10 interesting facts about Everest – the highest mountain on our planet

Everest has long attracted crowds of tourists from all over the world. Ascents are made almost every day. Everest has a slightly unusual shape. A trihedral pyramid whose southern slope is steeper than all the others. There is practically no snow in these places, as it simply does not stay here. At the very top you can see small sedimentary deposits.

Everest is one of the most visited places in the world due to the alluring majestic beauty of nature and views. Almost everyone who comes here fulfills his most cherished dream.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about Everest – the unfortunate record holder of the Earth.

10 Located on the border of Tibet and Nepal.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Not many people know that Everest is on the border of Tibet and Nepal. One refers to the south side, and the other (Tibet) to the north.

9. It grows every year.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet At present, many countries are holding an erroneous opinion about the height of Everest. Already in 1994, a group of researchers discovered the fact that top continues to rise. The numbers are not that big. But it was possible to fix that Everest grows by 4 millimeters a year. This is explained very simply. The continental plates are constantly moving, which is why the height of these mountains is growing.

After discovering such a fact, the researchers installed a special device that can monitor the slightest changes. After the results obtained, it is safe to say that the official height of the mountain will soon be changed to a completely different figure – 8850 meters.

It is worth noting that there is other tectonic activity, which leads to a slight decrease in Everest. But even so, it still grows.

8. In 1953 he was first conquered.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Climbing Everest is considered one of the most dangerous activities. It requires certain knowledge and good preparation. A climber who wants to climb to the top must have a lot of experience in such matters.

It is worth noting that the atmospheric pressure at the very top and on the ascent is constantly changing. Many note that this is simply impossible to do without the use of a special oxygen mask.

Everest was first climbed on May 29, 1953.. It was made by a climber named Edmund Hillary. He was with Norgay Tenzing. Hillary’s whole life was very interesting and eventful. He went on various expeditions, climbed quite high mountains. I was actively interested in this activity in my school years.

Many note that the young man was small in stature and had rather poor coordination. But all this did not prevent young Edmund from conquering the peaks. He climbed for the first time at the age of twenty. This mountain was in New Zealand.

For a long time he could not do his favorite thing, as the Second World War began. He was able to climb again only in the 1950s. Soon he obtained permission from the government of Nepal to make an expedition to the top of Everest. This was his main goal. Edmund managed to gather two small groups that were supposed to conquer it in parallel.

At the very top, the climbers were able to stay only fifteen minutes. But they remember it for the rest of their lives. After this event, Edmund conquered many more mountains.

7. Appa Tenzing set the world record for climbing Everest.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Almost everyone knows the person who set the record for ascents to the top of Everest. Appa Tenzing was able to conquer this peak 21 times. He made his first ascent in 1990, in the spring. But many times the climbs were unsuccessful. This did not stop the climber.

After studying everything in great detail, Appa tried his hand again. He began to conquer the summit from 1990 to 2011. Many times the traveler noted about global warming, which were clearly visible in the mountains.

Tenzing was very often concerned about the heavy melting of snow and ice. Because of this, the ascents became even more difficult. Since 2008, Appa has made expeditions in groups.

6. There are often hurricane-force winds at the top.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet At the very top of Everest, the temperature is almost never above zero degrees. For example, in January it can reach minus 60. The coldest months here are December and January. And the best are March, May, as well as October and November. It is worth noting that Everest is considered the windiest place on Earth.

Not many people know that, already from mid-October to April, there are strong hurricane winds, which do not stop for quite a long time. The speed of such a flow exceeds 120 km per hour.

Plus, too low a temperature (-60) freezes the skin almost immediately. That is why it is desirable to insulate very well before sending to this place. There is a station near the top. It has been in existence since 2006. Here you can always find out the most accurate forecasts, which are very important for climbers.

5. The highest living creatures live on the mountain – jumping spiders.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Very high in the mountains it is very difficult to breathe. But it is impossible to hide from Himalayan spiders. They are best known as jumping arachnids. They hide in rather modest corners or cracks on the top of Everest. These spiders are considered among the highest living creatures on our planet.

Very often climbers can see them at an altitude of about 6700 meters. Spiders can eat anything they find.

It is worth noting that in 1924 a British expedition found not only spiders here. An unknown species of grasshopper was also discovered. Currently, these creatures are in the Natural History Museum in Britain.

4. The bodies of dead climbers are almost impossible to evacuate.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet It has long been known that Everest is called “mountain of death. And it’s not just that. Anyone who goes here never knows if they can come back.

Death can occur not only due to frostbite, it can simply be a lack of oxygen or some kind of injury. The path to the top is very difficult, on the way you can meet frozen valves of an oxygen cylinder.

There are many unburied corpses on Everest. Someone accidentally broke, and someone just broke all the bones. The sight is terrible. Groups of climbers who make ascents to the summit very often pass by bodies that cannot be evacuated from here.

3. The Nepalese authorities oblige each climber to collect at least 8 kg of garbage.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet A side effect of the Everest summit’s popularity is the rubbish that accumulates here throughout the route. Very often he is called one of the most famous “mountain dumps».

The slopes are covered with bags, bottles, cans. Cleaning these areas is very difficult. But Nepalese authorities simply oblige each climber to collect at least 8 kg of this garbage.

2. Not the most dangerous peak.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Everest has a rather proud name, but at the same time, it’s not the most dangerous mountain in the world. The main difficulty in climbing is unfavorable conditions for the human body.

1. Everest is the highest point on Earth, but not the highest mountain in the world.

10 interesting facts about Everest - the highest mountain on our planet Now Everest is the highest point on Earth, but not the highest mountain in the world. The highest mountain in the world is located in Hawaii and is called Mauna Kea, which translates as “white mountain».

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