10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

As of 2018, there were 252 countries in the world. This list includes independent states, dependent territories and with a special position … It is not at all necessary to delve into politics in order to understand that they all differ in legislation, traditions and history.

In this article we will talk about interesting facts about the countries of the world. You can find out which state has the most divorces, where the crime rate is higher and where the environment is carefully monitored.

Perhaps this information will interest you, and you will want to learn as much as possible about any country, and maybe even visit it. This is not a rating of the “best”, here are collected a variety of facts that have nothing to do with each other.

10 India has a huge number of ethnic groups and religions.

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

India is considered the most diverse country in the world in terms of the number of ethnic groups and religions.. The population is 1,3 billion people (one sixth of the total population of the Earth). There are many nationalities in this country.

The largest peoples are Hindustanis, Punjabis, Telugu, Bengalis, etc. The inhabitants of India speak different languages, the most common is Hindi, it is used by about 40% of the total population.

Religiously, there is also no consensus:

  • Hinduism – 80%,
  • Islam – 14%,
  • Christianity – 2,4%
  • Sikhism – 2%,
  • Buddhism – 0,7%.

9. Bangladesh has the worst environment in the world

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

Bangladesh occupies the leading position in the ranking of the dirtiest places on the planet.. “Zone of ecological and social disaster», is the name of this country. Several hundred enterprises specializing in leather production are located here.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about, but a solution of hexavalent chromium is used to treat the skin. After completion of work, it is not disposed of, but poured into rivers. The average amount per day is 22 thousand liters, and, by the way, getting this substance into drinking water is very dangerous. In most cases, it causes cancer.

At the same enterprises, scraps and waste skins are burned daily. This is the main cause of air pollution in the country.

8. The Republic of Maldives leads in the number of divorces

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

The Republic of Maldives ranks first in the world in the number of divorces. Surprisingly, this place is considered perhaps the best for a honeymoon. That’s just the locals do not seem to appreciate this gift of fate.

According to statistics, there are 1000 divorces per 11 people (per year). Despite the fact that the state is Muslim, and marriage is taken seriously here, more than half of the marriages break up.

A woman can’t file for divorce, that’s a man’s right. Recently, the authorities of the Republic of Maldives have been puzzled by this issue. At the legislative level, measures are being taken, but is it possible to force two people to be together if they do not want to?

7. El Salvador is the country with the highest crime rate

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

The smallest country in Central America by area, but in the world it is known not only for its size. El Salvador is the leader in the number of crimes committed. Someone is killed here every day. Every city has its own street gangs.

About 10 people die at the hands of criminals every day in the country. On some days, the death toll is several times higher than this figure. There is information that on January 11, 2017, no one was killed in the country. It was the greatest event in the history of El Salvador.

6. Almost 95% of the population in Nauru is overweight

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

Many consider the United States the record holder for the number of people suffering from obesity. In fact, the first place belongs to Nauru. This is a dwarf state located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. So here it is about 21 thousand people live here, and 95% of them are overweight.

The fact is that the inhabitants of Nauru are deprived of normal food. The country does not have its own food production. Fruits and vegetables are not grown, as the land is not suitable for this. The basis of the diet of local residents are imported products, for the most part the cheapest and most unhealthy.

5. The United States in terms of population is only 5% of the total number of inhabitants of the Earth

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

The US has the third largest population in the world, after China and India. (328,1 million people). Americans are a heterogeneous nation, the racial composition of the country is heterogeneous. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid …

The population is increasing every year. For example, compared to last year, it has grown by almost 8 million people.

4. The Republic of South Sudan is the youngest country

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

The Republic of South Sudan is called the youngest country. This state gained independence from Sudan in 2011.. A long civil war, a large number of dead civilians …

The people of South Sudan had high hopes that after secession, life would become calmer. On July 9, 2011, the country celebrated Independence Day, a big celebration was held. No one thought about the future, about financial problems, about inflation.

Unfortunately, the residents did not wait for peace and prosperity. In 2013, the Civil War began here, and in 2017, famine set in.

3. Iceland is the cleanest country on the planet

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

«Land of Ice» turned out to be the cleanest on the planet. Very predictable. This is an island state, which is washed on all sides by the Arctic Ocean. Here is the cleanest air. It is not surprising, because waste from neighboring states simply does not get here.

Although at the moment Iceland belongs to the industrialized countries, a significant share of the economy is occupied by fishing. There are no large industrial enterprises here. Geothermal energy is used for heating.

We can say that the inhabitants of Iceland enjoy the gifts of nature. By the way, their average life expectancy is much higher than that of residents of other states.

2. In Canada, half of the population is educated

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

This information was confirmed by Statistics Canada. If you look at the numbers, you can see the following trend: 54% of the total population of the country have a higher education diploma. The age of people participating in the survey ranged from 25 to 64 years.

In 2006, this figure was 48%, which means that Canadians began to study more. Most men and women are trying to get higher education in order to make good money. According to Statistics Canada, a woman with a university degree earns 40% more than her “girlfriend” who graduated from college.

1. Qatar is the richest country in the world

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

This state is located in the Middle East. It has a record high GDP per capita compared to other countries. There are legends about Qatar. They say that you can not work here and still live richly. The state is the largest exporter of oil and natural gas.

A few decades ago, in the place of beautiful cities there was only sand. Now Qatar is an oasis in the desert, a paradise on earth. Local residents occupy leadership positions, service personnel are visitors, Egyptians or Filipinos. Taxes are paid only by companies, and the rate is low, only 10%.

The state takes care of its citizens. The country has a low crime rate, free healthcare. If a person is seriously ill and needs an operation abroad, the state will pay for his treatment. Tourists come to Qatar with pleasure. It is very beautiful here, and there is something to see.

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