresponded with residents of different countries.

At the age of 18, he made a plan for his life, in which he prescribed the rules of conduct. The writer often violated them, but always strived for perfection.

1. Disagreements with the Church

10 interesting facts about Leo Tolstoy - a writer who strove for justice in the world

Tolstoy was baptized, but was indifferent to religion. At the age of 27, he had the idea of ​​creating his own faith, “bestowing bliss on earth“. With age, his attitude towards the church became more and more negative.

Tolstoy did not deny God, he did not accept the Russian Orthodox Church. He also expressed disagreement with many events described in the Bible: the virgin birth, the divinity of Jesus …

Lev Nikolaevich created his teaching – “tolstoy”. This was his own understanding of Christianity. Since the 80s of the XIX century, Alexander III received calls to excommunicate Tolstoy from the church. He refused, as he believed that this would only add to the popularity of Tolstoyism. In 1901, Lev Nikolayevich was nevertheless excommunicated from the church..

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