10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius – brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Back in the 843th century, there were two Christian empires in Europe. One of them was Byzantium, and the other – Frankia. Around XNUMX there was a division among the royal heirs. Among these lands were places where pagan Slavs lived.

At that time, the official language of Byzantium was Greek, while that of Francia was Latin. But the people who lived here used a variety of languages. Glade, Drevlyans, Vyatichi and many others lived here.

It is worth saying that the state of the Rus was just beginning to emerge. It was here, on the seashore, in a small town called Thessalonica, that two people lived – two future saints, equal to the apostles. In our article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius.

10 Elder and younger brothers

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Not many people know that Cyril and Methodius were brothers. But initially the boys were not called that. The oldest, strongest and more courageous was named Michael. And the youngest, who was constantly sick, but was already very gifted, was called Konstantin.

The brothers were always friends with each other, the elder took care of the younger. The history of these two people has been studied very carefully. Multiple sources have been preserved that tell about special details from their biography.

9. Cyril has been interested in literature and other sciences since childhood

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

The brothers were born into a rather rich and noble family. My father was a famous military man. There was a lot of speculation about the origin of these two brothers.

According to one of the most common versions, they had Greek roots. But scientists in the XNUMXth century defended their Slavic origin, based on the fact that they were fluent in the Slavic language. But the Bulgarians believe that they belonged to the Bulgarian family.

But it is worth noting that the city of Thessalonica, in which they lived, was considered a bilingual city. When an analysis of the language of the brothers’ translations was carried out, it showed that they spoke the Slavic language as their mother tongue.

But after both brothers were educated, their paths through life diverged, but not for long. Since childhood, Cyril was interested in literature and other sciences, he was a very gifted person.. Even after his death, information remains that repeatedly emphasizes the depth and breadth of his knowledge.

Konstantin later became a professor at the capital’s Constantinople University. The first task he received was to defend the truth of Christianity in front of other Gentiles.

8. Cyril taught philosophy

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Cyril studied with the best teachers in philosophy, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy. Then he, after completing his studies, entered into marriage. After that, he was consecrated a reader and sent to serve in the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople.

But one day he neglected his position and decided to retire from the monastery. For a long time he lived in seclusion. Subsequently, he was forcibly returned to the city and appointed to teach philosophy at the university where he himself once studied. It was there that he got his nickname Konstantin the Philosopher. It is worth noting that Cyril led many people to the Christian faith.

7. Methodius was a commander

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

But Methodius decided to take a completely different path. He went to military service. Subsequently became a ruler in one of the Byzantine principalities. It was there that he was able to get acquainted with the Slavic language. But after some time he decides to leave this way of life and become a monk.

After he takes monastic vows, he goes to the monastery, which was located on a mountain called Olympus.

6. Uncovering the relics of St. Clement

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Hieromartyr Clement was considered the bishop of Rome. Lived in the 1st century after Christ. Then he was called the Pope, but earlier the word was not associated with the Catholic Church, as it is now.

Clement was baptized by the apostle Peter himself and became the successor of the great work. For example, in just one day he could lead almost 500 people or more to Christ.

For a very long time, together with other people, he worked at the quarry. There I was able to meet 2000 Christians who were condemned to such hard labor. The poor people were completely without water, but Clement consoled the people. Through his prayer, a spring of water gushed out in the desert.

When the emperor Troyan found out about this, he ordered the saint to be drowned. It is worth noting that every year on the day of his memory, the sea parted, and all believers could worship the relics.

Then, around the 9th century, his remains were no longer available to people. They could no longer venerate them. Later, Cyril and Methodius arrived in the city. The brothers began to convince the flock and the clergy to find the relics of the saint and transfer them to a certain place. After the prayer, at midnight, the relics of St. Clement appeared on the surface of the water. That’s when they got it..

It is worth noting that in Kyiv the veneration of the saint spread almost immediately after Prince Vladimir was baptized in the Crimean waters. After he brought faith to Rus’. At present, Saint Clement is revered by people as the protector of the Russian land.

5. Liturgical books translated into Slavonic

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Cyril and Methodius translated many books for worship into Slavonic. This happened when they went to the lands of Moravia. Divine services were held here in the unfamiliar Latin language.

Then Prince Rostislav was forced to find services in their native language, because there was no tradition in the Eastern Church to impose a new language. The prince decided to apply to Constantinople with a request to send knowledgeable teachers who would help translate these books into a completely different language.

It was then that Konstantin headed here, taking with him his brother Methodius and the best students for a great cause and help. Together they were able to translate from Greek into Slavonic books, without which it is impossible to perform divine services, namely, the Gospel, the Psalter, as well as the Apostle and other selected services. After the translation was completed, services began to be held in Slavonic.

4. Many countries and peoples consider them theirs.

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Cyril and Methodius have long been considered the patrons of the entire Slavic people. They have made an invaluable contribution to the lives of many people. The brothers brought the Christian faith to everyone, taught the language. That is why even now, many peoples and countries consider them their own.

3. Had a priesthood

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Both brothers were priests. Cyril received the rank of priest and was appointed to the library of the St. Sophia Church, the custodian. But later he left this place and went to serve in the monastery. And Methodius received the rank of Archbishop of Moravia. And he was ordained by the Pope himself.

2. False accusations against Methodius

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Methodius was repeatedly accused of heresy. He was often summoned to Rome, where he recited the Creed Prayer in the presence of the curia. But he managed to justify himself, as it was slander. But the accusation continued to follow him for many years. Once, even Pope John the Tenth protested against the false teaching that was associated with the name of Saint Methodius.

1. Compiled the Slavic alphabet

10 interesting facts about Cyril and Methodius - brothers, creators of the Slavic alphabet

Almost everyone knows that brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet. Together with the students, they compiled the alphabet, after which they began to translate all the books from Greek into Slavic.

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