10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

Sleep is the time when our reaction to the world around us decreases. It is inherent in everyone: both humans and animals, and even insects. Good sleep is very important for health, lack of sleep affects the appearance and general condition.

Despite the fact that a person is resting in a dream, this does not prevent him from facing strange and inexplicable sensations. Some things are still a mystery to science…

What are these strange things? We learn from the article.

10 Sleep paralysis

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

A person can wake up at night or in the morning, and feel already awake and conscious. But when he tries to get up, scream, move his hand – he does not succeed …

At this moment, it seems to a person that this state will never pass, but after he falls asleep and then wakes up again, it passes.

But at the moment of paralysis, a person is very scared, he starts to panic, it may seem to him that he is falling down … Those who have often had paralysis can recognize this condition and calm themselves.

Sleep paralysis occurs when the muscles “turn off” while the brain stays awake. When we fall asleep, in a dream we are paralyzed so that we cannot perform any actions.

9. Conversation in a dream

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

A person can talk in a dream and even be embarrassed if someone hears his babble … It happens that a person wakes up and understands what he is saying.

People who talk in their sleep suffer from somniloquia (speech activity during sleep), which is quite common. This is not a dangerous condition, but it can bring discomfort to those who do not want to be listened to.

Sleep talking can be caused by overwork and stress. Also, if a person makes a decision with which he does not agree, he may start talking in his sleep.

8. Dream within a dream

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

A dream in a dream feels like a person has just woken up and was glad that all the frightening events happened to him in a dream, but for some reason strange things continue to happen …

This means that the awakening was a dream, and the person continues to sleep, while experiencing fear.

A dream in a dream can be a dream if a person raves about rest. In this unusual way, the brain gives a signal that it is time to start distracting.

7. Recurring dreams

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

Probably, every person has come across such a phenomenon as recurring dreams. The same story can be played every day or even after 5 years…

A person wakes up and understands that the dream that he just had was already dreamed of once … It may have slightly different details, but in general, his feelings during sleep and what is happening are the same. What does it mean?

Recurring dreams may indicate that a difficult situation is occurring in a person’s life, which he cannot resolve in any way. Or his decision conflicts with internal settings. The dream will be repeated until the person resolves the situation.

6. Exit to the astral

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

Exit to the astral plane in a dream, as a rule, is not recognized by a person. He goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, as usual, and does not even realize that he is in the dream of everything that happens. He either wakes up for real, or continues to be in the world of dreams.

A person may not notice how his physical body has remained in place, but sometimes it happens differently – he can see himself from the outside, and be very scared of this.

In this state, a person is half asleep, half awake. Such an experience is called differently – astral, lucid dream, false awakening, etc., but in any case, the dreamer is outside his body.

5. Illumination during sleep

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

Sometimes we do not know what to do in a given situation – this may concern different areas. For example, a musician does not know what melody to choose for his music, and a mathematician cannot solve a very difficult problem…

In a dream, an answer to an exciting question may come, a person can only remember and document it.

While you sleep, an insight comes to you, the subconscious mind tries to help. Everyone knows that Mendeleev saw the periodic table of chemical elements in a dream.

4. Somnambulism

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

There is a condition called sleep paralysis in which a person wakes up but cannot move. Sleepwalking is the opposite. The person is asleep, but muscle paralysis does not occur.

In a state of somnambulism, a person walks, he can even find himself outside the doors of his house and walk to distant distances from him. Sleepwalking is a disease that carries a danger to others, because a sleeping person can kill.

The next morning, lunatics do not remember anything from what happened to them. Treatment methods are still unknown, in no case should you wake up a lunatic – this threatens him with a mental disorder.

3. Hypnogagic hallucinations

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

When a person has almost fallen asleep, but still remains awake, then, being conscious, he sees pictures in front of him – these can be fantastic creatures, images that are terrifying. These imaginary sensations seem real.

Image, sound, smell, taste – all this is felt only in the mind. Hypnogagic hallucinations are often associated with a sleep disorder such as narcolepsy.

Such hallucinations can be caused by stress or a very rich imagination. They differ from sleep in that a person feels everything as in reality.

2. Fall into bed

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

Sometimes people have the feeling that they fall and end up on the bed. After the experience, they wake up abruptly and shudder. Before this, there may be a dream in which a person ran, fell, stumbled … It is very unpleasant to experience this.

The state of sleep is somewhat similar to death – a person’s heartbeat, breathing slows down, and muscle tone becomes reduced. The “brain” is truly frightened, and perceives this as death, and, by sending impulses to the muscles, checks whether the person is alive.

1. Exploding Head Syndrome

10 incredible strange things that happen to a person in a dream

A person wakes up from an explosion or a deafening shot. It seems to him that he heard some sounds in reality.

This is a rare and unusual severe disorder where sounds occur in the person’s head, sometimes accompanied by pictures in the form of lightning flashes. The phenomenon causes horror in people, they think that they have experienced a stroke.

This syndrome can occur in people who fly frequently and face different time zones, as well as in those who suffer from insomnia. For some reason, there is a burst of neural activity in the areas of the brain responsible for sound processing.

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