10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family

Most people consider indoor plants an element of decor, and some endow them with the ability to purify the air of negative energy and saturate it with oxygen.

In fact, flowers were domesticated for many reasons, one of which is the ability to attract prosperity, happiness and goodness to the family.

Some flowers are specially given to newlyweds so that their fate develops in the best possible way. Others pick up indoor seedlings in order to help conceive heirs. Still others acquire plants for work teams in order to neutralize the negative energy of strangers.

Consider 10 indoor flowers that have amazing energy and are famous for their beneficial properties.

10 Calathea

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family This plant is considered an ascetic among the world of flora – and it looks quite restrained, and its maintenance needs are modest, because it can be without water for a long time.

South American tribes used the strong leaves of the flower in basket weaving, so since then it has symbolized the “full cup”, a long-lasting and lasting marriage.

Calathea is considered a female flower that can be presented to a pregnant woman, friend, mother or bride with a wish of happiness and personal peace of mind.

The life of the plant is from 4 years, even if there is no proper care and regular watering. The flower will help keep the family patience and the ability to make concessions.

9. Anthurium

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family And this plant already favors the representatives of the stronger sex, giving them masculinity and self-confidence.

If you give a flower to a single man, then he will begin to have increased attention from women. Anthurium will give family men happiness, prosperity and harmony. The flower will also help an unmarried girl, helping her meet her chosen one as soon as possible.

Most of all, anthurium helps in love, since even its large leaves resemble hearts in shape.

With proper and regular care, this flower will delight the family with year-round color. By the way, anthurium is still quite poisonous, so pets should not be allowed to eat its leaves.

8. Myrtle

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family It is customary to give the plant to newlyweds, which will bring peace, friendship and honesty to the created family. It is believed that if a myrtle bush grows in a family, then the spouses will become a reliable support for each other and will be able to restrain outbursts of irritation and anger.

Perhaps people have associated such “magic” properties of the flower with its ability to give a soothing and mild fragrance. Even from the Greek language “myrtle” means “balm”, and maybe in terms of personality – it’s just the same “balm for the soul.”

A plant with good care in length can reach a meter, especially if it is provided with a sunny side. Myrtle also loves regular and frequent watering, spraying leaves. The latter can be used in the future for the manufacture of healing tinctures and balms.

7. Oxalis

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family The shape of the leaves of this plant is somewhat reminiscent of clover, that is, it can already be associated with happiness and Fortune. A flower is often given for the holidays with a wish of good luck and success in all undertakings.

The four-leaf sour is considered valuable, which will help the owner gain unprecedented luck in all fields.

The taste of such a fruit is quite sour, as it contains healthy oxalic acid. Interestingly, oxalis has a different shade of leaves (from green to lilac), as well as bright flowers (white, pink or yellow).

Oxalis loves regular weekly watering and withers quickly in the sun, so it is suitable for decorating a desktop or boudoir. Seasonal fertilizers for the flower will also be relevant.

6. Geranium

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family Blooming geranium is considered one of the oldest indoor flowers due to its benefits, unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering.

In nature, there are more than four hundred species. The flower symbolizes life experience and wisdom, therefore it is often the talisman of the elderly. It can be given by older generations to younger ones as a wish for happiness on the path of life.

Also, geranium will improve the atmosphere in the house – its phytondia produce an antiviral effect in the air, and volatile ether compounds provide peace and relaxation after a working day.

It is also believed that the flower “extinguishes” too violent emotions and irascibility, so it can be presented to people who are in a quarrel or in a difficult relationship.

5. rose flower

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family The queen of flowers is always a welcome gift, and indoor hibiscus (Chinese rose) promises romantic impulses for a new owner.

It is customary to give a flower to single people or married couples, in whom the “light” of love suddenly began to cool. Red inflorescences symbolize passion, exacerbation of feelings, the second “honeymoon”.

Hibiscus is very easy to grow in an apartment to a sprawling bright bush. Juicy flowers calmly endure the summer heat, especially if you do not forget to spray. By regularly watering and feeding hibiscus, you get a real energy charm for your family happiness.

4. Violet

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family Delicate and touching violet is considered to be a symbol of peace and harmony. In families where this whimsical flower takes root and blooms, household members practically do not come into conflict and solve problems amicably.

Violet also symbolizes devotion to each other and harmony in the family. People who are going through a difficult period in life are advised to have a white violet, which will help alleviate mental anguish and tune in to peaceful optimistic thinking.

The Uzambara violet is also a talisman of eternal love, which will delight both newlyweds and strong long-term unions. Of course, the violet is a rather capricious flower that requires its “ideal” location in the room.

3. Aikhrizron

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family A plant with a funny name is designed to bring prosperity and well-being to your family. The universal tree is popular with lovers of indoor flowers, as well as those who are looking for a worthy gift for loved ones.

A thick stem and fleshy leaves, vaguely resembling a heart, favorably distinguish the flower from a number of other similar ones. Such a “tree of love” can be a great gift for February 14th. Moreover, his natural endurance and ability to survive in difficult conditions will help to keep the harmony even among those who quarreled.

2. Chlorophytum

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family The unpretentious flower rightfully deserved the title of “family happiness”, giving stability, tranquility and harmony to the household. Chlorophytum attracts prosperity and love to the house, and also gives success in life plans.

Thanks to the lush rosettes, the flower is also a chic decoration for any interior. It is often taken apart for gifts precisely because it is considered a real “patron” of the family, protecting it additionally from bacteria and pathogens in the house, purifying the air.

1. Spathiphyllum

10 indoor plants that bring prosperity to the family This flower (otherwise called “female happiness”) strengthens relationships between people. He can give a lonely woman the joy of meeting with a betrothed, childless couples will help to conceive a baby, and family renew their feelings.

Spathiphyllum care is simple, most importantly, moderately, but regularly water and remove it from direct sunlight. And then the family “assistant” will soon please with a bright white color.

A properly selected home flower can become a real symbol and talisman of the family, bring happiness and wealth, and even cure some chronic diseases.

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