10 incredible features of the human body

The human body is an amazing machine, so to speak. He is able to heal himself on his own, to deal with difficult life trials into which a person drives him.

It would seem that in the XNUMXst century, all the features and capabilities of the human body should be studied up and down. But in fact, everything is not so simple. The body still presents surprises and “tells” a person about its amazing capabilities.

10 Half of the body is solid bacteria

10 incredible features of the human body

Bacteria are friends, like-minded people in the formation of immunity. The human body is very useful products of their vital activity, which, integrating into metabolic processes and competing with each other, make people resistant to various kinds of viral and bacterial diseases. Prevent aging.

Bacterial associations are spread over the skin. Their presence on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal cavity, vagina, along the entire length of the intestine is indispensable.

In the struggle for their bacterial existence, they destroy the aggressors by digestion, rapid reproduction and simply “squeezing” the vital space from the invaders. That’s for sure, a holy place is never empty.

The fact that bacterial families are friendly with their bacterial neighbors is valuable. If you need to quickly form a defense, their ranks literally close. They have only one enemy – man!

It is he who believes that antibiotics are useful and tries to wash, “clysmize”, irrigate everything that his hands reach. Thoughtless, mechanical flushing, intervention according to the principle “I am big, and everything is possible for me” is not only harmful, it is dangerous and directly poses a threat to human life.

9. The stomach turns red with us

10 incredible features of the human body

There are more than enough situations in a person’s life when the stomach turns red. These are stresses, a sense of danger, anxiety, fear, trauma, prolonged physical activity, through special control systems, the protective hormone adrenaline is released. It is he who narrows the vessels of the abdominal organs. Skin. Mucous membranes.

A person has a feverish blush, a gleam in the eyes. The level of wakefulness rises. As soon as the situation in life returns to normal, the redness of the skin will subside, the gastric mucosa will become evenly pink or dull.

8. Emotions create false memories

10 incredible features of the human body

In false memories, the facts that were in reality are modified, it is possible to transfer them to another time. Sometimes they can be surrounded by fictional events.

Real suffering is caused by a situation when some fact is forgotten, but it retains its importance for a person and he replaces it with fiction, fantastic information. Human memory constantly reconstructs the past. And that’s great.

Everyone at least once had a situation where the same event was covered in different ways depending on the listener. It is important that when the emotional coloring of a well-forgotten episode in life flares up again, a listener is needed who will kindly help to survive the surging memories.

7. Incredible amount of bacteria inside the navel

10 incredible features of the human body

The navel is a scar on the anterior abdominal wall left after the removal of the umbilical cord. It looks different for every person. In some, it is like a convex formation, in others, on the contrary, it is retracted.

The peculiarity is that bacteria have been found in this small memory of the days gone by. Previously, the navel was tied mechanically. Now they are clamped with a special clamp, leaving a “tail”, which should fall off. At certain times. So, in the first days of life, the weakness of the immune system is diagnosed.

This place is dark in the body, more often covered with clothes, plus wrinkled skin – that’s how a “flat” was formed for microbes to live.

Scientists have recorded associations of up to 3 thousand names. Up to 107 names for one individual person. Doctors suggest carefully taking care of the navel, treating it with an alcohol-containing substance after a shower.

6. Ability for UV vision

10 incredible features of the human body

Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation that occupies the spectral range between visible and X-ray radiation. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation has always been considered inaccessible.

These are the preliminary conclusions. Rhodopsin, a light-sensitive protein found in the retina, is able to perceive radiation through a quantum effect previously known as two-photon absorption.

5. In the morning we are thinner and taller

10 incredible features of the human body

Normally, the human body should get about 7 hours of sleep. If you go to bed at the same time, limit the amount of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks four hours before bedtime, do not eat after seven hours, especially high-calorie foods and, in addition, do not torture yourself with physical activity, you can lose weight.

Restful, refreshing sleep provides the production of sleep hormones. Their task is simple. All vital processes begin to flow at energy-saving speeds. And the temperature of the internal organs should not decrease, under any circumstances.

The phenomenon of growing 1 centimeter per night really exists. The thing is that in a horizontal position, the cartilage tends to decompress. The spasm is removed from the muscular corset.

By evening, upright walking leads to the fact that they again shrink and spasm. It is a pity that there is no tradition to get on all fours during the day (especially for tall people or those who are engaged in heavy physical labor), and slowly walk in this position. The back would definitely say “thank you”.

4. Complete cell regeneration every 10 years

10 incredible features of the human body

It is known that the cells of the human body are renewed. Bones are renewed every 10 years, gradually this process slows down, which leads to bone fragility. Skin – every 2 weeks. Cells lining the stomach – every 5 days. Blood – 120-150 days.

Brain cells do not renew throughout life. The human liver is designed to last 600 years. Nothing is yet known about the heart. The fastest growing organ is the nails.

The processes of regeneration are written in the genes. They are quite flexible and vulnerable. Where organ systems work intensively, reparative processes are accelerated. This is partly why the lifespan is shorter than nature intended. A high-cost lifestyle does not lead to longevity.

3. Taste buds for acidity are located in the heart.

10 incredible features of the human body

An amazing discovery was made by scientists from the University of Kviklinde. Cardiac tissues have receptors that respond to bitter foods. Same as in the mouth.

Interestingly, bitterness does not please the heart. It literally begins to work more slowly, since bitter substances act in a relaxing way on smooth muscles. There are still many mysteries on the way to the discovery of this phenomenon. But it will no longer be possible to retreat from their unraveling.

2. Stomach acid dissolves iron

10 incredible features of the human body

Scientists are rethinking the role of iron in the human body to this day. The body experiences its need every day. And how else, because without iron it is impossible to capture oxygen from the blood. It is capture, and then transportation to needy tissues throughout the body.

Under his representation, the utilization and destruction of toxins, the burning of fats and their transformation into energy are carried out. A person’s appearance changes rapidly when an element is deficient. The skin is dry, the hair is dull, brittle, cracks heal poorly at the corners of the mouth, the body begins to retain water. A little more, and it will be possible to sing a children’s song “I am a water, I am a water, no one is with me.”

The human body is magically conceived. The stomach, the place where the digestion of food occurs most intensively, contains hydrochloric acid. When combined with iron, salt and water are formed. And in those quantities that a person needs at a given time.

Peoples living in hot countries have an innately low level of hydrochloric acid in the body. That is why their culinary recipes contain a lot of spices, just to stimulate hydrochloric acid and high-quality digestion of meat.

1. The composition of mother’s milk varies according to the child

10 incredible features of the human body

The process of conceiving and bearing a child is a miracle. And the same miracle is mother’s milk, which ensures the harmonious development of the newborn. For the first three days, the mammary glands produce colostrum.

Its value is that high amounts of protein are supplied in a small but sufficient volume for the baby, powerful protection against infections begins, and the nourishment of the small organism with salts, vitamins, and minerals.

And at the same time, there is a powerful launch of a “factory” for the production of the most valuable product of growth. The mechanism of positive feedback between mother and child is launched. A person grows and there is an increase in milk volume. Its energy and calorie value is growing.

Surprisingly, the characteristics of milk composition change from feeding to feeding and are ideal for a growing body.

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