10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

Each country surprises in its own way and makes you see old things in a new light. Many want to go to India, anticipating miracles waiting at every step …

Someone writes that you should definitely visit India, and someone says that you shouldn’t even think about it. How many people, so many opinions.

In any case, it is up to you to decide whether to visit this country or not, but at least a little bit of interesting facts about India will be useful to everyone.

10 At least 14 million slaves

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

In India at least 14 million slavesand many of them are women and children. The women are usually from poor families, without education, and are forced into prostitution and backbreaking work. The same applies to children.

For a long time, no one knew about this phenomenon, and some countries could not even think that such terrible things were happening in India.

This is due to the incompetence of law enforcement agencies, the corruption of the authorities.

9. Celebrate the day of death

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

The people of India adhere to Hinduism, but it is more than a religion – it is a way of life.

In accordance with tradition, on the day of the funeral, relatives hold a celebration near the deceased. They believe that the soul after death will continue its mission and be reborn in a new body.

But for the rebirth to happen correctly, it is important to follow the rules of the funeral. The body is burned, the son, who is the oldest in the family, is entrusted with the ashes of the deceased, he must pour it into a reservoir, and it does not matter what it is: the sea, ocean or lake.

At the funeral, no one cries, but, on the contrary, they happily escort the deceased to a new life.

8. marijuana cocktails

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

The mind-altering drug called marijuana can be used by Indians for any purpose. Here this product is legal, and it is associated with the tradition and religion of Hinduism.

If you look into ancient books, you can find a positive attitude towards the use of marijuana. It is she who is able to bring a person closer to God.

Shiva – the god of Hinduism, smoked weed, so the people of India believe that cannabis frees the mind, promotes meditation and raises the human soul “to the heights.”

The preparation of milkshakes with marijuana is common here. As well as cannabis is added to different dishes.

7. For dowry they can kill

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

The tradition of dowry originated a very long time ago and is still relevant in India. When young people want to get married (and often this happens at the initiative of their parents), then the bride and her family have to give a large amount of money to the whole family of the groom.

In “Tihar” there are prisoners who have committed serious crimes. One section is called the “mother-in-law section” because women are implicated in the attempt on their daughter-in-law or even murder.

Being a daughter-in-law is not at all safe … The reason is the dowry paid by the parents of the daughter-in-law to the family of the future groom.

6. 53% of houses without running water and sewerage

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

It’s even more than half. The sewerage of India was created according to ancient technologies – that is, there is an ordinary groove near the road, along which the risers move to any body of water. From time to time, the sewers are cleaned, but the smell is unbearable …

To live in India for a long time and have good immunity, you need to be born there. In India, there is no central sewerage, but there is a drain. That is, if you want to drink a glass of water, then most likely this glass was previously washed in a basin in which 1000 glasses and other dishes were previously washed.

In the state, people die every day from car tires, unsanitary conditions and polluted air.

5. The largest number of vegetarians in the world

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

Most Indians follow a plant-based diet. This is due to the Hindu religion, but among the inhabitants there are 800 million, the remaining 200 are Muslims, and they are not supporters of such nutrition.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that most of the inhabitants are vegetarians, the state cooks very tasty dishes from lamb or chicken.

The Golden Temple of the Harmandir Sahib regularly distributes free meals for the poor and those who do not own their own homes.

Some of the most popular dishes are paneer (traditional dish), biryani (a fragrant dish with a lot of spices), naan (wheat cake). These dishes are definitely worth a try.

4. More than 1000 languages ​​spoken in India

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

India is a land of mysteries… linguists have found out that Indians speak over 2 dialects. In schools, children are taught in 58 languages. Newspapers are printed in 87 languages.

If you want to go to India, then a dictionary is unlikely to help you, better learn the official Indian language Hindi, half of the inhabitants know it for sure! This language is widely spoken in Northern India.

To learn how to speak, start with simple words like yes (haan), no (nahin), etc. This language is not as difficult to master as it might seem.

3. Mumbai polluted air

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

As elsewhere in large cities, in India, residents suffer from car exhaust fumes. It becomes physically difficult to breathe because of the smog. China is considered to be the most affected by this problem, but things are even worse in Mumbai.

One day in this city is like smoking over a hundred cigarettes.. According to the data, 1,5 million local residents die every year in Mumbai from asthma, respiratory diseases and lung cancer.

2. High death rate

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

In India, people regularly die on the roads. There is no traffic regulation in the cities, and on the roads it is quite intense. In order not to get hurt, to pass safe and sound across the road, you need to have a real talent. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling under the wheels of a car, motorcycle, etc.

Also people can die on the bus due to suffocation because it is packed with people. Children are dying in hospitals, as well as women who are expecting a baby, because there is no highly qualified care in India.

1. Over 25% of the population is illiterate

10 interesting and sometimes even shocking facts about India

In India, there is a huge contrast between the poor and those who have taken place in life. According to research, it has been found that Indians live even poorer than in Africa. Most have no electricity, clean water, unsanitary conditions. The houses do not even have a toilet, so people have to defecate outside their shacks – on the street.

Of course, there is no question of any education. And the Taj Mahal (mosque, white marble palace) is located not far from the shacks. In India only 65% ​​of the population is educated, among men it is 75%, the rest are women.

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