10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok – an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Alexander Blok is known as a Russian poet, publicist and playwright. It is considered one of the representatives of Russian symbolism. His father was an excellent lawyer and came from noble families. Mother was only 18 years old when she got married. The girl belonged to the noble Beketov family. Unfortunately, the marriage was unsuccessful. She lived with her husband until her son was born.

Having broken off relations with Alexander Blok (Alexander Alexandrovich’s father), she never resumed them. Once she was able to get a divorce from the Synod. After she married an officer, but left her beloved son the name of her ex-husband.

After little Sasha lived with his mother and stepfather in an apartment that was located in St. Petersburg, on its very outskirts.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok – his biography and life stories that influenced his work.

10 He was married to the daughter of Mendeleev

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Alexander Blok married the daughter of Dmitry Mendeleev – Lyuba. He loved her very much, but many say that their marriage was very strange.

Sasha believed that physical intimacy would always be an obstacle to spiritual intimacy, but Love dreamed of simple female happiness. That’s why she had to look for him with someone else.

Lyuba and Sasha met when they were still very young. He was only one year older than her. Feelings arose between them almost immediately. But at first they were ambiguous, since Love did not show any attention to him. And the boy fell in love with her for her seriousness and inaccessibility.

Soon their communication stopped, but after a while it resumed again. Then Blok realized that this was a fate that should not be missed. In his girlfriend, he saw the ideal image of the Beautiful Lady. Her father was very happy that her daughter decided to marry the grandson of his old friend, Professor Beketov.

But Blok decided that spiritual intimacy was more important. Thus, Love fell under the spell of Alexander’s close friend. Subsequently, it grew into something serious.

9. He wrote his first verse at the age of five

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Since childhood, the boy often came to the estate of his grandfather for the summer. It was located eight kilometers from the house of the famous chemist Mendeleev. Exactly there Sasha was able to write his first poem when he was only five years old. Then, at the age of ten, he wrote a second verse for a magazine called The Ship.

8. Served in the engineering and construction troops

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

In 1916, it so happened that Sasha was called to serve in the engineering and construction troops.. He was enrolled in the thirteenth squad as a simple timekeeper.

His squad was on the territory of the Pinsk swamps. Alexander spent almost 7 months at the front. He dug trenches. He showed himself as an exemplary official. He also tried to improve the life of builders in the war.

Then, in 1917, he was summoned to Petrograd in order to take part in the work of the commission of inquiry as an editor.

7. He studied at the university, where his grandfather was the rector

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

In 1891, the boy was sent to the Vvedensky gymnasium in the 2nd grade. It was here that he began to try himself as a small writer. He tries to compose prose, poetry.

In 1898 Sasha graduated from high school and enters the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University. It is worth noting that in this place the rector was his own grandfather.

But three years later, he decides to leave for the Slavic-Russian department. Here he also meets such people as Sergey Gorodetsky, Alexei Remizov and others. One of his close friends is Mikhail Solovyov, who was considered his second cousin.

6. Suspected of anti-Soviet conspiracy

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Blok always dreamed of equality and brotherhood. So many times he had high hopes for the revolution. More than once I convinced myself that if a new government comes, it will only bring prosperity to all the people.

Once the Bolsheviks suspected Alexander of an anti-Soviet conspiracy. In 1919 he was arrested, but then, after some time, he was released. He then became very ill and soon died.

5. Before his death, he tried to destroy his own manuscripts

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Alexander did not live just a few months before his forty-one years. Many noted that he burned right before his eyes, he had nothing more to breathe. Man has lost any meaning in life.

Official documents indicate that Blok died of exhaustion. Such a diagnosis was often made to Petrograders. They looked exhausted and completely exhausted. Alexander was constantly malnourished, his teeth fell out badly, fainting occurred.

His friends said that he was losing his last strength, suffering from terrible pain. Doctors constantly injected him with morphine. His wife recalled those days with horror. Sometimes, out of anger, Sasha broke dishes, broke chairs at home.

This also applies to his writings. He decided that he did not want to leave anything after his death. All works, manuscripts, copies of the works of the writer tore, and then burned to the ground.

The doctor often advised Blok to go somewhere abroad in order to take a break from this life. But he didn’t agree. Once, however, he applied for an exit visa, but the government was afraid that the poet would begin to criticize the authorities abroad. A positive decision on his departure came just a few months before his death.

The death of the poet caused a great resonance not only in Russia, but also abroad. We talked about it a lot. Great minds took it hard. Many argued that the writer could have been saved if he had gone abroad in time.

4. In addition to his wife, he was in love with Lyubov Andreeva-Delmas

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Almost everyone knew that in addition to his wife, Sasha Blok was in love with actress Vera, whom he met while staging one of the plays.

Block just went crazy for this woman. He sent her flowers, wrote poetry. There were rumors that he was even ready to part with his wife, just to see the one who liked his heart so much.

Sasha was also in love with the singer Lyubov Andreeva-Delmas. The poet met her in 1913. For a couple of months they met, spent time together. He read his poems to her, and she sang romances for him. But Blok soon began to miss his wife greatly and the couple broke up.

3. The poet was fascinated by socialism

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Not many people know that Blok was strongly fascinated by socialism. Some said that from him it was as if always “breathed true».

Life was something unsaid and unfinished. That is why the writer created his own language, the meaning of which is not revealed in words.

2. The wife of the poet gave birth to a child from another man

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

Since Blok was often with other women, his wife could not find peace. She knew that she was left to her own devices.

But Luba also had affairs on the side. She confessed to her husband about her connections with the poet Chulkov. Once it happened that the woman became pregnant from the actor Lavidovsky.

But Alexander agreed to raise someone else’s child. This happened for the reason that he could not have his own. But, unfortunately, the baby died eight days after his birth.

1. Performed at the Bolshoi Drama Theater

10 interesting facts about Alexander Blok - an outstanding poet of the Silver Age

In 1919, Sasha decided to take the post of chairman of the administration at the Bolshoi Drama Theater, which opened on February 15 that same year.

Blok was engaged not only in the selection of repertoire, but also explained many scenes to the actors, attended rehearsals. And also delivered an opening speech every time before performances.

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