10 interesting facts about kefir

All fermented milk products are useful, but kefir is a real healing drink. No wonder it was once believed that it had magical properties. It favorably affects the intestinal microflora, prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria in it. It has a calming effect, which is why it is so useful to drink a glass of kefir before bed. This drink strengthens the human immune system, increases resistance to infections, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

10 Rich in B vitamins

10 interesting facts about kefir

The composition of kefir includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12.

B1 can improve memory, helps to resist viruses. Without riboflavin or B2, protein synthesis and breakdown of fats is impossible, it is also involved in hematopoiesis. Nicotinic acid (B3) regulates mood, the mode of sleep and wakefulness depends on it, it is responsible for the mental balance of a person. Choline or B4 is needed to remember information, for lipid metabolism in the liver. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 helps to protect, and if necessary, heal damage to the skin and mucous membranes of a person, it is necessary for regeneration processes. Pyridoxine (B6) helps improve mood and sleep, is needed for the production of blood cells. Folic acid (B9) is essential for the formation of blood cells. Without B12 or cyanocobalamin, the nervous system cannot work well, it is important for immunity.

9. Strengthens immunity

10 interesting facts about kefir

Kefir is a natural product that contains beneficial bacteria. They promote good digestion. As a result, all the vitamins and trace elements we need are well absorbed, which has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. In addition, intestinal microorganisms are necessary for the secretion of immunoglobulin A. And it is a component of the immune system and helps fight viruses. Some microorganisms have bactericidal properties, i.e. successfully fight the pathogens of tuberculosis and some gastrointestinal diseases. American nutritionist Jennifer Fitzgibbon called this drink miraculous.

8. Is a probiotic

10 interesting facts about kefir

Kefir is made using special kefir fungi that contain more than 22 types of beneficial bacteria. These are probiotics, i.e. bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract. Back in 1954, scientists discovered that bifidobacteria are safe for humans. Moreover, they are useful because have an immunostimulating effect, fight infections, help to cope with stress. Lactobacilli are necessary for the breakdown of milk proteins and lactose, bifidobacteria are needed to synthesize vitamins of groups B, K, amino acids, etc. Therefore, doctors advise to consume at least 600 g of dairy and sour-milk products per day.

7. Rich in antioxidants

10 interesting facts about kefir

Kefir is not just called the drink of centenarians. It has a lot of antioxidants. They destroy free radicals that destroy cells, thereby slowing down the aging process.

6. Relaxes and soothes

10 interesting facts about kefir

The most effective helpers in the fight against stress are B vitamins, which are rich in kefir. This drink contains the bacterium lactobacillus rhamnoses JB-1, which has calming properties. Scientists from the Irish National University, located in the city of Cork, under the leadership of John Krian, were able to establish that it improves mood and reduces stress. Doctor Sergey Agapkin writes about kefir as the best remedy for insomnia. It contains tryptophan, which produces melatonin, which improves sleep. But you should not drink it before exams or important business negotiations, when it is important to concentrate and get together, because. kefir relaxes the nervous system.

5. Quenches thirst

10 interesting facts about kefir

On hot summer days, the best way to quench your thirst is to drink a glass of kefir or other fermented milk product. It has a slightly sour taste, which increases salivation and helps fight thirst.

4. Contains protein

10 interesting facts about kefir

Kefir contains about 3% proteins. If you drink 2 glasses of this drink, you will get 15 g of protein. These proteins are completely digested. Kefir is often included in various diets. It, having a low calorie content, supplies the body with the proteins, minerals and vitamins we need. Kefir is a must for children. They need milk protein. It is he who is the building material for our body, each of our cells consists of protein. If the child’s body does not have enough protein, the processes of development and growth slow down.

3. Lowers cholesterol

10 interesting facts about kefir

In addition to good cholesterol, there is bad. These are low density lipoproteins. They, accumulating on the walls of blood vessels, cause problems with blood circulation, which can cause serious diseases such as heart attack and stroke. But, if you include this drink in your menu, then the amount of this bad cholesterol will decrease. Scientists were able to prove this in 2017. 2 groups were invited to participate in the study. Participants from the first group drank 4 glasses of kefir every day. The second was given low-fat milk. It was found that the use of kefir helped to significantly reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in 2 months. Those who drank milk also had positive changes, but they cannot be compared with the benefits of kefir.

2. Absorbed better than milk

10 interesting facts about kefir

If you drink a glass of milk, then in an hour about 30% will be digested, while the drunk kefir will be absorbed by 90% in the same time. During the production of kefir, all the beneficial properties of milk are preserved, but the drink itself becomes more easily digestible. And all because part of the lactose is converted into lactic acid, which is much easier for our body to absorb.

1. Contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus

10 interesting facts about kefir

Dairy products are the main sources of calcium recognized by all doctors. It is needed for strong teeth and bones. It also has many other useful features. We take it from dairy products, because. there it contains the largest amount: in 100 g of kefir – about 126 mg of calcium. No less important is phosphorus, which is necessary for the formation of teeth and bones. It helps the kidneys work properly, improves the conductivity of nerve fibers, etc. A person receives phosphorus only from food, its main sources are meat and milk. 100 g of kefir contains 143 mg of phosphorus.

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