10 interesting facts about Chernobyl – a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Almost everyone knows a city in the Kyiv region of Ukraine called Chernobyl. It is located on the Pripyat River. The first mention of it goes back to 1193. Then he was listed inlist of Russian cities near and far».

Not far away they built a large castle, which was separated by a large moat. Around the beginning of the 17th century, it began to be reconstructed and subsequently turned into a very inaccessible fortress. And Chernobyl became the main district center.

It is worth noting that Counts Khodkevichi also lived here. In 1896, they decided to sell this city to the state, along with the castle and their house. As of 1898, more than 10 thousand people lived here.

Everything changed after the accident at the nuclear power plant. It was one of the worst and biggest accidents in history. We see its consequences to this day. In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about Chernobyl.

10 The largest release of radioactive substances into the environment

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

On April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident occurred at a nuclear power plant near Pripyat, which caused huge release of radioactive substances into the environment.

The explosion occurred on the 4th block. Experts assure that unsuccessful experiments during work are to blame. About one hundred and ninety tons of various harmful substances were released into the atmosphere at one moment.

It is worth mentioning that only eight out of one hundred and forty tons were in the air, and all the rest continued to leave the explosion site as a result of the fire. It didn’t stop for 2 whole weeks.

9. Initially, they tried to hide the disaster

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Documents related to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were completely classified. But the indifference of the authorities to the people was simply amazing. At that time, May Day was celebrated. People walked through the streets and did not know that death itself reigns in the air.

Gorbachev remained silent to the last. He announced the accident only on May 13. Information about the victims, as well as the degree of infection, was concealed.. But it is worth noting that in the West it became known about the accident that evening (April 26), but the USSR kept deathly silence. Many believe that this is what led to the collapse of the USSR, since the system was built on a lie.

8. The evacuation began only after a couple of days

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

The evacuation of the population after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant began only after 2 days. Despite the fact that everything was very serious, the process went smoothly. At that time, people were sure that they would soon be able to return back to their homes. You were allowed to take only the most necessary things with you. Ahead of them was the pass, as well as arrangement in a new place.

Initially, the evacuation of residents began from a 15 km zone, and then it was decided that it was necessary to take out people who were also 30 km away.

About 1100 buses were used to transport people. People were settled in hostels and shelters. Later they were given places to work.

7. Nearby countries were affected by the disaster

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Many countries were affected by the accident. A cloud of radiation spread to Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Literally in 2 days, the consequences reached the Scandinavian countries.

Infected clouds have traveled across the entire northern hemisphere. A map was also created on which it was possible to trace all the infected areas. Some were affected to a greater extent, some slightly.

6. Mutations of native animals

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

After harmful substances entered the atmosphere, rumors began to circulate that many animals had mutated. Anyone who caught sight of them was horrified.

But no one knows for sure if this is true or not. That radiation had no effect on life is, of course, impossible. After a long time, scientists still recorded mutations in some species of animals and plants.

It is worth noting that the first thing that experts noticed was gigantism in many shrubs and flowers. At the same time, their color spoke volumes. As a result of the accident, new species of animals and birds appeared. They were able to adapt to new conditions.

For almost four years in a row, after the accident in one of the regions of Ukraine, animals with terrible deformities were born. They were missing limbs, missing eyes, missing ribs. Currently, these cases are not so frequent. Only short life spans of rodents are noted, short horns in some species of beetles.

5. The work of other reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was resumed after the explosion

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

After the explosion, a concrete sarcophagus was built in the fourth power unit, which absorbed all the debris from radiation. Decontamination works were also constantly carried out.

But what is surprising is that after 6 months, the remaining units of the nuclear power plant started their work. In 1986, the first and second power units were launched. After another six months and the third. But the public and other European countries were often indignant and under this pressure, the station was closed. But finally it happened only in 2000.

4. Near the Exclusion Zone live people who have not left their homes

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

After the accident, all people were evacuated to live in other cities. Such as Slavutich. This is one of the young cities of Ukraine. It was specially built for the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and their families. The first settlement took place already in 1987.

But some residents refused to evacuate and stayed in Chernobyl and its outskirts.. Officially, no one lives here, as the environment even now remains too polluted. The air and soil are poisoned by radiation.

Ivan Shamyanok serves as an example for many. He refused to move and never regretted it. He claims that he has not experienced any signs of illness for all the time.

There are about 200 such people, they live quietly in their villages and villages on the territory of the Exclusion Zone. But, in fact, life in these places is considered illegal. But in Pripyat itself, which is located 3 km from the nuclear power plant, you won’t find anyone.

3. Radiation will continue to rise in these places for a long time to come.

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Currently, 33 years have passed since the accident, but radiation will be increased in these places for a long time to come.. For example, a high level is now contained on vehicles that are in the forest.

The radiometer shows high doses of radiation only in some places. For example, you should not be in an amusement park.

2. People are still suffering from the consequences of the disaster.

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Even now, people are suffering from the consequences of this terrible catastrophe.. Many children are born with pathologies and deformities. A lot of people suffer from cancer, cardiovascular diseases and many others.

1. Excursions are organized to the Exclusion Zone

10 interesting facts about Chernobyl - a tragedy, the consequences of which will haunt people for a long time to come

Currently, there are excursions to the Exclusion Zone. The most popular are two-week trips. Previously, guests were accommodated in Slavutych, but after a small hostel was built in Chernobyl, everything became much easier.

Mostly book excursions for 2 or 5 days. But you can also come here on an individual basis. All questions must be discussed with the company in advance.

It is worth noting that the guides choose only places where the radiation is not so strong and will not bring much harm to a person. Impressions from staying in such places are certainly unforgettable.

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