10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Ivan Krylov is one of the famous poets and fabulists. He is also known to many as a publisher of satirical and educational magazines. The future poet was born in Moscow in 1769. His father was a very poor officer who served as a captain. After the siege of the city, Ivan went to Orenburg with his mother.

Ivan could not study for a long time, which is why his father taught him to read. As a legacy, little Vanechka received many books from his father, which later became very useful to him. The Krylovs’ neighbors allowed the boy to attend French classes.

Ivan read a lot, played the violin. At the age of 15, he was able to write his first opera. When the family moved to St. Petersburg, Ivan immediately went to the theater. From the age of 18 he began to engage in literary activities.

Soon his first fables were published, which were not noted by the public. He had to go through a lot of work in order for his works to be noticed.

We bring to your attention a list of 10 interesting facts about Ivan Andreevich Krylov for children, students in grades 5-6: a biography of the great fabulist, short stories from the writer’s life.

10 Went to work at age 11

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich At an early age, Ivan lost his beloved father, which is why the boy had to go to work at age 11. This was a big blow for him and his family. But it was necessary to eat something, which is why Ivan took on such a duty.

He was too small, not everyone wanted to take him. But he managed to get a job at first as a simple clerk in the Tver court. The work was not difficult, just sit and write down all the words spoken by the judge. After that, he worked for some time in the office with papers. The work also turned out to be simple, and Vanechka quickly learned everything.

9. Opened the literary genre fable

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich A fable is such a genre of didactic literature, which received its dawn during the period of classicism and enlightenment. There have always been two beginnings in the fable – artistic, that is, a short story, and logical, that is, morality.

It was Krylov who was the first to discover this literary genre.. It was after him that fables began to appear, in which there was a meaning and its own morality. Then, in the genre of didactic literature, many other famous authors and poets began to write.

His famous instructive fables were: “The Pig under the Oak”, “The Raven and the Fox”, “The Quartet”, “Dragonfly and Ant”, “Swan, Pike and Cancer” and many others. These fables are still loved by many. They are read with pleasure not only by children, but by adults.

8. Loved to watch the fires

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich One of Krylov’s occupations was watching fires.. If he found out that something was on fire somewhere, he immediately packed up and drove to that place. And then he would stop and just watch everything go up in flames. This sight greatly fascinated him. He learned about the fires not by accident. Among the firefighters, he had his own man who informed Ivan about fires.

This interest arose becauseKrylov’s negligence”. Once there was a terrible fire on the Senate Square. When the emperor found out about this, he asked Krylov what he was doing there. Then Ivan admitted that he loves to look at the fires. And it happened in 1825 in the month of December.

7. Rarely washed and brushed

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich It is worth noting that Krylov did not like to take care of himself. He very rarely washed and brushed his hair.. He also rarely changed his clothes. In such an untidy form, he could even come to high society. But he didn’t think about it at all.

It should be assumed that he never heard anything addressed to him, otherwise he would have changed something.

6. The love of food led to health problems

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich There was one the legend that the writer died of gluttony, as he received intestinal volvulus. The reasons for this were the man’s addiction to food. He didn’t hesitate to talk about it. Ivan Krylov ate rather large portions, eating as much at a time as it would be impossible for a simple person to eat several times.

All his life he adhered to a strict rule – be sure to have a hearty lunch and dinner. But, of course, such a large intake of food, led to health problems. Although the fabulist always treated him very lightly.

It is worth noting that Krylov very often visited his friends, from whom he ate the most delicious dishes of Russian cuisine. They ate a lot of different food at one time.

Interesting fact: all Krylov’s friends knew that he was very fond of food. Once on Maslenitsa for Ivan, they baked large pancakes as thick as a finger, which he smeared with caviar. In one sitting, the writer ate about 30 pieces of such cakes.

5. He inherited a huge chest of books from his father.

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich From his father, Ivan received a huge chest with various books. It was a very generous gift, since the boy had nothing else. These books taught him a lot and helped him become a real person.

It is worth noting that it was on these books that he learned everything. He studied various information. He was interested in everything, and otherwise he could not improve his level of knowledge.

4. Wrote over 200 fables

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Krylov really wrote more than 200 fables during the period from 1809 to 1843. These fables were published in 9 parts. It is worth noting that they were published in huge editions. Even for that time it was quite a big sale. Each fable of the author is very interesting and unusual in its own way.

Each small work has its own meaning and teaches something important. That was what was missing then, what is now. At the same time, he wrote so many fables, having no education at all. Only the books he read helped him.

He worked on them until his very last days. His friends were able to receive the last edition only in 1844, after the notice of his death arrived.

3. He worked in the library for about 30 years.

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich Ivan Andreevich Krylov spent about 30 years of his life working in a simple library. It is worth noting that other famous people worked in the same library, such as the scientist-historian Ermolaev, the writer Odoevsky.

2. Indulged in gambling

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich Gambling is a very attractive way to spend your leisure time. Few could resist them. Many even famous people spent their time like this. Krylov was no exception in this story.

Despite his lifestyle, and he was a very lazy person, Krylov loved to spend his free time brightly and unusually.

He often played cards for moneyand also sometimes participated in fistfights. Since Ivan was very large in physique, he easily managed to win fights. As for the cards, he both won and lost large sums of money.

1. More than three dozen streets in Russia and other countries of the former USSR are named after him

10 interesting facts about Krylov Ivan Andreevich Indeed, the in many cities there are streets that are named after Ivan Krylov. Streets in such cities as Penza, Odintsovo, the village of Vishnevskoye, Pervomaisk and others were named after him.

It is worth noting that monuments were also erected to him. A bust was erected in the village of Vishnevskoye in 1951, and some of his personal belongings are in the museum. A bust of Krylov also stands in the village of Tamala, Penza Region.

Many schools are also named after Krylov. For example, the higher Kharkov military school. One of the ships of the measuring complex is named after Ivan Andreevich Krylov.

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